Ancient Egypt progressed from the original stepped pyramid of Djosser, to the more sophisticated finished product at Giza. According to Michael Coe, the worlds foremost authority on Olmec culture, There is not the slightest doubt that all later civilizations in Mesoamerica, whether Mexican or Mayan, rest ultimately on an Olmec base.32 Van Sertima adds: The Olmec civilization was formative and seminal: it was to touch all others on this continent, directly or indirectly.33, Olmec monument from Tres Zapotes, Mexico (c. 1100 B.C. . Revised Edition II, 2018. How African was the early human dispersal out of Africa, Dr. Scobie was a major authority on the African presence in early Western Europe. Of course, some Western historians continue to refute this fact because, consciously or unconsciously, they are still hanging on to the 19th-century notion that seafaring was a European monopoly. BLACK SHOGUN AN ASSESSMENT OF THE AFRICAN PRESENCE IN In September 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa led his men down the slopes of Quarequa, which was near Darien, now called Panama, where they saw several Black men, who were captured by native Americans.3 Balboa asked the Indians whence they got them [the Black people], but they could not tell, nor did they know more than this, that men of this color were living nearby and they were constantly waging war with them. The most striking similarities between the two cultures are seen in the magnificent stone structures that have been found on both sides of the Atlantic. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Stone carving of Negroid person found in area close to Washitaw Territories, Southern U.S. Speaking specifically about the African influence on the Olmec culture, historian Zecharia Sitchin provides this view: It is an embarrassing enigma, because it challenges scholars and prideful nationalists to explain how people from, In a world accustomed to suppressing, distorting, ignoring or denying the achievements of Black Africans it is difficult to accept the historical paradigm shift mandated by the evidence presented here. Although eyewitness accounts of early European explorers may be the best evidence of an African presence in the New World that preceded Columbus, it is certainly not the only evidence. The existence of foregone lost civilizations is an established fact. Visions for Black Men Nashville: Winston-Derek, 1991. cit., p.65. Other scholars contend that numerous navigators sailed to the Americas from West Africa when the medieval empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhay flourished in that region.46 In light of the vast evidence available (far more, for example, than that of the Vikings) of an African presence in ancient America, why is this information virtually unknown to the general public? Despite its great size, the workmanship is delicate and sure, its proportions perfect The features are bold and amazingly negroid in character.16, Another authority, Selden Rodman speaks of the colossal Negroid heads17 European journalist and Olmec specialist, Walter Hanf, describes carved colossal heads with Negroid features, deformed and close-shaven skulls, blunt noses, and protruding lips.18 Author and anthropologist Sharon McKern states that the colossal heads are inescapably Negroid.19. Further concrete evidence, noted by Dr. Imhotep and largely ignored by Euro-centric archaeologists, includes Egyptian artifacts found across North America from the Algonquin writings on the East Coast to the artifacts and Egyptian place names in the Grand Canyon.. In Egypt there are numerous sculptures depicting four figurines symbolically holding up the sky. Notes on Mesoamerican Civilization, Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System predating the Anglo American presence; however, in 1847, Mexico lost approximately half of its territory to the United States. Van Sertima states that what clinches the argument for the African presence in early (pre-Columbian) America are the skulls and skeletons of African people that were found on the ancient Olmec site. He furthermore cites a document of Francisco Nunez Vega (1691), who describes an ancient calendar found in Chiapas that mentions seven negritos representing the seven planets., In describing the Olmec head, Melgar wrote that what astonished me was the Ethiopic [Black African] type which it represents. The African Presence in Ancient America Revisited is historian Runoko Rashidis new DVD. Editors note: This article was originally published in 2014. The notion that black Africans braved the roaring waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beat Europeans to the New World threatens a historically white sense of ownership over the seas. AFRICAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSLIM PRESENC1, the early stages of development in both England and Colonial America, citizens were responsible for law Examine the English roots of American policing. Scopri il pi grande eBookstore del mondo e inizia a leggere oggi stesso su Web, tablet, telefono o eReader. Report [ZIP - 21 MB] The Archaeology of 290 Broadway [PDF - 22 MB] Even among the Maya, where Dr. Hammond has found 2000 B.C. Search the history of over 804 billion This analysis explores the various claims made and further discusses whether or not Van Sertima and Afro-centrists have any quantifiable/verifiable evidence to support the "Black America" hypothesis. For instance, ancient portraits of the Quetzalcoatl, a messiah serpent god, and Ek-ahua, the god of war, are unquestionably Negro with dark skin and wooly hair. According to Von Wuthenau, [t]he startling fact is that in all parts of Mexico, from Campeche in the east to the southeast of Guerrero, and from Chiapas, next to the Guatemalan border, to the Panuco River in the Huasteca region (north of Veracruz) archeological pieces representing Negro or Negroid people have been found, especially in archaic or pre-classic sites. There is now undisputed scientific proof that the first Americans were descended from Africans or Australian aborigines, according to evidence in a new BBC documentary. On the strength of the colossal Olmec heads and other evidence, several early Mexican scholars concurred with Melgars contention that Black people settled the New World, particularly Mexico, in antiquity. In his view this fleet was probably led by Phoenician navigators who had been pressed into service by the Nubian pharaohs of Egypt during the twenty fifth dynasty.45. As in Darien, these Africans were also captives of war among the native Americans. "A landmark . These were the first Negroes that had been seen in the Indies.4 Peter Martyr, the first prominent European historian of the New World, stated that the Black men seen by Balboa and his companions were shipwrecked Africans who had taken refuge in the local mountains.5, Father Fray Gregoria Garcia, a priest of the Dominican order who spent nine years in Peru during the early sixteenth century, identified an island off of Cartagena, Columbia as the place where the Spanish first found Black people in the New World. 1940 excavation of a thousand-year-old Olmec site near Veracruz. He also claimed The growing body of evidence is now becoming simply too loud to ignore. On the strength of the colossal Olmec heads and other evidence, several early Mexican scholars concurred with Melgars contention that Black people settled the New World, particularly Mexico, in antiquity. What makes the Tres Zapotes, La Venta and other Olmec sites unique is that the artifacts are similar in nature to artifacts and icons of the Mycenaean, the Malinke-Mande/Bambara and the Shang. Loewen, James A. Jairazbhoy believes that the earliest settlers were ancient Egyptians led by King Ramesis III, during the nineteenth dynasty. The existence of Negroes and giants is commonly believed by nearly all the races of our soil Several archaeological objects found in various locations demonstrate their existence Memories of them in the most ancient traditions induce us to believe that the Negroes were the first inhabitants of Mexico13, Another authority, J.A. Many readers will find the evidence presented here startling. Pre-Columbus civilization in the Americas had its foundation built by Africans and developed by the ingenuity of Native Americans. contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is in contradiction to the most elementary logic and to all artistic experience to suggest that these ancient Olmec artists could have depicted, with such detail, African facial features they had never seen., According to Von Wuthenau, [t]he startling fact is that in all parts of Mexico, from Campeche in the east to the southeast of Guerrero, and from Chiapas, next to the Guatemalan border, to the Panuco River in the Huasteca region (north of Veracruz) archeological pieces representing Negro or Negroid people have been found, especially in archaic or pre-classic sites. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. The unmistakable face and handprint of black Africans in pre-Columbian America, and their overwhelming impact on the civilizations they encountered is undeniable. Many web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, now use their own PDF viewer instead of the Adobe PDF plug-in. (RGS. In the 21st century, some people who identify as Afro-Mexicans are the children and grandchildren of naturalized Black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. The best known artifacts are the giant stone heads, which phenotypically resemble modern day Africans. 5. The original source of this article is Global Research. At the age of 18, African-American Runoko Rashidi discovered the African within him and became an advocate of Pan-Afrikanism, travelling the world documenting the ancient African diaspora in a quest now known as 'The Global African Presence'. Students should have an understanding of their agricultural, economic and . It has now become common knowledge amongst academics that Christopher Columbus clearly did not discover America, not least because is it impossible to discover a people and a continent that was already there and thriving with culture. Historically, the African people have been exceptional explorers and purveyors of culture across the world. The first Mass celebrated in what is now the U.S. took place in 1569 in St. Augustine, Florida under Spanish auspices. In the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) founded by Kubilai Khan, the Black presence is visible in a number of notable paintings. Face of Afro-Olmec child carved on the waste "belt" of an Olmec ballplayer, Back to Historical Views |, Check for historical references and literature, THE VANISHING EVIDENCE OF CLASSICAL AFRICAN CIVILIZATIONS. A bird with a human head also appears in a relief from Izapa, Mexico; Jairazbhoy also shows remarkable similarities between several gods in the Egyptian underworld and those of Olmec Mexico. What cultural impact did the outsiders have on American civilization?29 It would appear that the impact of the African explorers on the New World as a whole was widespread, profound and enduring. German toxicologist, Svetla Balabanova, reported findings of cocaine and nicotine in ancient Egyptian mummies. For example, there are hand-shaped incense spoons found in Olmec sites that are almost identical to their Eyptian counterparts and have similar names. An early Black Californian, a member of the original Black aboriginal people of California and the South Western U.S. A member of one of the original Black nations of the Americas, the Afro-Darienite of Panama. Nearly a dozen other European explorers also found Black people in the Americas when they reached the Western Hemisphere. The contributors draw upon the evidence of cultures in private collections and findings from excavations, and evidence of ancient African mathematics, astronomy, map-making, scripts, navigations, trade routes, pyramidal structures, linguistic connections, and technological and ritual complexes. African Americans History & Culture As time allows us to drift further and further away from the European age of exploration and we move beyond an age of racial intellectual prejudice, historians are beginning to recognize that Africans were skilled navigators long before Europeans, contrary to popular belief. Chief among them was the American Olmec specialist Matthew Stirling. After the Civil War, the racist legacy of slavery . Mayan and African oral traditions speak of pre-Columbian expeditions across the Atlantic from east to west; Who, then, were the Africans who sailed to America in antiquity? Ancient sea-going vessel used by the Egyptians and Nubians in ancient times. AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA, Encouragingly, in a later publication Coe (1994) refrained from a denunciation of an early African ethnic presence, and Dr. Clyde Winters (1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1997, 2005, 2013) has reported the evidence in greater detail. When the skulls were carefully examined, one of the world's leading skull In 1994 they published his address in Race, Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492. <> One of these explorers, Mustafa Zemmouri (also known as Estevanico), was sold by the Portuguese into slavery in 1522. Scientific analysis of the surrounding soil suggests that the skeletons date back to about 1250 A.D.28, Any objective analysis of the evidence clearly shows that Black people reached the Americas thousands of years before Columbus. In The First Americans Were Africans, Dr. Imhotep also makes this same passionate and comprehensive case for a radical rewrite of orthodox history. African Presence in Early America by Ivan Van Sertima, ed. He furthermore cites a document of Francisco Nunez Vega (1691), who describes an ancient calendar found in Chiapas that mentions seven negritos representing the seven planets.9. He could not know Gobekli Tepe, the surrounding settlements, the Natufian villages, etc., all going back to 12,000 years BC which is more than 6,000 or 7,000 years before the Egyptian civilization and 9,000 before the invention of the first known writing system in the Middle East, the Sumerian writing system too often identified as the Akkadian cuneiform writing system because the scribes were Akkadian speaking a Semitic language though the language was Sumerian, a synthetic-analytical language, probably post-agglutinative. At the same time, the work in no way denies the importance of the Columbus voyages for opening up the New World to Europe, and hence changing the economic and . Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, "I Have Been Vindicated," Interview Final Call, 1992, How the Jews Crushed a Black Slave Revolt. Ani, Marimba. How African was the early human dispersal out of Africa, The roots of the Hispanic/Latino presence in the U.S. go back to colonial times when most of the countrys southern flank was under Spanish rule. In an oral tradition recorded in the Titulo Coyoi, a major document of the Maya, the parasol is specifically mentioned as having been brought to the New World by foreigners who traveled by sea from the east.36, The Indian scholar, Rafique Jairazbhoy, has studied the ancient Egyptians and the Olmecs in great detail and has pointed to many other ritual parallels between the two groups. He wrote two articles about this particular head, one in the Boletin de Geografia y Estadistica, and the other in the respected Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica. Joan, Eahr Amelia. Tellingly, all of these pyramids also served the same dual purpose, tomb and temple. He edited the Journal of African Civilizations, which has greatly changed the way in which African history and culture are taught and studied. Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern (Journal of African Civilizations ; Vol. ",#(7),01444'9=82. DuBois Fellow at Harvard Uni- . "The African presence is proven by stone heads, terra cottas, skeletons, artifacts, techniques and inscriptions, by oral traditions and documented history, by botanical, linguistic and cultural data. Mayan and African oral traditions speak of pre-Columbian expeditions across the Atlantic from east to west;41 and the modern explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, has demonstrated that ships modeled after the ancient Egyptian papyrus boat could indeed successfully make such a journey.42 Other Africans also built sturdy, seaworthy ships.43, Who, then, were the Africans who sailed to America in antiquity? 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