Policies for Regional Integration in Africa by T. Ademola Oyejide Introduction African countries have had a fairly long history of repeated attempts to link themselves together, both in various sub-groups and even continent-wide, through several broad types of regional integration and cooperation arrangements. Philippine commentaries portray China as a bully and the US as a defender. Regional Integration in Africa Trudi Hartzenberg Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (tralac) Manuscript date: October 2011 Disclaimer: This is a working paper, and hence it represents research in progress. Finally, some broader implications of the approach are explored, and future research directions are suggested. This study reviews recent initiatives and the experience with regional integration in industrial and developing countries and discusses the implications of the recent expansion of the trend for the multilateral trading system. All rights reserved. This was conceptualised as developing a caregiver identity, and seen to shape their contributions to children’s meaning-making. type of regional integration agreement. This paper presents the positioning diamond as a framework that can be employed in discourse analysis across social science disciplines. Scholarship in IPE has become more sophisticated both methodologically and theoretically, and many of its insights have been incorporated into policy discussions. 4. Examples of Regional Trade Areas. 850 35 : %PDF-1.4 %���� Level of Integration. Integration Speak: Introducing Positioning Theory in Regional Integration Studies, ‘Via Media’ vs. the Critical Path: Constructivism(s) and the Case of EU Identity, The Positioning Diamond: A Trans‐Disciplinary Framework for Discourse Analysis. REGIONAL COOPERATION, AND THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION MAURICE SCHIFF AND L. ALAN WINTERS World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2872, July 2002 The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. For this reason, each subsequent type of the RIA covers the content of the previous type in addition to its own requirements. (1995). For others, however, integration is foremost a political project. 0000007451 00000 n regional policy makers from the ECOWAS region to support deep regional integration based on the reduction of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) and regulatory cooperation. Nevertheless, most of the epistemological, theoretical, empirical and methodological foundations of constructivism remain unclear. More often than not the approach is related to the issue of identity. Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography. REGIONAL COOPERATION, AND THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION MAURICE SCHIFF AND L. ALAN WINTERS World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2872, July 2002 The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. This paper argues that morality is what links structure to agency and that this perspective supports Giddens’ point of view that the agency–structure linkage entails not dualism but duality. This social-psychological perspective is of theoretical and practical use, as it illuminates possibilities for change in conception and action. The argument is illustrated with a consideration of the debates around the redefinition of the role of the Federal Republic of Germany to include the possibility of German military involvement abroad. 0 The SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) is the roadmap for deepening regional integration in SADC. Generate global competition 5. This study reviews recent initiatives and the experience with regional integration in industrial and developing countries and discusses the implications of the recent expansion of the trend for the multilateral trading system. These are "type A" positions, which are attributed to actors in the context of story lines, while secondary "type B" positions are evaluations of whether actors have fulfilled their ascribed rights and duties. • A regional economic integration agreement is the next step: it can include the free movement of capital as well as goods and services A COMMON CURRENCY AND A COMMON ECONOMIC POLICY 10. First, John Searle’s concept of deontic power and Rom Harré’s concept of moral order will be discussed. This article argues that Alexander Wendt's constructivism needs identity as a central concept but that this very concept threatens to undermine the possibility of his constructivism. 1. This social‐psychological perspective is of theoretical and practical use, as it illuminates possibilities for change in conception and action. Regional integration is a process in which countries enter into a regional agreement in order to enhance regional cooperation through regional … In political relations, ... delineated.Tranvag and Kristofferson's (2008) model of caregiver identity being cumulatively built on the substance of past social interactions and meanings and shaping the nature of future ones is, for example, concordant with this perspective. Regional Integration is a process in which neighboring countries enter into an agreement in order to upgrade cooperation through common institutions and rules. 0000024257 00000 n Two central story lines are identified. All content in this area was uploaded by Luk Van Langenhove on Aug 31, 2015, ... 'Positioning theory' was introduced by Harr e and Van , and has emerged as a prominent approach by which to study power dynamics in interpersonal and group relations, and has also been applied to study the conflict between the impersonal entities of places such as regions, ... 'Rights' refer to the range of opportunity for an actor to say or do things, while 'duties' are responsibilities or obligations that an actor is expected to fulfil. In the context of regionalism this means that the communication about regional projects and identities is central to its formation and deepening. Latin America is seen as the part of the world where the EU’s interregional agenda should bear the most fruit, since it shares the same values as the EU (democracy, human rights, nuclear non-proliferation and multilateralism) and has a strong will to counter its strong ties with the US. This will allow to develop a typology of moral orders that distinguishes between cultural, legal, institutional, conversational, and personal moral orders. These claims will be supported by bringing together four mediating concepts to address both how structures come to being and what the substance of structure is. Europe is understood as an experience, a structural body and an institution. This paper critically examines the literature on energy security in Asia and identifies existing gaps. Common currency areas could reduce uncertainty and minimize transaction costs, which also improve trade flows, giving 0000003770 00000 n However, wide disparity exists in terms of its energy security across the regions and between and within countries in Asia. The fate of specific research programs has depended on their ability to specify cause and effect relationships and to operationalize relevant variables. constructivism and identity are, however, in a dangerous liaison. caregiver’s perspective on this, however, is barely known. Members eliminate tariffs among themselves but keep their own tariffs against the rest of the … It includes economic integration of various trading areas of different countries. This paper represents the opinions of the author, and is the product of professional research. a congruent methodology due to its participatory, prospective, and active orientation. 0000008071 00000 n After the so-called eastern crisis engulfed the EU Neighbourhood, attention was drawn in particular to the mismatch between eastern neighbours’ needs and vulnerabilities and the EU assistance, to the changing geopolitical context in the region as well as to the limits of the EU transformative power. Regional integration can be promoted through common physical and institutional infrastructure. Growing flows of refugees and immigrants call into question the state-centred identities and narratives of nationally bounded cultures. Emphasis is placed on opening markets, eliminating trade barriers a… The paper applies positioning theory to analyse how power dynamics are constructed through the distribution of rights and duties between participating stakeholders in two regional-level place marketing projects carried out in Eastern Finland between 2011 and 2014. A large amount of communication was found to occur nonverbally, and seemingly without caregiver intent or awareness. 0000007826 00000 n Trend of the People’s Republic of China’s Exports Shares Conducted by Domestic and Foreign-invested Firms (billion $) 22 2B. PreserveArticles.com is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. (1) Regional Integration In addition to the global economic regime based on the GATT and IMF systems, which has sustained the world economy since World War II, regionalism, through which neighbouring countries seek to strengthen their economies by entering into some form of “regional integration” has become a major trend. Keywords: Economic Integration, Integration Theory, Developing Countries Integration 1 Introduction Regional economic integration is one of the main trends in the development of inter-national economic relations in the last few decades. Free Trade Area. Following the Arab uprisings in North African states, new realities and the changing geopolitics of the region call for a thorough re-think of the strategy, objectives and instruments the EU may adopt vis-à-vis North Africa. PreserveArticles.com is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. The economic integration, in such a context, stays a big project in way, but it still is much too early to talk about its (positive or negative) ending. This is particularly true in the context of South Asia, which has experienced rapid economic growth. 0000000016 00000 n cable to integration arrangement among developing countries and to summarize these theories. It is further suggested that this problem has some relevance to other constructivist approaches positioned in the middle ground between rationalist and reflectivist theorizing. In Southern Africa in particular, with its comparatively small economies, r egional integration was meant to play a crucial role in pursuing common stratgic … The healthy effects of such a regional economic integration are presumed to be as follows: 1. 0000003722 00000 n In particular, people see enhancing energy security through regional cooperation as an important precondition for improving its relationship to regional trade and cooperation. Regional integration can be promoted through common physical and institutional infrastructure. They involve numerous formalised regional cooperation and integration processes at the sub-regional, regional, and Over the last two decades, the energy security landscape has changed enormously at the global, regional, and local levels. 2… The discrimination is something which depends on community and country discrimination as well. There are four main types of regional economic integration. 0000002165 00000 n The study of local moral orders as ever-shifting patterns of rights and obligations of speaking and acting has come to be called by a new name - positioning theory - of which Rom Harré is one of the leading exponents. Baldwin, R., & Venables, A. A challenge for research is to reflect how regions and places come together and what kind of spatial imaginaries and ideologies are involved in this process. 0000005851 00000 n Only if both of these assumptions seem contestable do we have the burden of inventing a distinctive theory of trans-national regional cooperation and integration. 5. The camp of those who advocate political Energy security affects national security as well as the availability, extraction, and utilization of natural resources like water, agriculture land, and mining resources. 1 Types of Economic Integration Bela Balassa (tUSA) L CONCEPTS AND Dk'l'I.V1ITI0\S In the WeNtern economnic liteatuwre, discussionis of the types of economic inte-gration of nationial states have cuistolalily Focused on the various stages of integratiton. 0000061973 00000 n The SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) is the roadmap for deepening regional integration in SADC. applied in the analysis of meaning. The analysis of 24 interviews reveals story lines that unfold as part of a collaborative process between steering group representatives. The objectives of the agreement could range from economic to political, although it has generally become a political economy initiative where commercial purposes are the means to achieve broader socio-political and security objectives. This paper analyses images of Europe, narratives on European identity, and how these images have implied different forms and conceptualizations of spatiality. trailer All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. © 1999, 2006 Charlotte Bretherton and John Vogler. 0000049527 00000 n xref Regional Integration Nicolas FOUCRAS Phd University TEC de Monterrey nicolas.foucras@itesm.mx 2. 3. Currently, regional integration processes are being adopted through market processes that are independent of the government. ... Another interesting attempt at linking constructivism and regionalism was made by. Level of Integration. <]>> Discuss the benefits and drawbacks associated with regional economic integration. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Examples of Regional Trade Areas. The purpose of this report is to provide a brief overview of the various components of the regional 1 Article 35(2) of the Cotonou Agreement states that “Economic and trade cooperation shall build on regional integration initiatives of ACP States, bearing in mind that regional integration is a key instrument for the integration 6. economic benefits of multidimensional integration 7. conclusions 8. bibliography 9. tables lac: exports by sub-regional integration scheme (1960-2003) key indicators for hemispheric economies (2002) 7. charts types of regional agreements agreements: social and political contents 3 political rhetoric and vision, and has contributed to shape Africa’s political, economic and institutional landscape. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. • Factors that hinder regional integration • Benefits of regional integration • The role of individuals, businesses and government in the integration process ... •Common market: a type of trade bloc with free movement of goods, labour and capital between member states WPIR academic year 2013/2014 Regional Integration 4/4 For Regional Integration and Public Policy, the first two weeks (Monday 1, Thursday 4, Monday 8 and Thursday 11 October) will be devoted to the presentation of the basic concepts and of the main theories of regional integration and policy-making in a system of multi-level governance, i.e. This helps to identify and address the tension caused by power dynamics in place marketing and branding collaborations, which has been identified as a central challenge in recent literature. During the 1990s competing images emerged of what constitutes European identity, who belongs to it, and what are its internal and external boundaries. Theory of Economic Integration Preferential Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trade System ... regional-partner states (own policies vis-a-vis the outside world) ... • The establishment of any of types depends on the agreement among participating countries Dr Katarzyna Śledziewska. It would be in the same scope with the integration in a political sense. These debates have been organized around points of contestation between specific research programs, reflecting fundamental differences among the generic theoretical orientations in which these research programs are embedded. China-based articles create national identities around the goal of preserving political clout in the Asia-Pacific. The present article seeks to fill some of these gaps. Common currency areas could reduce uncertainty and minimize transaction costs, which also improve trade flows, giving An example is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). /�. There are several established theories and approaches on how to study the RI process, but these have not provided satisfactory answers to the Greece crisis. What started with Japan spread to South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong Positioning theory is then introduced as an analytical, The European Union's international identity is a theme that has attracted great scholarly interest in the last two decades, parallel to the increasing role of the Union as a global actor. 0000001834 00000 n In Southern Africa in particular, with its comparatively small economies, r egional integration was meant to play a crucial role in pursuing common stratgic … The main relation, that determines the last category, is developed Box 1 Five types of regional economic integration models 2 Box 2 Benin and Mali 2 Box 3 European Union 2 Box 4 European Union customs blueprints 2 Box 5 Western Africa Economic and Monetary Union 2 Box 6 Association of South-East Asian Nations 7 Box 7 Connecting Europe Facility 7 With respect to regional economic integration, the timelines are for the establishment of an FTA by 2008, a Customs Union by 2010, a Common Market by 2015, a Monetary Union by 2016 and launching a Single Currency by 2018. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Regional integration has been defined as an association of states based upon location in a given geographical area, for the safeguarding or promotion of the participants, an association whose terms are fixed by a treaty or other arrangements[citation needed]. Regional trade arrangements have recently attracted growing interest, as existing schemes are either being extended or revived and new groupings are being formed. Trades in different countries have certain restrictions as well as some tariffs, which can be issued in a very discriminatory manner for sure. Focus is given to the attribution of rights and duties to the stakeholders within these story lines, and the power dynamics that manifest as a result. Constructivism occupies the middle ground between rationalist approaches (whether realist or liberal) and interpretive approaches (mainly postmodernist, poststructuralist and critical), and creates new areas for theoretical and empirical investigation. Table 1 - Selected examples of different types of regional integration arrangements. Philippe De Lombaerde and Luk Van Langenhove define regional integration as a worldwide phenomenon of territorial systems that increase the interactions between their components and create new forms of organisation, co-existing with tradit… 0000171929 00000 n Tariffs and restrictions on trade with nations outside the agreement are retained. While social scientists attempting to forge a new paradigm have embraced a discursive approach, this approach lacks a coherent framework that can be systematically. This period has also witnessed the rise of constructivism as an approach in International Relations with a specific focus on the social nature of and ideational factors in international affairs. Trend of the People’s Republic of China’s Imports Shares Type. When parents with severe and enduring mental health problems (MHP) are less able The findings support the agenda for family-focused provision of mental health and social care. Away from real effects produced and induced, this integration did for certain do one thing: a specific economics and economic thinking area. This paper shows that increasing regional cooperation can help to improve the access to energy among the energy-deficit developing countries in Asia and can benefit the region in terms of the preservation of natural assets, agricultural production, and food security. 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