Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone 1. The second part covers standardization efforts, including Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee, RFID, 6LowPan, and Internet of Things, among others. Robotics Sensing and Navigation. Course lectures will be available online for remote students. Covers concepts of correlation, regression analysis, classification, and decomposition. Elective: Complete 8 additional semester hours from either depth or breadth courses. The BS in Computer Engineering degree requires a sequence of core courses, technical electives, general electives, and electives in the arts and humanities and social sciences. Begins design exercises and tutorials with basic inverters and proceeds to the design, verification, and performance of large, complex digital logic networks. 4 Hours. Topics include tools and techniques for practical visualization and elements of related fields, including computer graphics, human perception, computer vision, imaging science, multimedia, human-computer interaction, computational science, and information theory. EECE 2322. Extraction of useful information from noisy observations and informed decision making are at the core of multiple disciplines, ranging from traditional communications and sensor array processing to biomedical data analysis, pattern recognition, and machine learning; security and defense; and financial engineering. Modern Signal Processing. Integrated Circuits for Mixed Signals and Data Communication. Reviews elementary data structures, such as arrays, stacks, queues, and lists, and introduces more advanced structures, such as trees and graphs and the use of recursion. Students may take elective coursework outside these lists only with the prior approval of the program director. 4 Hours. Presents the fundamental theory and properties of antennas. Northeastern combines rigorous academics with experiential learning and research to prepare students for real-world engineering challenges. Covers passive R, L, C, and active devices for ICs; broadband amplifiers, TIAs, limiters, buffers/drivers, muxes, and demuxes; circuit noise modeling and analysis and methods for optimization of SNR and BER, with applications to optical communication; baseband and HF filters; design methods of L-C, OTA-C, MOSFET-C, and switched-C filters; data conversion and D-A and A-D characteristics, popular DAC architectures, serial and parallel ADCs, and high-resolution techniques; clock generators and oscillators, L-C resonator-based designs, VCOs, PLLs and frequency synthesis, and CDR circuits. Includes attendance at Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). EECE 7336. Students must apply and be admitted to the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program in order to pursue this option. Focuses on how to think through and develop critical materials that have high-stakes impact. Find Faculty & Staff • EECE 5626. Presents many of the issues involved in the design and analysis of new and evolving computer architectures. Offers students a hands-on experience developing a remote-controlled robotic arm using an embedded systems platform. Focuses on graphical models, latent variable models, Bayesian inference, and nonparametric Bayesian methods. EECE 5612. Micro- and Nanofabrication. EECE 7237. Includes attendance at Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). Topics include sources of the electromagnetic field, Lorentz force equation, integral form of Maxwell’s equations and point relations (differential equations and boundary conditions), electromagnetic energy and power, propagation of uniform and nonuniform plane waves in homogeneous media, reflection and refraction, scalar and vector potentials, solutions in the absence of boundaries for static and dynamic problems, solutions to boundary value problems, duality, uniqueness, images, physical theory of diffraction, and general theory of metal and dielectric wave-guides and resonators for Cartesian and cylindrical systems. Dissertation Term 1. Discusses the representation of signals and systems in both the time and frequency domain. AND. Emphasizes those fundamental computational problems and related algorithms whose solution can be obtained in polynomial time. In the hands-on labs, offers students an opportunity to follow the steps of creating a startup or conducting new research and assembling a microcontroller-based sensor system for collecting digital biomarkers. EECE 4604. Digital electronics topics include CMOS logic gates, dynamic power dissipation, gate delay, and fan-out. Requires students to perform a feasibility study by extensive simulation or prototype design of subsystems to facilitate the second phase of the capstone design, considering public health, safety and welfare, global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. Introduces fundamental theoretical and algorithmic concepts behind numerical optimization theory for objective functions with finite numbers of parameters. Offers theoretical and/or experimental work conducted under the auspices of the department. Emphasizes modern engineering applications of computer vision, graphics, and pattern classification methodologies for data visualization. 1-4 Hours. Includes a series of tightly related assignments, which guide students through the implementation of a fully functional LLVM-based compiler from the ground up. Focuses on fundamental concepts of computer networks with a particular focus on the Internet. myNortheastern • Find Faculty & Staff • Find A-Z • Emergency Information • Search. 4 Hours. Through a mix of lectures and paper discussions, offers students an opportunity to learn how parallel computing systems work and review recent research related to scalability, energy efficiency, sustainability, resilience, and big data management. 4 Hours. Fundamentals of Digital Design and Computer Organization. EECE 5641. Introduces basic computational and mathematical techniques for modeling, simulating, and analyzing the performance by using simulation, including models, random-number generation, statistics, and discrete event-driven simulation. Reviews methods for dealing with both large and high-dimensional data sets, emphasizing distributed implementations. Examines the fundamental equations, their physical meaning, principal mathematical techniques, and important engineering applications. At most one of these courses (4SH) can be taken in a semester. Introduces the programming tools, algorithms, and software tools used in data analytics. EECE 5161. Examines the role of software and hardware in the design and use of real autonomous systems, including autonomous cars, autonomous underwater vehicles, and unmanned aerial systems. 4 Hours. Hardware-Software Codesign for FPGA-Based Systems. Examines the actual sensors and mathematical techniques for robotic sensing and navigation with a focus on sensors such as cameras, sonars, and laser scanners. Computer vision is an exciting but disorganized field that builds on very diverse disciplines such as image processing, statistics, pattern recognition, control theory, system identification, physics, geometry, computer graphics, and learning theory. 4 Hours. May be repeated once. Statistical Inference: An Introduction for Engineers and Data Analysts. Considers the efficient generation of optimal solutions, the development and evaluation of heuristics, and the computation of tight upper and lower bounds. Arithmetic and Circuit Design for Inexact Computing with Nanoscaled CMOS: EECE 5638. Testing, imaging, and data collection are essential tools medical specialists use to treat patients and the primary contribution of engineers to healthcare.Covers the physics and physiology behind the newly defined concept of digital biomarkers; the electronics needed to collect these biomarkers; analysis techniques for processing and interpreting the data; and invasive (swallowable/implantable), on-body (wearable), and contactless systems for data collection. An additional 4SH of credits will be allowed as a general elective. Covers fundamentals of probabilistic system modeling, building toward techniques that allow analyzing complex stochastic systems in a tractable fashion. Requires good programming experience in Matlab or C++. Please see the program requirements tab and your college administrator for more information. Continues EECE 4790. 0 Hours. Covers classical and modern algorithms that efficiently solve hard electrical and computer engineering optimization problems. Topics include basic computer arithmetic, approximation criteria, error analysis, nanoscale CMOS principles (PTMs), case studies, and experimental assessment. EECE 5610. EECE 5682. 4 Hours. Covers fundamental algebraic concepts and algebraic structures. EECE 4534. EECE 4993. Administrative policies, academic curricula, and course descriptions. 0 Hours. EECE 7214. Provides ample examples to ensure participants are given an opportunity to fully appreciate the power of the techniques described and to gain extensive experience in the area of high-frequency circuits, from theory formulation to novel engineering designs. Covers actuators, sensors, system modeling, analysis, and motion control of robots. Offers an opportunity to conduct research under faculty supervision. 4 Hours. May include additional topics at instructor’s discretion. Lectures are supported by illustrative examples and hands-on exercises that rely on the use of MATLAB and are grounded in practical problems. Also covers IC design methodologies and performance, scaling of MOS circuits, design and layout of subsystems such as PLA and memory, and system timing. Covers single-phase and three-phase rectifiers and inverters, including their principles of the operation, design, analysis, and applications. Department Directory Contact Us. These are used in association with techniques and algorithms for dead reckoning and visual inertial odometry in conjunction with GPS and inertial measurement units. EECE 9000. Explores state-space, time-domain techniques for analyzing and designing optimal and robust linear control systems. CS3650 Computer Systems 4 Elective EECE Tech Elective 2 4 EECExxxx EE Fundamentals 4/5 Elective CS Tech Elective 2 4 Elective CS Tech Elective 1 4 CS4500 Software Development 4 The Capstone Design Courses are taken as follows: (EECE4790 - Summer 1 and EECE4792 - Spring) OR (EECE4790 - Summer 2 and EECE4792 - Fall) * ENGW3315 3 Required CE Fundamentals: EECE2322/2323: … May be repeated without limit. Engineering Secure Software Systems. Investigates the science and engineering of mobile robots. Assignments include designing and simulating digital hardware models using Verilog as well as some assembly language to expose the interface between hardware and software. Designed for students with primary interests in power conditioning, control applications, and electronic circuits, but it could prove useful for designers of high-performance computers, robots, and other electronic and electromechanical (mechatronic) systems in which the dynamical properties of power supplies become important. Discusses basic properties of entropy and mutual information, Shannon’s fundamental theorems on data compression and data transmission in the single-user case, binning, and covering lemmas. The third part covers applications of sensor networks technology to many challenging problems of our times, including cyber- physical systems, smart cities, smart transportation systems, and underwater sensing systems. 4 Hours. Offers students an opportunity to gain a thorough understanding and working knowledge of FIR Wiener filtering, linear prediction, and autoregressive model matching; autocorrelation estimation and the deterministic least squares method; LMS and RLS adaptive filters; order recursive (triangular and lattice) architectures; and beamforming in antenna arrays. Classical Control Systems: EECE 5610. Studies microwave filters, narrowband and broadband amplifiers, their gain and stability, impedance matching, and noise performance, as well as mixers and frequency-conversion techniques. EECE 4520. Discusses synchronization systems, analysis of PLL in the presence of noise, methods of timing recovery, channel capacity, and Shannon’s noisy channel coding theorem. Recognizes that system complexities are growing exponentially, driven by ever-increasing application demands and technological advances that allow one to put complete multiprocessor systems on a chip (MPSoCs). Covers basic programming and analysis methods and the formulation and solution of a wide range of computer engineering problems. Provides an introduction to lossless and lossy source coding and introduces Huffman and Lempel-Ziv algorithms. Requires students to design and implement the project proposed in that earlier course. Circuits and Signals: Biomedical Applications. Complex Variable Theory and Differential Equations. Power Systems Analysis 1. 4 Hours. Requires students to select a project requiring design and implementation of an electrical, electronic, and/or software system, including evaluation of multiple constraints and use of appropriate engineering standards in the design; formation of a team to carry out the project; and submission and presentation of a detailed proposal for the work. Includes the principle of orthogonality, Wiener and Kalman filters, linear prediction, spectral factorization, the Yule-Walker equations, decimation and interpolation, Noble identities and polyphase representation, and maximally decimated filter banks. 2020-21 Course Descriptions PDF, Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECE), College of Professional Studies Undergraduate, Arts Administration and Cultural Entrepreneurship (AACE), Cardiopulmonary and Exercise Science (EXSC), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVE), Co-​op/​Experiential Education in Arts, Media, and Design (EEAM), Co-​op/​Experiential Education in Science (EESC), Co-​op/​Experiential Education in Social Sciences and Humanities (EESH), Commerce and Economic Development -​ CPS (CED), Communication Studies -​ CPS Specialty (CMMN), Computer Engineering Technology -​ CPS (CET), Computer Engineering Technology -​ CPS (ETC), Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology (CAEP), Counseling Psychology, Rehabilitation, and Special Education -​ CPS (CRS), Earth and Environmental Sciences -​ CPS (GEO), Earth and Environmental Sciences -​ CPS Specialty (EVRN), Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology (EEMB), Electrical Engineering Technology -​ CPS (EET), English as a Second Language -​ CPS Specialty (ESLG), General Engineering -​ CPS Specialty (GENR), General Engineering Technology -​ CPS (GET), Geographic Information Systems -​ CPS (GIS), Health Information Administration -​ CPS (HIA), Health Science -​ Interdisciplinary (HLTH), Information Resources Management -​ CPS (IRM), Interdisciplinary Studies -​ CPS Specialty (INPS), Interdisciplinary Studies -​ Office of the Provost (INPR), Interdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Media, and Design (INAM), Interdisciplinary Studies in Science (INSC), Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (INSH), Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS), Management Information Systems -​ CPS (MIS), Management Science -​ CPS Specialty (MNSC), Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MEIE), Mechanical Engineering Technology -​ CPS (MET), Pharmacy -​ Medicinal Chemistry -​ CPS (PMC), Political Science -​ CPS Specialty (PLSC), Specialty Study in Arts, Media, and Design (SSAM), Speech-​Language Pathology and Audiology (SLPA), Strategic Intelligence and Analysis -​ CPS (SIA), Study Abroad -​ Social Sciences and Humanities (ABRH), Technology Commercialization -​ CPS (TCM), Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WMNS), 2020-21 College of Professional Studies Undergraduate PDF. 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