So we should not feed alfalfa pellets to does that aren’t pregnant? If they start losing hair in random spots or foaming at the mouth, I’d suspect zinc deficiency. If you are planning to breed them — and they should be about 2/3 of their adult weight when you breed them — you can probably continue to feed them some alfalfa hay or pellets now through the time that they are pregnant and are milking. If you’re giving them a handful of black oil sunflower seeds once every few weeks, it really doesn’t matter. We do not milk them, nor will be breeding them. So I decided to give them free choice alfalfa pellets along with the weeds and grass found in their pen. Basic Goat Care Management Responsibilities for New Goat Herd Owners, How to Handle the Odd Behavior of a Goat Buck in Rut, How Train Your Goat to Milk on a Stand the Easy Way, How to Rent Your Goats and Make Some Nice Profits, Spanish Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, and Care, Nubian Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, 23 Inspiring Goat Sheds & Shelters That Will Fit Your Homestead. Alfalfa pellets have as much protein as the grain and it has more calcium. So, if your goats are not on pasture, you need to provide them with some type of hay, in addition to the alfalfa pellets. A good green grass hay will be fine if you are not breeding your goats. I really love that they have an organic option! The organic is new. We will be getting two 5 week old and a 9 week old buckling tomorrow. If goats get too much grain, they’ll get diarrhea and a host of other health problems. Thanks for the information. ... Summary of what goats eat. I hope these ideas are helpful. you can add some grains powder or vitamins in your raw materials, I don’t think we are supposed to feed alfalfa to our weathers. Any other suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. I’m so glad to hear it’s helpful! The Chaffhaye Shop is a place for everything Chaffhaye. When I went to see them two or three weeks later, I was horrified! I was trying to keep her away from the boys but she excaped her pen and broke into this so she is once again going to kid. The price for 1 to 19 bags (50 lb bags) is … We started using alfalfa pellets years ago when we had goats that could finish all their grain faster than we could milk them. He gets 1 cup twice a day — nothing else. If you are in the Cincinnati / Dayton area and would like to try Chaffhaye for your goats and other animals (horses, cows, chickens, small animals, deer & exotics) our area dealer is Donald Ilhardt. Join me in the milking parlor in this video as I explain how we use alfalfa pellets with does on the milk stand. This product was recommended for our baby goats but they do not seem to like it. Nothing is ever engraved in stone, but most normal, healthy goats have done the majority of their really fast growing by the time they are six months old so they don’t need the extra protein in a grower feed or the calcium in alfalfa. You can mix in alfalfa pellets or not. Feeding Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats Grain (Concentrate) Growing goat kids, lactating does, and does late in pregnancy all need more protein, minerals, and vitamins than that provided by a hay ration, even legume hay. The cow bell works with our goats. If you are concerned about GMOs, you should know that beet pulp is all GMO, and it’s really just empty calories. I have a doe in milk, two growing babies (a doeling and a weather), and one dry doe. If you are a goat owner, you have probably heard about Chaffhaye. I feel they look so much better when I mix it with their grain. Over the Labor day weekend I got a baby potbelly pig. Feeding Goats: What Do Goats Eat, What NOT to Feed, and Everything Else You Need to Know I have goats and love them. For years, I’ve also been recommending them to others who have trouble getting their goats milked before the does finish their grain and start to protest about being on the milk stand. Right now they are getting about a cup a day each of alfalfa pellets with hay twice a day. (In nature, they consume very little grain — just a few seed heads on grasses.) They puff up to 3x the size, and it takes the goats longer to eat them. Required fields are marked *. And I was especially excited to hear that they were coming out with organic alfalfa pellets, especially with goats in mind. They keep the weight on great throuh rut seaon and stay trim and active in summer months! Free choice? He gets 1/4 cup grain and 1/4 beet pulp per day shared with a doe his age. It has a lot of calcium in it, which could lead to zinc deficiency because calcium is a zinc antagonist. Goats eat hay, chaffhaye, grains, pasture or forage crops among many other feeds. Thank you for any help you can suggest. The only possible problem with too much alfalfa would be too much calcium, which causes zinc deficiency, so if she starts to blow her coat in the middle of winter or foam at the mouth, I’d switch to timothy only. The treated hay ferments in the bag, adding good bacteria thats easy for goats to digest. If they are not going to be bred, then they don’t need alfalfa. If someone can tell me what I’m doing right, and wrong in regards to their feeding that would be really appreciated. I would love to try a bag of this. A bag of pellets weighs 40 pounds, but since there is no waste, a bale and a bag of pellets are pretty similar in terms of how long they last. LOVE this idea! Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. Feeding Goats: Is Chaffhaye Right for Your Goats? Chaffhaye is a fresh chopped, premium bagged forage that captures the … Wethers only need a good quality grass hay and whatever they can get from the pasture. Unfortunately, the organic version is not available anywhere near me, and our local Tractor Supply can’t even order them for me. If she is not chewing much, she won’t be producing much bicarbonate, so might need a little baking soda to keep her rumen working well. Second I have a couple questions, I haven’t really been able to find any good alfalfa hay suppliers around here so I have been feeding whatever kinds we get in at my work, orchard and to. Browse provides a lot minerals that goats need that other livestock do not. I would really love the organic alfalfa pellets to help my goats with their milk production , Thank you for your information, I’d like to try some of those pellets, I got several goats to try this product, I have 4 does that I think would love these! Plus, it gets more water in their diet, which is good for a milking goat. I went to the Lakin website, and the first ingredient is alfalfa, which is too rich for wethers and bucks. As for the quantity you are feeding your bucks, I would not give them more than 1/2 to 1 cup of grain twice a day, depending upon breed (smaller breed would be less grain). It would be wonderful to have an organic option like this to keep them from getting restless on the milk stand! Remember that in the beginning, you might need to mix it with grain to get them to eat it. We had a “piggy” goat, that my 7 yr old daughter milked. You can feed as much as you want, especially if you’re trying to keep a goat happy on the milkstand. We raise a small herd of Dairy goats and started using Chaffhaye about one year ago, really working it into my conditioning for … I will watch their weight to see if I need to give them more or less of the pellets as this will be their first winter. I like Chaffhaye too along with Pellets of Alfalfa/Timothy blend. I was the winner of the giveaway last year (thanks,a gain!) It’s a great way to get pasture to them when you don’t have any pasture. But they don’t need alfalfa in their daily diet. If it was one day that you saw him mounting her, and she wouldn’t stand, it’s possible she was in standing heat a couple of hours earlier or later then when you were out there, so she is probably not pregnant. So excited to see that there is now an organic option. She was right at 60% of her adult weight (my plan was to wait another month, but our buck decided to get smart all of a sudden and figured out how to open the gate). Some of the non-organic fields do have GMO alfalfa planted, but not all, so the pellets are a mix. Im in NW Tennessee and the heat here will ruin a bag in 3 days. Here is more on minerals in goats: Is this true? She is not a milking doe. I top him up on ready grass and soaked alfalfa pellets. My sales contract says I have first right to retrieve my animals. I’m so happy they have organic! We have been convinced for some time that grain is bad for our goats, and do not intentionally feed any. I hand feed them alfalfa pellets, to help them become more friendly, and they also get about a half a flake of first cut hay every day. Thanks for the opportunity to win some! You read a lot of different things about what to feed goats because a lot of people don’t differentiate whether their goats are bucks, milkers, pregnant does, dry does, or kids, which all have different needs.. Dry does are very easy keepers because they are not growing babies or producing milk, so they only need pasture and grass hay. I’ve heard they can help with the flavor, color, and texture of their yolks. I am afraid to not offer the periennial peanut at this time, I tested them recently and they are just below low normal in zinc. People just use it to put weight on goats, which should not be the only goal. If, for any reason, we need to close them up early, we ring the bell and the herd comes running. If you are an owner of prized livestock (sheep and goats), you have probably faced the difficult challenge of finding quality forage on a consistent basis. If does are not bred annually, they tend to have a problem with obesity if they’re being fed alfalfa because it’s just too rich. So much info in the caring for senior goats article. Maybe they’ve just got me trained. Goats should NEVER be given any type of medicated feed for an extended period of time. Let your baby goats get milk from their mother. Am I doing this right? I’m going to have to look for the organic!! Never crossed my mind that the alfalfa pellets would be good for her also, will be adding g it to her daily rations. It is also very high in calcium, which is great for milk production. Help! Goats fed medicated feed long term have been shown to wind up with vitamin E deficiency. Pregnant does are fine eating peanut hay because they NEED the calcium in the hay to grow babies. They are growing fast right now so they can use the extra protein and calcium. Disclosure. Baby goats for sale in Rock Hill SC. They always have available hay/roughage and minerals/baking soda. I have actually been looking for a recipe to make some type of cake/biscuit out of the powdered pellets so that there is no waste. In the title photo, I have the regular alfalfa pellets on the left, which are 1/4 inch, and the organic pellets are on the right, which are 5/32 inch in diameter. The kids don’t really need grain after about six months, although if you’re in a really cold part of the world, you could wait until it warms up before you stop giving it to them. Hopefully your doeling is at least 2/3 of her adult weight if she was bred. A dairy goat needs to break down large amounts of roughage to milk well. I love the alfalfa pellets mixed in with the grain. I have tried switching them to other hay type pellets but they pick out the alfalfa pellets and won’t eat the other ones. Tag: Feeding Goats Chaffhaye. We do plan on getting them banded when they are 12 weeks old. Thanks again! Chaffhaye is a supreme source of fiber, protein, and nutrients for browsers and grazers. Since it is just hay that has been pulverized, she can eat as much as she wants. You even want your hay to be green inside the bale. Good to hear some good reviews on them. That is what we give them in the morning. This is what their previous owners fed them, and they don’t want to seem to eat any other type of food. Alfalfa has a 15:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio, which makes it a perfect complement to grain, which is … Looking forward to offering this pellet to our American Guinea hogs. I just contacted Standlee to get the most up-to-date info for you, in case anything has changed since I worked with them last year on this. They will grow a thick coat of cashmere, which will keep them quite warm. Here is more info on Goats in Winter: Here is more info on what goats eat — Here is more info on caring for senior goats — However, we have been pondering feeding alfalfa pellets in the summer and this looks like a great option! Yes, the organic pellets came out a couple of weeks ago. First off let me just say that I love your blog. Jun 1, 2014 #2 res Songster. The other lady with the 9 weeker said she is only feeding hers hay and loose minerals. Thank you. We did have goats about 15 years ago for a short period of time and one of the ended up with UC and we had to have him put to sleep so I do not want to go through that again! I was under the impression that medicated goat feed was good for them as long as you hay & minerals for them? Feeding Goats: What Do Goats Eat, What NOT ToFeed, and Everything Else You Need to Know. We haven’t used alfalfa pellets yet because we have been feeding chaffhaye on the milk stand with the grain mixed in. You wouldn’t eat Rolaids with every meal, so your goats do not need to consume baking soda unless they have an upset rumen. Just as we mix the pellets into the grain for the goats, we also mix it with the pigs’ grain. I know hay carries phosphorus but without it being tested I don’t know the ratio value of C/ P. Wethers do not need grain and they definitely don’t need beet pulp unless you are just trying to fatten him up for butchering. If you are feeding alfalfa hay to the kids, then you can switch them to Timothy pellets at some point within the next couple of months. Will look for it in the store. Your email address will not be published. Is it ok to give them the alfalfa pellets with it? I am very happy to hear that someone is making organic pellets especially for goats, but not sure I can source them up in Northern BC where we live. I want to try them for my laying hens. Kids that are fast growing can use all of that protein and calcium, but dry adult does can wind up overweight if you feed them alfalfa. I love using alfalfa pellets for my goats, rabbits, pigs, and horse. As I said before there’s endless grass for them to eat. Nov 13, 2020. We kept them going all through a cold winter on alfalfa pellets, hay and occasional goat minerals. Thank you . Here you will find Chaffhaye merchandise, Chaffhaye-fed animal products and helpful tools for around your barn and home. and my goats loved the pellets, and in fact milk production increased. I have been using Standlee Alfalfa pellets with my goats for about 3 years now, great to see them adding an Organic option! We saw the same thing when we tried to go grain free many years ago and gave up. 09.11.2017 by thriftyhomesteader // 149 Comments. They don’t need alfalfa pellets, so just stop feeding them. If your goats need a high protein intake, Alfalfa hay is a good choice. Our freezer wethers have been fine, but I want to avoid problems with pregnant does. Chaffhaye is 2 pounds per 100 pounds of body weight. Carol ️s Chaffhaye Some people say don’t kiss on the first date....Scoobs disagrees Chickadee Farm Maisie Jean X Violets Acre School Bee Doo Loose rather than block? If a goat is underweight, there is probably a very good reason for it, and that reason needs to be discovered. It’s pretty unusual for a doe that age to be overweight, as they are usually able to utilize all of their calories by growing. Not fun for any of us but he’s done well for several years. They were fat and lethargic, and hardly moved around at all. The high calcium is great support for egg production and great through the winter when there is not as much grass to free range on. One of the vet texts actually says that the cure for vitamin A deficiency is green hay. They just slurp up the grain like a five-year-old eating ice cream. other than from TSC. Nationally it’s available through Tractor Supply, which has an exclusive contract for one year, but after that you should be able to buy it at any local farm supply store that carries Standlee products. They don’t have to chew or ruminate much with pellets. But we do have alfalfa pellets and the cubes, in your opinion which would be better to feed a doe that refuses to keep weight on her? I mix mine with steamed oats and sweet feed. What can I do? I haven’t started feeding alfalfa pellets, but I’m thinking a bout it. Plus, they will eat more if they are in a group because they’re rather competitive. We won't send you spam. He acts hungry. If you have meat goats, it may not a problem to go grain free. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being of all classes of horse, deer, … But on occasion I give a handful as a treat in the afternoon or when I just want to spend a little time in the pasture with them. I am feeding dairy does and because of the weight of the alfalfa bales of hay (I am getting older lol) I am thinking about feeding half alfalfa pellets and half grass hay in the winter months when the does are dry. Here is more on that topic —, Oops my website is and my email is Right now I give them grain when it going to be under 32 at night. If not, you can mix it into chickens feed or sprinkle on your garden around your tomato plants. If your local store doesn’t keep them in stock, ask if they’ll order them for you. They didn’t get enough milk as babies, and this may not be their first case of coccidiosis. Hi! They are both 2 and a half years old. Also, when should we start feeding the pellets to our pregnant does? I’m so confused and I know I must be overthinking feeding my goats. They do not need a goat feed or grain because that’s high in calories and protein, which they do not need, so they are likely to get obese if you feed them that. You need to have a good baseline of knowledge about what your goats can produce for a number of years because every year will be a little different. Unfortunately we have bred does so that they can’t produce to today’s standards and maintain their body condition without grain in most cases. If the wether is trying to mount her every day, then he’s just confused or being dominant. Been searching for a safe treat for my wether and buck. And grain causes urinary stones. Poop is good! They would be almost 5 months old now. But I was told that when it is cold out it is good to give them grain. They get alfalfa pellets and COB on the milk stand when in milk plus pasture. There was an error submitting your subscription. What kind of grain are you referring to? It is extremely rare for adult goats to have a problem with coccidiosis. Chaffhaye is forage in a bag and substitutes for hay. All grains are simply seeds. Thanks in advance! You should not feed alfalfa in any form (hay or pellets or cubes) to dry does older than about six months old. The biggest dangers with goats is keeping their digestive systems healthy, but feeding goats – or sheep – doesn’t have to be as complex as a science project either. . Thanks so much. Do you think the sheep would benefit from these. My does get 1 cup of grain on the milking stanchion morning and night. I feed lakin hay pellets to my mules could you feed those to two wether bucks? Fairly new to goats and am struggling with the idea that my bucklings shouldn’t get grain or alfalfa at all. Keeping Goats Raising Goats Nubian Goat Cute Goats Mini Goats Goat Care Nigerian Dwarf Goats Mini Farm Goat Farming Non-GMO Alfalfa Chaffhaye is a fresh chopped, premium bagged forage that … I’m so bummed about this. What can you suggest for fattening up my sweet little guy? He is not a good drinker either. Thanks for the info! I am interested in trying pellets again though and these sound like they would work well seeing as they are a little smaller. It is meant to prevent coccidia in times of stress (such as weaning) when kids are most likely to wind up with coccidiosis. It’s not any different than alfalfa hay when it comes to feeding. Jordan I bought a small freezer for my goat food barn to put the chaffhaye bales in it once open in the summer heat. I have 3 Nigerian Dwarf does , if I decided to switch to pellets and also give some hay easy many bags should I expect to go through in a month? It’s also how I trained my super wild, never handled 3 yr olds. They don’t get enough good quality browse to eliminate actual baled hay, and I don’t always have a choice with what kind I feed, but they always seem to have Timothy pellets and beet pulp pellets at TSC. Baking soda is always available free of choice for my goats. They love grain, as you know, and have many ways to cadge it when we are sure all supplies are secure. You can sift out the “fines” and add them into their grain mix especially if it has a high molasses content. Purebred goats are usually more expensive as are the females. Alfalfa has a 15:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio, which makes it a perfect complement to grain, which is high in phosphorus. I feed all my goats free choice grass hay, minerals, baking soda, and water. I would just as soon take her off grain, but with her still being young and pregnant I’m not sure what to do. It will change as they get older, and this covers all ages. I know one person who has taken her herd off grain, and she said she had to start with kids. Alfalfa is about 16 percent protein, sometimes more, so it has as much protein in it as most commercial goat feeds. He can nibble grass but can’t chew hay. Where do you purchase your organic alfalfa pellets? I have seem no health issues so far and I have been providing Timothy hay everyday with their pellets. Grains for goat feed can be rolled, texturized, whole, or pelleted. I’m wondering how safe it is to feed the non-organic pellets. I really do not recommend anyone try this, especially if you are new to goats, meaning that you’ve had them for less than five years. I was new to goats and did not have any clue what to look for in a nutritional analysis. We’ve fed them to sheep before. - YouTube And my doe’s are milking machines. And some goats are grain hogs. We bought them once a long, long time ago and wound up trying to tear them apart so the goats could eat them. Can you explain what you are seeing and what you are doing when you see whatever you are seeing? Bucks get about 2 cups alfalfa pellets once a day. You pay the same price when you purchase through affiliate links as you would if you went directly to Amazon, and our site earns a small commission, so by shopping through our links, you are helping to support our blog so that we can continue to provide you with free content. They pick them out first because they live them. How much alfalfa pellets do you feed to your does? Diatomaceous Earth for Goats - Chaffhaye With so many harsh de-wormers on the market, many goat owners have begun looking for alternative methods to deworm their animals., Thank you so very much for responding back. Should I be supplementing them with hay? Baby goats for sale in Rock Hill SC. We are new to goats and I want yo be sure we feed them correctly. Is it ok that I feed them alfalfa pellets and 17% kid grower half and half every morning? She is 9.5 months old and never came back into heat, so I assume she is pregnant. If you want to get really thrifty, soak the pellets. His pizzle was sniped off because of the size of his stone. Does kelp have zinc in it, I have pregnant does that will not eat any type of hay but periennial peanut hay which is high in calcium? You could, but the alfalfa cubes are more appropriate for cattle, and I think they may cost a little less also. They free range and go into their pen at dusk on their own and we shut the gate. If he is losing hair, that sounds like a mineral deficiency or imbalance — most likely a zinc deficiency caused by too much calcium in the diet from the sainfoin hay, which is a legume like alfalfa. Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. Year chaffhaye for baby goats he struggles to chew or ruminate much with pellets of Alfalfa/Timothy blend a deficiency is green.... That aren ’ t chew hay has alot of oats but i find wads of hay or pellets or pellets! 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