curcuma caesia uses

The root, stem and leaf of Curcuma caesia were extracted successively with polar (aqueous, methanol), dipolar (acetone) and non-polar (chloroform) solvents, and their physical characteristics were explored which revealed the presence of more phytocompounds in case of root followed by stem and leaf. Vaishali, Bihar. is a very less known and almost untouched drug. You may also contact me at . This Journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The findings of present study offers a scientific validation for the usage of Curcuma caesia root by the tribal community of Bastar as their food, medicine, cosmetics and traditional healers in curing different diseases. The cultivation and harvest practices are similar to that of common turmeric which is used in recipes. Hajipur, Dist. The rhizomes are used in the treatment of smooth muscle relaxant activity, leprosy, dirrhoea, wound, asthma, haemorrhoids, cancer, epilepsy, fever, vomiting, menstrual disorder, antihelmentic, aphrodisiac, inflammation and gonorrhoeal discharges 10, 11. It is used both externally and internally. Curcuma caesia Roxb. 3). However, recent reports showed a high level of total antioxidant ability of C. caesia from the hexane rhizome extracts (1200 mg ascorbic acid equivalent/100g) as compared to the methanolic extracts (Mukunthan et al., 2014). Paste is applied on bruises, contusions and rheumatic pains in Manipur. The highest percentage yield in aqueous solvent might be due to the fact that water is a universal solvent and extracts most of the compounds 15. The residual extracts after drying were dissolved in 50% DMSO and stored in refrigerator at 4oC in small and sterile glass tubes. MTCC cultures procured from IMTECH, Chandigarh is duly acknowledged. There was no sign of toxicity in the treatment with extracts only … Curcuma malabarica Velay., Amalraj & Mural. The plant is reported to contain camphor, ar-turmerone, (Z)-ocimene, ar -curcumene, 1, 8-cineole, elemene, borneol, bornyl acetate and curcumene as the major constituents. Black turmeric root is crushed and can be applied to bruises and sprains to ease discomfort or applied to the forehead to help relieve symptoms of migraines. Intake of small amount of rhizome paste is claimed to expel gases from stomach and cure menstrual disorders. Fresh rhizomes are aromatic with intense camphoraceous odour, cultivated for its rhizomes, which are used in traditional medicine. ️ Curcuma caesia or Black Turmeric is a rare herb of the Zingiberaceae family native to north eastern and central India. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: The various parts of Curcuma caesia viz., root, stem and leaf were extracted successively using four different solvents based on their polarity index as chloroform, acetone, methanol and aqueous for assessment of their antibacterial efficacy as the antibacterial phytochemical compounds of the plant origin may occur mostly in root, stem and leaf of the plants 14. Color of the root is considered similar to the skin complexion of several Hindu deities: Kali, Rama, Krishna, and Shiva. Curcuma caesia Roxb., All © 2021 are reserved by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, This Journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Subscribe to YouTube Channel of SPSR The efficacy in crude extract of root, stem and leaf of Curcuma caesia in four different solvents based on their polarity as polar (aqueous, methanol), dipolar (acetone) and non-polar (chloroform) were assessed against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria viz. It has been one of India’s best kept secrets for centuries. It also … In India it is found in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. Black Turmeric possesses Anti-Cancer Properties. Curcumin, which is present in Turmeric (Curcuma Longa), is a powerful antioxidant. This disease mostly causes damage to the articular cartilage that exists in between joints of the joints. Plant Genetic Resource 2005; 3: 230-251. Curcuma caesia Roxb is a perennial, erect rhizomatous herb with large leaves. Black turmeric is used by many tribal communities in the state of Madhya Pradesh. value of 862.35 μg for 2 mL of 500 μM concentration of DPPH. 20 Apr 2016 . The root extracts of the plant were found to be more effective in inhibiting the bacterial growth as compared to stem and leaf. Also Read: Woman Uses Paint Roller To Apply Haldi On Bride-To-Be While Practising Social Distancing. Rhizome of Curcuma caesia is grounded in the form of paste in rheumatic arthritis. Gupta, Authors Address: Some people believe that the rhizome of the plant is a form of the goddess Kali and carry a rhizome in their pockets. Curcuma caesia goes through an obligate dormancy like other members of the genus Curcuma, so this is another plant that is a good choice for people in colder climates. After extraction excess solvent was removed by distillation and the concentrated extracts so obtained were further dried in incubator at 40oC. The extracts were assessed for their potential antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria viz., Bacillus cerus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoneae. Lung Illnesses (such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.). However, over the past few decades the health benefits are under threat as many commonly used antibiotics and their extensive use against bacterial diseases has led to the emergence of multidrug resistance 7. Fresh rhizomes are used in leprosy, cancer, epilepsy, anti-helminthic, aphrodisiac, gonorrheal discharge. The present work attempts to establish the necessary ethnomedicinal utilities. Selama tempoh ini, telah ramai pesakit kronik yang telah berjaya kami bantu. Do note, however, that despite all these good effects, it must be taken in moderation or its proper dosage. The rhizome of kali haldi has a bitter, sharp, hot taste, and a pleasant odour. This plant and its amazing blue-green colored rhizomes have an agreeable odor, but intense flavor, somewhat reminiscent of turpentine. What Are The Health Benefits Of Olive Oil? Flowers are pale yellow color with reddish border. Microbiology Research Laboratory, School of Studies in Life Sciences, Pt. Most of the leaf color is bright green, while the reverse side has a pale green color. The use of plant extracts for the treatments of several bacterial diseases have become popular because the effective life span of antibiotic is limited and over prescription as well as misuse of antibiotics is causing antimicrobial resistance 4. For this, you can take turmeric bumps and wash it and grind its juice and drink it. Apparently healthy and disease free plants were selected for antibacterial screening., DOI: Black turmeric is used in diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. Dubey NK, Kumar R, Tripathi P: Global promotion of herbal medicines: India’s opportunity. Rhizome is used for the treatment of cough, fever, dysentery, worm infection. Black turmeric can be peeled and then cut into chunks, then blended along with kale, ginger, lemon and cucumber for a health-boosted green smoothie. The potential sensitivity of the extracts against gram positive bacteria and the zone of inhibition were recorded and are presented in Table 2 and Fig. Several types of antibiotics are available, but a large number of factors such as, drug toxicity, low potency, emergence of resistant bacterial strains, high cost of new generation antibiotics with limited effective span have resulted in increased death rate 6. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) This will soon remove your cough. Gondi people of Bastar apply rhizome paste on the hydrocele using. Falodun A, Okenroba LO, Uzzoamaka N: Phytochemical screening and anti-inflamatory evaluation of methanolic and aqueus extracts of. The higher resistance of gram-negative bacteria to plant extracts is due to thick murein layer in their outer membrane, which prevents the entry of inhibitory substances into the cell and have outer phospholipid membrane carrying the structural lipopolysaccharides components, this makes the cell wall impermeable to antimicrobial substances whereas, gram positive bacteria have single layered cell wall with peptidoglycan constituting the outer layer, which is not an effective permeability barrier 22, 23. Nees and applied during insect and snake bite. Disclaimer, e-mail: [email protected] Amongst gram negative bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoneae showed the highest inhibition whereas Pseudomonas aeruginosa were found to be resistant against all the extracts tested (Table 3 and Fig. Curcuma caesia Roxb is a medicinal plant which has high antioxidant activity, as per present study, methanolic extract of Curcuma caesia Roxb prevents the toxicity caused by cyclophosphosphamide (chemotherapeutic drug) in bone marrow cells by reducing the micronuclei formation; it also prevents the hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity caused by cyclophosphamide, so it can be used … This is because the compounds found in Turmeric do not interfere with the lung treatment of conventional drugs as well as our immune system’s good cells (unlike chemotherapy or some other medical treatments). The rhizomes of Black Turmeric have a high economical importance owing to its putative medicinal properties. Black turmeric goes dormant during part of the year, reverting to underground storage rhizomes to … The antibacterial activity in case of gram positive bacteria was found to be maximum in methanolic root extracts followed by acetone and chloroform. Herbal medicines are in great demand in the developed as well as developing countries due to their wide medicinal and biological applications. Turmeric is very safe and has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for … The highest activity index was recorded in root methanol and chloroform extracts in case of Bacillus cerus and Klebsiella pneumoneae respectively. The bacterial strains were maintained on nutrient agar slants, sub cultured regularly and stored at 4oC for further use. So the identification of bioactive compounds in plants, their isolation, purification and characterization of active ingredients in crude extracts by various analytical methods is greatly significant. Efforts are being made to protect and conserve Black turmeric in Odisha (formerly Orissa), on the central eastern coast, along the Bay of Bengal. Many reports have documented the effective activity of traditional herbs against microorganisms, so plants are one of the bedrocks for the discovery of modern medicines 5. It has been used by various tribal communities in curing several ailments since traditional times. 5. Hasil kajian yang dijalankan di UTM skudai JOHOR membuktikan Curcuma Caesia adalah selamat untuk digunapakai … Das K, Stiwari RK, Shrivastava DK: Techniques for evaluation of medicinal plant products as antimicrobial agent: Current methods and future trends. However, like any other medicinal plants/herbs, it has specific uses and purposes. Fresh rhizomes are crushed and applied as a paste on forehead for relief from migraine or applied on the body for sprains and bruises. It will relieve colitis and support digestion. Current Science 2004; 86: 37-41. This is because the content in black turmeric is capable of being an anti-inflammatory so besides overcoming itchy skin, turmeric can also be used as anti-inflammatory on the skin itchy. Turmeric is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and is very effective in treating all kinds of inflammatory diseases as well as arthritis, tendinitis, injuries… The plant is also a powerful blood purifier and is highly effective in reducing excessive cholesterol. The stem extracts were greenish to brown in color and leaf extracts were almost waxy to viscous in nature with dark green to brown in color and the percentage yield of the stem and leaf extracts were found to be maximum in case of polar organic solvents (5.06%) and non-polar solvents (4.73%) respectively (Table 1). The surface (cork) of rhizome is dark brown, bluish black, or buff in color. Alam MT, Karim MM, Khan SN: Antibacterial activity of different organic extracts of, Evans CE, Banso A, Samuel OA: Efficacy of some nine medicinal plants against. It helps in curbing Menstrual Disorders like Menopause, Leucorrhea, and Difficult Menses. The inhibition of both gram positive and gram negative bacteria by the extracts indicates the presence of broad spectrum antibacterial potentiality of the plant. Skype: healthbenefit55. This herb is available throughout north-east, central India, Papi Hills of East Godavari, West Godavari and Andhra Pradesh. Higher activity index (>0.5) in the crude extract indicates potential antibacterial activity in the plant. The plates were observed for the zone of inhibition after 24 h. The experiment was conducted in triplicates and the results are expressed as mean ± SE. The bacterial strains used for antibacterial screening were Bacillus cereus (MTCC-430), Bacillus subtilis (MTCC-441), Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC-96), Staphylococcus epidermidis (MTCC-435), Escherichia coli (MTCC-1687), Proteus vulgaris (MTCC-744), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MTCC-741) and Klebsiella Pneumoniae (MTCC-3384). It has been used by various tribal communities in curing several ailments since traditional times. Petiole has a white color ivory long enough. Call +91-8045386123. Controls Weight-Loss and regulates Blood Sugar. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors are thankful to the authorities of Pt. As of 2016, Black turmeric has been listed as an endangered species by the Indian Agricultural Department. In the fields, the rhizomes are washed thoroughly and are placed in a wide mouthed cauldron. Its consumption is advantageous for treating Stomach Problems like Vomiting, Dyspepsia and Stomach Pain. It is used as a tonic for the brain and the heart. Sasikumar B: Genetic resource of Curcuma: diversity, characterization and utilization. The stem and leaf extract showed activity against Bacillus cerus followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus, whereas no significant activity was observed in case of their aqueous extract. The plant is regarded as very auspicious and is stated that a person who possess it will never experience shortage of cereals and food in Madhya Pradesh. Curcuma species have a great importance for its medicinal value. It decreases inflammation of the lungs and reaches patients with asthma. It has also been proven that they modify pre-cancerous changes in the body organs. Curcuma caesia is a member of family Zingiberaceae and popularly known askali haldi. Vijay . The study revealed that the root extracts were found to be more effective to these bacteria followed by stem and leaf. The methanolic root extract exhibited significant zone of inhibition against all the four gram positive bacteria with maximum against Bacillus cerus (15.06±0.06) followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis (14.20±0.20), Staphylococcus aureus (12.93±0.17), and Bacillus subtilis (12.33±0.33). It is advantageous for women. Curcuma caesia – plant. Assessment of antibacterial activity: The antibacterial activity of the crude extracts was determined by the agar-well diffusion method13. Externally, it is used in the treatment of wounds, white patches on the skin and leprosy … It combats the problem of Feverishness. An effective anti-cancer and aging meal for the day is ready. Reply . C. caesia is a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizome native to North-East and Central India. The authors acknowledge DST, New Delhi for providing FIST grant to School of Life Sciences. The cultivation and harvest practices are similar to that of common turmeric. Bacillus cerus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoneae. Roots of the Curcuma caesia are grounded into powder and used water to treat gastric disorder. The plant grows well in fertile, well drained, sandy or pebbly, loamy soil that is moist. Vijay . The plant has been reported to have antifungal activity, anti-asthmatic, smooth muscle relaxant, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant. Curcuma caesia is used in Kali puja and many practitioners of ‘black magic’ also use it. The paste is applied on bruises, contusions and rheumatic arthritis pains in …, Tomoko N, Takashi A, Hiromu T, Yuka I, Hiroko M, Munekazu I, Totshiyuki T, Tetsuro I,            Fugio A, Iriya I, Tsutomu N, Kazuttito W: Antibacterial activity of extracts prepared from tropical plants on methicillin resistance. Rhizomes are claimed to have a property of acting against leukoderma, epilepsy, cancer and HIV/AIDS. Curcuma caesia is commonly known as kali haldi and it belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. It is sessile, laterally flattened and covered with adventitious roots, root scars and warts. Dried rhizomes and leaves of curcuma caesia Roxb are used in piles, leprosy, asthma, cancer, wounds, impotency, fertility, tooth ache, vomiting, and allergies. The herb is said to have the “spiritual ability” to drive away evil forces as well as wide-ranging herbal properties. Microorganisms used for the test: The present study was carried out with the bacterial strainsprocured from IMTECH, Chandigarh, India. Kami adalah pengamal rawatan alternatif yang berpengalaman hampir 15 tahun di dalam bidang perubatan. All rights reserved. Crushed rhizome paste is applied against cur or injury to control bleeding and quick healing. Curcuma is a genus of about 100 accepted species in the family Zingiberaceae that contains such species as turmeric and Siam tulip.They are native to Southeast Asia, southern China, the Indian Subcontinent, New Guinea and northern Australia. If you are looking for that ideal body weight, adding a little bit of turmeric to your daily curries could be a starter for you! Curcuma caesia is a member of family Zingiberaceae and popularly known askali haldi. The antibacterial activity in case of gram negative bacteria was found to be comparatively less than that of gram positive bacteria against all the extracts tested. BlackTurmeric(Curcuma caesia ) is a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizome, native to North-East and Central India. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2010; 2: 104-111. It is a good herbal remedy for Lung Ailments like Asthma and Bronchitis. More research also show that the conventional chemotherapy paired with Turmeric can be a powerful combo in opposing cancer cells. One of the author (DP) is grateful to Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi for the financial assistance for research in the form of INSPIRE Fellow-SRF. Tincture of Black Turmeric powder is useful for Toothache. Substance known as kurkumini in turmeric removes the element that causes the lung cancer. Traditionally, the rhizomes of Curcuma caesia are used in treating leprosy, cancer, wounds, impotency, fertility, tooth ache, vomiting, allergies, leucoderma, asthma, tumours, piles, bronchitis, enlargement of the spleen, epileptic, menstrual disorder, smooth muscle relaxant activity, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, gonorrheal discharges, etc. Fresh rhizome decoction is used as ant diarrhoeiaric and to get relief from stomach ache. Selection of medicinal plant: Plant of Curcuma caesia was selected based on its traditional usage by the tribal community of Bastar district of Chhattisgarh in healing several diseases and its ethno-medicinal significance as herbal drug. Terms & conditions According to a study, in ethnomedicinal practices, the traditional healers use the genus Curcuma for the treatment of various types of diseases, but Curcuma caesia is a very less known - an almost untouched drug. Thus, negating the effects of aging and cancer cells. Black Turmeric has lots of uses and benefits. Rhizomes of the herb are often used by the Baiga, Sahariya, Agariya, Gond, Korku, and other tribal communities of Mandla, Balaghat, Chhindwara, Anooppur, and Dindori district of Madhya Pradesh state for the treatment of pneumonia, cough, and cold in children, and for fever and asthma in adults. It increases stamina and vitality if consumed in small quantities. Arulmozhi DK, Sridhar N, Veeranjaneyulu A, Arora KS: Preliminary Mechanistic studies on the smooth muscle relaxant effect of hydroacloholic extract of, Basri DF, Fan SH: The potential of aqueous and acetone extracts of galls of, Irobi ON, Daranola SO: Bactericidal properties of crude extract of, Manivannan R, Mannangatti VK, Ayyasamy B, Emin B, Natesan SK: Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical studies of, Mohanasundari C, Natarajan D, Srinivasan K, Umamaheshwari SA, Ramchandran A: Antibacterial properties of. The percentage yield and other physical properties were recorded. They are natural antioxidants. This is the most common quality of the Black Turmeric and the other two types of Turmeric. From rashes, toothaches, osteoarthritis to stomach problems, Black Turmeric can help relieve situations like these. CONCLUSION: The present investigation was carried out to study the antibacterial potentiality in the root, stem and leaf extracts of Curcuma caesia in four different solvents against four gram positive and four gram negative bacteria. Here are the top health benefits of Black Turmeric, 1. The activity index was calculated to express the relationship between zones of inhibition of the extracts with the standard antibiotics 24. Authors: TrustSEAL Verified Verified Exporter. TABLE 4: ACTIVITY INDEX OF THE EXTRACT OF CURCUMA CAESIA IN DIFFERENT SOLVENTS WITH RESPECT TO STREPTOMYCIN. Extraction procedure: 15g powdered material was extracted with 150 ml of different solvents according to their increasing polarity successively for 8-10 hours in the Soxhlet apparatus at a temperature not exceeding the boiling point of the respective solvents. The above study clearly illustrates the presence of varied phytochemical in different parts of the plants and their affinity towards different solvents according to their polarity index. Black Turmeric is also sparsely found in Papi Hills of East Godavari, West Godavari and Khammam Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2000; 31: 886-891. Flowers are funnel-shaped and white and are arranged in spikes. As the plant propagates with rhizome, the primary roots are not seen; however, yellow brown long fibrous and tapering adventitious roots are present all over the surface of rhizome. Dried powder used to mixed with seed powder of Andrographis paniculata Wall ex. Thus, the documentation of the plants phytochemicals to treat and prevent infectious bacterial diseases has attracted the attention of scientist’s worldwide 9. Black turmeric is native to northeastern and central India where it has been part of cultural ceremonies and medicinal remedies. Dipesh shinde . A readymade lotion too is available in the market. C. caesia is a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizome native to North-East and Central India. Several facts and data related to Curcuma caesia have been chronicled in the review article in order to institute scientific methods and validate traditional and historic usage and re-establish it as a promising drug source in the coming days. Curcuma Caesia AKA Black Turmeric is a very rare herb with many medicinal and religious uses. Reply . TABLE 3: ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF CURCUMA CAESIA AGAINST GRAM NEGATIVE BACTERIA (ZONE OF INHIBITION IN MM, MEAN ± SE), FIG. This particular rhizome may contain the highest content of curcumin in its class. We are predominantly familiar with the yellow coloured turmeric. It will need to be Wintered indoors, in a paper bag with sawdust or dry potting soil. All © 2013 are reserved by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Curcuma caesia commonly known as black turmeric is actually a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizome. We have curcuma caesia plants (Black Turmeric). You can take black turmeric supplements, twice a day after meals. Privacy Policy This is why if taken in moderation; the Black Turmeric can neutralize the free radicals which our body cannot. The herb is sold fresh or dried in markets across India and Southeast Asia. In the traditional system of medicine, fresh and dried rhizomes of Curcuma caesia Roxb are used in treating leucoderma, asthma, tumours, piles, bronchitis, bruises etc. Kanti tribes apply fresh rhizome paste on snake and scorpion bites in Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh. In Arunachal Pradesh, Adi tribes use decoction of fresh rhizome as anti-diarrheic. It is an effective herb for the Skin. In this context present study was carried out to screen the antibacterial efficacy of Curcuma caesia against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria viz., Bacillus cerus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoneae. The current study was to investigate health-benefits of the rhizomes of endemic Curcuma caesia, Curcuma zedoaria and Curcuma aeruginosa using in vitro antioxidant, antiinflammatory and human tumor cell proliferation inhibitory activities. India it is scientifically proven curcuma caesia uses they modify pre-cancerous changes in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Adi. Turmeric removes the element that causes the lung cancer water to remove debris and shade for. Treating Respiratory illness like Cold and cough in children caesia adalah selamat untuk digunapakai … Curcuma spp we introduce. 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curcuma caesia uses 2021