Got Sensitive Skin? An adult Oberhasli goat weighs around 120 pounds and becomes 28 inches high at the shoulder. Like Toggenburg goats, Oberhasli goat milk also has a distinctive taste and flavour. Breed of the goat – Some breeds such as the Toggenburg, Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf, and Oberhasli produce strong-flavored milk which to some people is a bad odor and hence a bad taste. With their striking looks, they also have plenty of appeal as lovely pets and bramble mowers. If the goats have been feeding on wild onions, the milk will have a faint onion taste. We once had a doe who was 75% LaMancha, and 25% Alpine and her milk held true to the Swiss taste. I Luv Your Mug!™, you should too. The does are great milkers of very creamy, awesome tasting milk! Originating from Switzerland, the Saanen dairy goats have an average milk yield of 838 kg in a lactation period of 264 days. Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Although you can see slightly different coloured goats. Basing on the chart above, the Saanen goat breed is the most productive goat in terms of milk production. I have tasted goat's milk different times in different settings, and I can distinguish the flavor from other milk, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Over the years, we have frequently kept the buck in with the does without a problem, but a lot of goatherds don’t do that because the scent of the buck can influence the milk, especially during breeding season — called “the rut.” Beautiful Oberhasli Doelings. On the other hand, Nigerian dwarf goats may be half the size of a regular goat, but they produce a decent amount of very sweet milk for their size (up to ½ a gallon a day or 1.9 liters). The Best Goats for Milk: Breed Overview. Goat milk contains more short chain fatty acids than cow milk, particularly caprylic and caproic acids which are the ones that produce the "goaty" flavor. I’ve drank some milk from my pygmies, and while it wasn’t cow milk, it was super sweet. Maybe a tish sweeter...but still no different. Although not particularly high in butterfat, Oberhasli milk has a sweet, fine-flavored taste. Relevance. :) Nigerian dwarf is a small sized goat, originated in West Africa. Next is Oberhasli, the breed I wanted to start out with but I could not find does, as they are not as popular of a breed, and it is hard to find different bloodlines often, and I have been told by a long time breeder that they have to be great a Obershasli to equal a good Alpine udder wise, but the Oberhasli milk taste very sweet and good, and they are very sweet and quiet girls, I do love them. saaanen. These beautiful medium sized goats are alert in appearance with friendly, gentle dispositions that remind me of a dog. Well, like all Swiss breeds, Alpines were bred to give strong-flavored milk. Boer goats are very big and originally bred for meat production, but many lovers of goat milk are fans of the creamy, buttery taste of Boer goat milk. This is a topnotch dairy goat. Naturally, you’ll want to know what the best goats for milk are. I would say to definitely go ahead and worm her though. Goats milk from a Nubian, Alpine, Saanen, Nigerian, LaMancha, Sable, and even an Oberhasli, all tasts pretty much just like regular old milk as long as the goat is healthy, not eating anything offensive (ie onions, etc), and is handled correctly. Please only answer if you know, thank you. The milk is also very sweet. Good to know. This is the goat called Oberhasli, which has a dark red coat. Mature goats are medium size; bucks are 30-34" and does are 28-32" weighing 100-150 lbs. Nigerian Dwarves are only about 20” tall and typically weigh less than 75 pounds, making them much easier to handle and house than the large dairy goat breeds.They’re similar in size to a medium to large size dog and are fine-boned, proportionately small dairy goats (not the stockier Pygmy goats). However, they can produce .5 – 1.5 gallons of milk a day. Toggenburgs are known for their milk production which is high. It also a very popular source of refreshment because of it's unique creamy taste and nutritional value. Getting to know the Oberhasli goat and why they are perfect for milk production in the Philippines. Facts: Oberhasli goats were selectively bred for their coloration, markings, and milk. While there are hundreds of breeds of goats throughout the world, only eight are generally recognized as dairy breeds in the United States and thus the best goats for milk.