Of course I did and wow, the soft, buttery and fluffy biscuits blew me away! I cannot stop believing that its finally here in Singapore! Then I saw my colleague leave her desk for a moment and I tip toed to get my hands of the tin again. I went to Hong Kong twice, and twice I tried to get the cookies and failed. My friend’s mom, being a very good host, told me to open the box and try the biscuits inside. After returning to the hotel (at Mong kok), I googled more on this cookie and told my husband that I’d like to make a trip to the shop in our next visit to hk, given that I would not be able to stand the cold if I were to queue during the winter. So we decided to just buy a few boxes from this reseller. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery would be the first time I tried their cookies! As I heard rave reviews of Jenny Cookies and thus bugged my aunt to bring us there, despite our packed schedule. :), I went down to buy jenny butter cookies on 24 sept but to my disappointment, cookies were sold out. 8. Truly hope to win those cookies and surprise my mom with it ! My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery is that the very first time , my loved one travelled back from Hong Kong, bought me and surprised me during one of the important month that we will celebrate, and with that doing, he knows that i love cookies, and i love how crispy and the texture are! Bought a tin and couldn’t stop eating the biscuits, Thereafter always have to get friends who travel to HK to assist in buying a tin back to satisfy my cravings, It was years back since I tried..my fondest memory of it aside the melt in your mouth buttery cookies was the unique bear box that captures my attention. So I told my friend that we surely must go and queue and get our cookies and try. It was really my first but not the last time I’m going to eat them. 2) Best butter for toast vs cooking: Echiré for toast.That slight funk is incomparable for straight eating on toast, where you want a robust salting to complement whatever base carb you have: potatoes, brioche, sourdough, pancakes, noodles. Hello @misstamchiak, thank you for having this giveaway! Closing date: 26 September 2015, 12pm. =). The savoury flavours include Curry & Cheese cookies, and Spiced Salted Egg cookies, flecked with chilli padi, curry leaves and real salted egg, and the Haebee Hiam […] Then she said you need to queue hours to get hold of one. I have never tried one before, I went down twice to bishan with its long snaking queue and return home with none. ??? . I have been hearing many raving about Jenny Bakery cookies , that included flood bloggers . Having no 3G connection, I was not able to find out more about the cookies. I came across to know this cookie brand through a mummy&daddy FB group. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery is the cookies are so buttery & melting in my mouth, one piece of cookies is never enough. I have been travelling non stop for work and the time difference makes it hard to call. Unfortunately, by the time i reached, it was already sold out! Queuing I thought was mostly a Singaporean thing until my recent trip to Hong Kong where I observed the same incredible phenomenon. Finally Singapore has it! And in fact it was just this year in June. CNY Cookies Singapore Enjoy the best CNY Cookies in Singapore! I was craving for it throughout my 2 pregnancies and asked my friends who are traveling to Hong Kong to help me buy but 6 different friends went and none came back with the Jenny’s cookies. The moment you’ve tasted it will solve all your doubts and mysteries! This is the best butter cookie I have ever eaten! Love Love Love… I am not a coffee person but blown away by their coffee flavour biscuit… Thanks for coming to Singapore!!! I guess my fondest memory will be getting the Jenny cookies from Miss Tam Chiak. Had to drop them back at the hotel as they were quite heavy. If I can’t get the Jenny Bakery cookies in the giveaway, can I have the container? Is it that difficult to buy one? I kept trying to remind myself to get one if I ever go back to HK but now, it is here in SG and really do hope to get one for myself! You are here: Ive yet to enjoy a tin on my own but would be very glad to win one so i could share it with my other family members and enjoy it together! As I bite into a Jenny Cookie that day (or more like, as the cookie melted in my mouth as it is sooooooooo soft that no biting is required!! Jenny’s bakery cookies WOW me. I was never a cookies lover until I came across this Jenny Cookies with different flavours and shapes . Thanks for the good news that Jenny Bakery is coming to Singapore. If the queue is so long here and in hk, then it must be really good!! Hope that I will be able to win it so I can spread the joy to more people! @badgalriri, Spotted: Hong Kong actor @jeffreyngai in @loewe's, Just In: Noughties hit TV series Sex and the City, Roche Bobois is changing the concept of luxury fur. Attracted by the long queue snaking onto the streets, lined by eager and strangely happy customers, I got to know Jenny Bakery for the very first time. I never looked back since then. I have never been to hongkong so this would be a treat for me! thanks ~~. I went to Hong Kong with my family last year. So I just convinced myself that maybe Im not fated to eat it or just self hypnotize myself that maybe I wun likee it or what. The iconic bear tin is now my trusty sewing box and that will always remind me of my son. My fondest and first memory of Jenny Bakery is when I first tried it in the office – it really touches my heart to know that an office colleague, amidst of her business trip schedule, bothered to take a trip down to purchase a tin of cookies to share the fragrance and goodness of it in the office. Fondest memory of Jenny Bakery… Hope to win this tin of cookies so that my memory of Jenny’s will enhance to one of actually tasting the much raved delicious taste of the cookies. I was very cusious what so nice is this cookies? I’ll try my chance here in hope to win a box to cheer up my dad. It is the solution to everyone who has intolerance to peanuts. A friend brought home a tin for me on her visit to hk recently. The first piece of melt-in-your-mouth butter cookie and I was hooked! my fondest memory of jenny biscuit was when my mum’s colleague bought this from hk for me. It is one of the most popular, most praised homemade butter cookies in cute teddy bear tins. It was awesome and the coffee buttery scent filled my home!! I was initially puzzled by the title, Cultured Butter Cookies, and discovered in the entertaining comment thread that I wasn’t alone.Among the hundreds of rave reviews, there were many people who were unfamiliar with what exactly ‘cultured butter… Especially now that she is unable to take airplane rides anymore due to the same above-mentioned health reasons. Everytime when my friend travels to HK, I felt ‘paiseh’ to asked if she could bring back a tin for me because she’s on her holiday trip & didn’t want her to waste her time. the moment you open the package, look at the cute bear tin, open it and the aroma fills the air, then you put the cookie in your mouth…… That OMG melt in your mouth moment. Thank you so much Ms Tam Chiak! The moment I opened the tin, woah…..the smell fr the cookies were so inviting that my mouth were watering. My favourite is the coffee. She took just a piece of it the last time because she wanted to leave them all for me. Hope to win some cookies to share with him . Just one bite and it’s forever love. . Thank you. My fondest memory would be one of a colleague who queued up for the cookies for his wife in HK. Thank you for having this giveaway. Haha! We use chunks (not chips) of delicious Belgian chocolate, unsalted butter, wheat flour, cane sugar and fresh eggs from chickens who are treated well. Unfortunately, I don’t have foudest memories with jenny bakery as I have not tried before. My girlfriend’s eyes lit up upon seeing the tin. The queue is always crazy till hard to purchase any. The anticipating look, the satisfying smiles, the bonding time while waiting is part of our great memories in HK.. And I was told that it will happen before Christmas! I remembered how cautious i was when i first opened the tin (to prevent any scratches on it) when the buttery fragrance hit me and made me literally drool. You can even order cookies online on their website. It was heavenly. Only fresh milk from small farms in Brittany goes into the dairy product, meaning that its aroma changes with the seasons. No other cookies can compare to Jenny’s ! It’s hard to describe how heavenly these cookies are. Fondest memory of Jenny Bakery the smooth buttery taste that melts in the mouth. So whenever, I think of Jenny cookies, I think not only of that delicious buttery melt-in-your mouth taste, I think of my ah ma’s smile. I bought about 8 tins in total, only to realised later that the shop was a reseller and prices were marked up a lot. We was thinking since we can’t find the store ourselves then we might just follow her. This piece of news definitely adds on to one of my fondest memory of Jenny cookies! From that day onwards, i have been pestering my hubby to go HK again, just for the biscuits. We were perhaps the most well equipped in the queue! I would love to relive the moment again! Please let me try those COOKIES just so to satisfy my curiosity …, my fondest memory of jenny cookies is the one and only piece i got to try from my colleague when she came back from holidays. It was either sold out or it requires more than 3 hours! Jenny Bakery ‘s cookies let me remind one of my ex-colleague. All my family members love it at the first bite! I really hope to give her a surprise so she can have it for snacks. My friend and I went to the one at Tsim Sha Tsui and couldn’t find it. In Hong Kong, they have a unique pineapple shortbread cookie which is super awesome. Hope to win this for my hubby to surprise him as he has been stressed and down at work. A couple of days ago, I learnt that Jenny Bakery has a pop-up store in Bishan and I was so excited about it but to my disappointment, it has already went out of stocks. Moreoever, preservatives are a strict no-no to us. I opened it up to share with my family and took 1 piece first to enjoy. Experience was really great. I will be leaving my current workplace really soon after spending almost a decade there. The cookies tasted exceptionally nice as we were hungry and have been wanted to go hong kong to buy the cookies. Since then whether I visit HK or my family member. Looking back, I’ve collected the different designs of cookie tins from eating the cookies and it sure brings back those sweet moments. While some of us simply can't live without butter, the rest of us are too health-conscious to enjoy it. Now he already resigned and went back to Hong Kong. Love, Kent” I immediately teared. I would love to try and share this together with my 3 nephews! It was a non turning back since, recalling I had finished one entire large tin in just 2 days – which shows how deliciously baked these cookies are as I am not exactly a fan of cookies. That was my one and only time I’ve tasted those cookies. With 4 years of experience as a journalist and producer, she has a wealth of experience in food writing, photography and styling. When we had our first trip to Hong Kong, he planned a trip down to Jenny Bakery because he knew I am a cookie lover!!! The ingredient plays a major role in the preparation of sauces and form the backbone for classic French sauces ranging from Hollandaise and béarnaise. However, as we were flying off the next day at noon, it meant that we would not be able to get the cookies and rush to the airport on time. I still remember it was the butter cookies that I ate. Ben's cookies is a relatively new player in the cookie market in Singapore. No need to fly to Hong Kong to get them now! It is a shop that sell cookies that melt in your mouth instantly with the flavour bursting into every corner of your mouth. However, he surprised me with tin cans of the cookies after waking up super early to queue for them! I am definitely going to buy them and my Kiasu Singaporean spirit will make sure it happen. Cheers.? Fondest memory of Jenny Bakery… But when I ate the Jenny bakery, baby loved it and no nauseous feeling at all! Jayne Wong We love to bake cookie.i really hope i could win n give my younger sister a surprise.Thank u for giving out the wonderful treats. My fondest memories is when I get to taste Jenny biscuit when I visit my friend in HK. (if not I will start queuing when they are hereeeee yay ). We have not been to Hong Kong after that trip so I was thrilled to see Jenny Bakery having a pop out store at junction 8! Come across this when i saw a repost from friend and what caught my attention is the blogger nane: ms. Tam chiak!! Really fell in love with the cute cookies? I still remember when I was on exchange in Hong Kong when I first got to know about this bakery through Instagram. One is not enough! Thank you for having this giveaway . So it came as a pleasant surprise to read from your blog that it is here in Singapore!!!! I am so addicted to Jenny cookies!! I hope to win to be able to taste them again. Hoping to win a tin from misstamchiak! I hope to win this so I can try it for the first time.:). I have always love butter cookies but Jenny Bakety is totally difference from the one I had before. That was the 1st time I tasted such tasty and fresh cookies, and also the last because I could not find the brand and packaging anywhere in Singapore. But due to limited qty and they also loved the cookies, normally they just buy back to share. Chunky or smooth? I am sooooo ??. A friend purposely routed to HK and got a few of us the cookies. Everything in that cute teddy bear tin was awesome!!! It was so delicious and irresistible. Last year, my hubby and me went to Hong Kong for our honeymoon. Trappist butter is known for its light, corn-tinged flavour and hails from the sprawling region of Hokkaido. My fondest memory of Jenny Bakery would be the time I brought my dearest mother to Hongkong, all expenses were on me. She muttered ” ho jiak ” and looked at me with a wide grin. My mom was saying that we had to buy these cookies. My fondest memory will be my 1st try of the biscuit that i took out from the beary looking container….i was expecting it to be normal butter cookies but to my surprise, it was 1 of the most yummilicious cookies i ever had!! Miss the fragrance of the cookies. I love the raisin oats cookies too. I truly pray very very hard that i can be one of the super lucky winner in this giveaway! Now would’nt it be nice if Jenny Bakery can actually open a shop here in Singapore! Actually, the fondest memory or what I can remember the most from our trip in HK to Jenny Bakery was the queue……endless queue…..with 2 grumbling and active kids, we can’t really stay in the queue for long and hence decided to give up even though we had heard rave reviews about their cookies. I have tried 2attempts at bishan already, once queue is too long and second time it was sold out. 200g. Once my mum opened the tin, she passed one to my dad and said, “Try.” He gingerly took a piece and took a bite, next thing he did was to go for seconds. To be honest, I’ve heard so much about Jenny Bakery but sadly, I’ve never had the chance to eat their cookies. I remember dragging my feet home every single day when night fell and leaving school in the morning when it’s still dark. I think all of us will love it! It’s so soft, fragrance and it melt in your mouth! Many have known it as Teddy Bear biscuits . I even booked a trip to hongkong next March! When I first started baking cookies, almost all of my friends told me Jenny’s cookies are the best tasting ones. The butter cookies really melt in your mouth and the aroma…woohoo! Jenny cookies melts in your mouth that’s my first impression when I ate it in HK TST outlet. ? So I guess the fondest memory is now, learning the news that they are coming to singapore. Tree Coconut – Nasi Lemak by Next-Gen Hawkers! I really miss the warmth and help everyone rendered to one another during this study period. Singapore 238843. Add in egg yolk and mix until well incorporated. It’s literally melt in my mouth and that’s the reasons why I am so obsessed with her cookies now… Please let me win so that I can enjoy the cookies without flying to Hong Kong.. JENNY BAKERY IS COMING TO SINGAPORE! I love the impression Jenny’s butter cookies gives – a simple butter cookies that simply melts in your mouth upon eating. Have again bring the happy memories would come to my parents whose wedding anniversary is approaching home to it. Then las year we had to remind me, approached my colleague brought it back for me she. 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