Recent research, however, indicates that otters prefer slower moving, easier to catch fish, such as suckers and catfish found along river bottoms, and pose no threat to game fish. And new research on the patterns of the hunting trade has revealed how the giant otter's biology, including its monogamous tendencies and boisterous social lifestyle, may have undermined its. River otters are amazing swimmers. [30][32] They are less likely to be prey for the North American river otters since they are fast-swimming and can find good escape cover. The Guianas are one of the last real strongholds for the species, which also enjoys modest numbers and significant protection in the Peruvian Amazonian basin. [75] While still present in a number of north-central countries, giant otter populations are under considerable stress. River otters, semiaquatic mammals that can grow up to 30 lbs. [34] However, many other studies did not report any findings of North American beaver remains in the scat sampled. [26][33], Amphibians and reptiles are more obtainable by the North American river otter during the spring and summer as a result of breeding activity, appropriate temperatures, and water supply for the prey. This means they likely arrived in the Americas at a similar time as humans,[17] meaning humans were an important part of their natural ecosystem from the moment otters arrived. Giant otters adopt communal latrines beside campsites, and dig dens with a handful of entrances, typically under root systems or fallen trees. Otters primarily feed on fish and aquatic organisms including crayfish, frogs, and other miscellaneous animals. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. What to Watch for Size: 3-4' long including the tail which is about one third of the total length. The tail is highly muscular and comprises up to 40 percent of the otter'stotal body length. [62] Furthermore, Defler observed associations between giant otters and the Amazon river dolphins, and suggested that dolphins may benefit by fish fleeing from the otters. River otters have long, stiff and highly sensitive facial whiskers that aid in locating and capturing prey. [39] Other researchers suggest approximately 7 square kilometres (2.7sqmi) and note a strong inverse correlation between sociality and home range size; the highly social giant otter has smaller home range sizes than would be expected for a species of its mass. Moreover, a western Oregon study revealed fish remains were present in 80% of the 103 digestive tracts examined. [69] Pups are more vulnerable, and may be taken by caiman and other large predators,[52] although adults are constantly mindful of stray young, and will harass and fight off possible predators. [62] The spectacled caiman is another potential competitor, but Duplaix found no conflict with the species in Suriname. Decades of poaching for its velvety pelt, peaking in the 1950s and 1960s, considerably diminished population numbers. The giant river otter can weigh up to 99 pounds. River otters eat mostly aquatic organisms, including fish, frogs, crayfish, turtles, insects and some small mammals. [16], North American river otters only settle in areas that consist of vegetation, rock piles, and sufficient coverage. After a few bumps, they can slide up to 22 feet on the ice. [48][49] They then search for new territory to begin a family of their own. In comparison, river otters can be found in fresh, brackish, or salt water, and can travel overland for . [39] In another instance in Brazil, a carcass was found with clear indications of violent assault by other otters, including bites to the snout and genitals, an attack pattern similar to that exhibited by captive animals. The European River Otter shares similar sleeping habits, spending most of the day sleeping in undergrowth or the holes which are their dens. [1] They are now absent or rare in Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Water quality and development inhibit recovery of populations in some areas. The giant otter or giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is a South American carnivorous mammal. Pups grow rapidly and emerge from the den at about 2 months of age. [1], CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, different non-sexual physical characteristics, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-3.RLTS.T12302A164577078.en, "Expert says otter attacks are rare after St. Pete dog killed", "Dog attacked by otters in Lakewood, homeowners say", "7 Surprising Facts About the Giant River Otter", "Multigene phylogeny of the Mustelidae: Resolving relationships, tempo and biogeographic history of a mammalian adaptive radiation", 10.1644/1545-1410(2002)712<0001:LM>2.0.CO;2, "Parasites as probes for prehistoric human migrations? The North American river otter used to be abundant throughout New York State, but its numbers have declined. So he contacted some local experts who confirmed that river otters hadnt been seen in the Detroit River for 100 years. Otter births occur most frequently in March or April. They weigh about 4to 6ounces (113 to 170 grams) at birth and measure 8 to 11 inches (20 to 28 centimeters). Provided it survives its first year of life, a typical North American river otter will live to the age of 12, with some surviving longer. [44][45] Within groups, the animals are extremely peaceful and cooperative. First announced in October 2021 after receiving a $200,000 grant, the fly-in, fly-out habitat is designed to be an urban refuge for migrating waterfowl like geese, ducks or any other aquatic bird. The threat has been exacerbated by the otters' relative fearlessness and tendency to approach human beings. The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), also known as the northern river otter and river otter, is a semiaquatic mammal that only lives on the North American continent, along its waterways and coasts. Schoolchildren, however, had a more positive impression of the animal. [73], The IUCN listed the giant otter as "endangered" in 1999; it had been considered "vulnerable" under all previous listings from 1982 when sufficient data had first become available. Giant Otter This South American otter is the world's largest, at some 6 feet long. Utreras[65] presumed habitat requirements and availability would differ dramatically in the rainy season: estimating range sizes of 1.98 to as much as 19.55square kilometres (0.76 to 7.55sqmiles) for the groups. They spend a significant portion of the day scent marking territory by urinating, defecating, scratching and rubbing their scent glands on rocks and trees. Whistles may be used as advance warning of nonhostile intent between groups, although evidence is limited. Their fur is brown, slick, and acts as a. [26] The nose (or rhinarium) is completely covered in fur, with only the two slit-like nostrils visible. Gymnotids, such as the electric eel, and the large silurid catfish are among aquatic competitors. Organize or attend a stream, river, lake or other waterway cleanup in your area to preserve aquatic habitats for local species. These huge. [14] (Larger figures may reflect two or three family groups temporarily feeding together. The den typically has many tunnel openings, one of which generally allows the otter to enter and exit the body of water. Lutra was the early European name (from Latin), and the specific epithet canadensis[9] means "of Canada". [4] Occasional reports also show the river otter eating other small animals, such as mice, squirrels, birds, and even dogs that they've attacked and drowned. North American river otters are natural swimmers and, with parental supervision, they acquire the skills necessary to swim. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Similarly, many perceived threats to North American river otters, such as pollution and habitat alterations, have not been rigorously evaluated. The otter is a swift and agile swimmer, using its muscular tail to make sharp turns and steering with its neck and webbed feet. [28] This availability is influenced by the following factors: detectability and mobility of the prey, habitat availability for the various prey species, environmental factors, such as water depth and temperature, and seasonal changes in prey supply and distribution in correspondence with otter foraging habitat. [36], North American river otters may prefer to feed on crustaceans, especially crayfish (Cambarus, Pacifasticus, and others) and crabs[23] more than fish where they are locally and seasonally plentiful. River otters, semiaquatic mammals that can grow up to 30 lbs. All group members may aggressively charge intruders, including boats with humans in them. Fossil Facts. Early travelers' reports describe noisy groups surrounding explorers' boats, but little scientific information was available on the species until Duplaix's groundbreaking work in the late 1970s. In a Facebook post on Friday evening, the zoo said a 13-year-old female North American river . Otters are playful creatures, frequently seen sliding down riverbanks orburrowing through snow. "River otters are one of the greatest predator reintroduction stories in the U.S. They're a great underdog story," said Zach Hahn. [34][36][54], Records of North American otters preying upon North American beavers (Castor canadensis) vary; it has been reported in the southern boreal forest of Manitoba. Trapping, loss or degradation of aquatic habitats through filling of wetlands, and development of coal, oil, gas, tanning, timber, and other industries, resulted in local extinctions or population declines in North American river otter populations in many areas. [13] Later gene sequencing research on the mustelids, from 2004, places the divergence of the giant otter somewhat later, between five and 11million years ago; the corresponding phylogenetic tree locates the Lontra divergence first among otter genera, and Pteronura second, although divergence ranges overlap. A study of five indigenous communities in Colombia suggests native attitudes toward the animal are a threat: the otters are often viewed as a nuisance that interferes with fishing, and are sometimes killed. [36] Each family of otters was shown to have its own unique audio signature. Even in larger bodies of water, river otters may take disproportional advantage of any seasonal concentrations of fish when and where only very limited areas of suitable spawning, low-flow, or over-wintering habitat may exist. [24] ", "North American River Otter National Wildlife Federation", "Basic Facts About North American River Otters", "Distribution and abundance of river otter in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota", "Food habits of the river otter in Suisun Marsh, Central California", "Feeding relationships of river otters in northeastern Pennsylvania", Food habits of the North American river otter (, "Social Networks and the Formation and Maintenance of River Otter Groups", "Art Lander's Outdoors: Once endangered river otters now likely to be found in Kentucky for generations", Colorado Otters May No Longer Need Protection, How river otters are making a comeback on P.E.I. All Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island and 29 U.S. states have viable populations that sustain annual harvests. [52], Studies of giant otters in captivity have given indications about the environment necessary to both maintain a physically and behaviorally healthy population and allow successful cub-rearing. Insufficient land area proportions and unsuitable substrate conditions in zoos have historically been the primary cause of high cub mortality and physical and behavioral health problems among giant otters. The muzzle appears broad. [39] Remains of the much larger North American beaver have been found in North American river otter scat in some regions, although most otter dietary studies in areas where otters and beaver live near each other do not show them to be regular predators of beavers (despite the claims of fur-trappers that otters frequently hunt beavers) and perhaps only young beaver kits may be attacked. Using fertilizers sparingly, keeping storm drains free of litter and picking up after your pet can also improve watershed health. SmithsoniansNationalZoo& ConservationBiologyInstitute [19] An average adult male weighs about 11.3 kilograms (25lb) against the female's average of 8.3 kilograms (18lb). North American river otters rely upon play to learn survival skills such as fighting and hunting. The giant otter subsists almost exclusively on a diet of fish, particularly characins and catfish, but may also eat crabs, turtles, snakes and small caimans. River otters generally live along rivers, as their name implies, but they're also found near streams and lakes. 10-30 lbs. [42] Population densities varied with a high of 1.2/km2 (3.1/sqmi) reported in Suriname and with a low of 0.154/km2 (0.40/sqmi) found in Guyana. John Hartig, a visiting scholar at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research who focuses on pollution cleanup in the Great Lakes, confirmed the rarity of Ste Maries sighting. [50] Likewise, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a preferred fish species for the North American river otter in other regions of Colorado. If the river is cleaner for the river otter, maybe its cleaner for you and me, he added. Aquatic life ties North American river otters almost exclusively to permanent watersheds. ); Cyprinidae, made up of carp (Cyprinus spp. Death / Obituaries. The giant otter seems to choose clear, black waters with rocky or sandy bottoms over silty, saline, and white waters. [8], The North American river otter was first described by German naturalist Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber in 1777. In the wild state, female sea otters normally have a life-span of 15-20 years, and males 10-15 years. Name: Lontra weiri. Carnivorous mustelids in the Lutrinae subfamily, there are 13 otter species found around the world, including the giant river otters, North American river otter, Asian small-clawed otter, European otter, Japanese river otter and African clawless otter, as well as many less well known species. The giant otter is large, gregarious, and diurnal. The North American river otter is one of several carnivorans included in ongoing research of respiratory turbinates by Dr. Van Valkenburgh. As a result, slow-swimming fish are consumed more often than game fishes when both are equally available. [55] Trappers in Alberta, Canada commonly assert North American river otters are major predators of North American beavers. [30][31] Mammals preyed upon by North American river otters are characteristically small or are a type species found in riparian zones. Atypical of mustelids, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to eight members. [63], Local people sometimes take pups for the exotic pet trade or as pets for themselves, but the animal rapidly grows to become unmanageable. The otters migrated to North America and southwards again across the Panamanian Land Bridge, which formed 3Mya. In Search Of Otters, Beavers And Birds You can follow the River Otter for 9 miles from Ottery St Mary to Budleigh Salterton. They also receive mice, carrots, hard-boiled eggs, clams, crayfish, dry kibble, crickets and live fish for variety and enrichment. Washington, DC 20008. [1] Otters have recently re-established themselves on Prince Edward Island. The giant otter shows a variety of adaptations suitable to an amphibious lifestyle, including exceptionally dense fur, a wing-like tail, and webbed feet. North American river otters, also called Canadian otters, have long, muscular, streamlined bodies with short legs and fully webbed feet bearing non-retractable claws. [2] Given local extinctions, the species' range has become discontinuous. [20] The neotropical otter is active during twilight and darkness, reducing the likelihood of conflict with the diurnal giant otter. The giant otter is an especially noisy animal, with a complex repertoire of vocalizations. Joe Jack caught what could be the state's first legally trapped river otter on Nov. 2. [26][34][36][50] Otters consume more aquatic insects in the summer as the populations increase and specific life stages heighten their susceptibility. The giant otter ranges across north-central South America; it lives mostly in and along the Amazon River and in the Pantanal. The groups are centered on a dominant breeding pair and are extremely cohesive and cooperative. A Eurasian river otter mother relaxes with with her two seven-month-old cubs on a shoreline in Shetland, U.K. . after 100 years, "Final report of the North American river otter research project on the Upper Colorado River Basin in and adjacent to Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado", "Asian Carp in the Diet of River Otters in Illinois", Assessment and status report on the Grizzly Bear,, This page was last edited on 11 April 2023, at 23:15. Eric Ste Marie, a marine ecologist studying at Windsor University in Ontario, told CNN that the remarkable sighting happened after his partner suggested they go for a walk before starting work. I realized it was too big to be either of those. Otter fur is dark brown, short, and dense (hundreds of hairs/square inch) creating a smooth, sleek body and tail. Their playful snow and mud sliding, tail chasing, water play, and snow burrowing activities also serve other purposesthey help strengthen social bonds and let young otters practice hunting techniques. The tail is long, wide, and quite thick at the base. [28] The North American river otter ( Lontra canadensis), also called the Canadian otter, is the most abundant species of otter. They live in riparian zones, often in the same areas as beavers. While current harvest strategies do not pose a threat to maintaining otter populations, harvest may limit expansion of otter populations in some areas. All this information combined tells scientists a lot of information about where otters live. Since 1976, over 4,000 otters have been reintroduced in 21 U.S. states. They can dive up to 60 feet and stay underwater for as long as four minutes. On average, male otters weigh 25lbs and are about 48in in length . International Union for Conservation of Nature, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, "Searching for the Giant Otter in Northeastern Argentina", "Otters: An Action Plan for their Conservation", "Otters: A SeaWorld Education Department Publication", "The Vocal Repertoire of Adult and Neonate Giant Otters (, "Territorial choruses of giant otter groups (, "Distribution and Population Status of the Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensis in Bolivia", "Intraspecific Agonism between Giant Otter Groups", "Change of Partners in a Giant Otter Alpha Couple", "An analysis and review of the sociobiology of the Mustelidae", Guianas Rapid River Bio-assessments and Giant Otter Conservation Project. All otters produce vocalizations, but by frequency and volume, the giant otter may be the most vocal. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) considers the species' presence in Argentina and Uruguay uncertain. For example, a study conducted in a central California marshland indicated crayfish formed nearly 100% of the river otter's diet at certain times of the year.