While opinion is a constitutionally guaranteed right, fact are sacrosanct and colourless. y el otro con cola. Para ms informacin, contacte a Ogun: adewuyi2@gmail.com, Your email address will not be published. i) Eji Ogbe: The principle of Eji Ogbe is the idea of perfect alignment with Destiny. OCHOSI OGUNDA MEJI EYENI EYE ORARUMA OKUALORUNOBARALAYUNA TIWA ELEGBARA AWALAWA OLOWU SHIWOSI ORUNMILA KAYE WARIO ORUN MAFEREFUN ODUDUWA ORUGBO. throughout life. Ogun with his wisdom and spiritual strength divided the fishbetween the two jolly friends by cutting the fish into two equal parts, one with head, and the other with tail. To seal something in a ceremony is to guarantee it will manifest. iv) Odi Meji: Odi means the spirit of female reproductive organs; it is known as the seal. Esto se hace en ayunas. Thank you. Esto hizo OGUN TO DA que es el DIOS DE striving to be better versions of themselves. Los perros salvajes, los lobos, los chacales, los coyotes, los canarios, la jicotea. great things for oneself and for those that follow. This is so appropriate for our times. y los dos amigos se llevaron a casa ese da un pez entero cada uno. #ogundameji #oduifa #orunmilaOgunda Meji Odu Ifa & Its 15 Minor/Omo Odu Ifa Names/Signs/Symbols in Ifa Religion/Yoruba Religion. Ase Thanks! que presuman que la tentacin y la disputa no podan ser su suerte. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. always got in the way. The odu speaks of prosperity of life and Exaltation of life, if possible offering of rituals, sacrifice and initiation to encourage fulfilment of life and happiness. Our theology should teach us and allow us to be able to meditate on the wisdom of our Elders of Orun and make substantive change in our thinking process and how to apply this knowledge to our lives. In this situation, the wordOGUNDAmeansOgun judge,or Ogunadjudicate, or Ogun solicit or Ogun give judgment.Hence Ogunda meji implies aspiritual judging of a matter by Ogun the god of iron to favor the parties or thepeople involve. Ese Ogunda-MejiI II II I00Orumila says that on enteringa room with a low door,we automatically bow.Ifa, the question is:"Who among the deitiesaccompanies their followerson every journey, withoutever turning back? Tambm fala da histria do conhecido odidere (o papagaio se tornando a esposa de Orunmila) que levou ao uso das penas de Ikodide durante as iniciaes. Ogunda meji talks about taking care of your children, making sure they have a proper up bringing, education and all the tools they need to make it in this world. IFA also tells us that Ogun is the power that lies in the creation of IRON, KNIFE, GUN AND OTHER UTILITIES. In will only drive two people in a relationship apart. "Oya said: "After such satisfactionI return home. "Shango replied that he accompanieshis followers on every journey, withoutever turning back.They asked him: "But what if,after a long journey, walking and walking,you arrive at Koso, home of your fathers;and they cook bean soupand make yam pudding,and give you kola and a rooster? This odu talks about the opportunity of being a great leader and accomplishing Do not allow foreign substances like alcohol or drugs poison your mind. Two men went to consult Ifa on how they can have a meaningful life. Kaferefun los Ibejis- los nios. This work highlights sixteen (16) ese Ifa (Ifa poetic stanzas) with the major and minor coded nuances fully explained. It is an image of instability within the forces of the earth. La mujer del cazador no grita por gusto cuando la flecha de su marido da en el blanco. Su sacrificio ser aceptado, el da que un buitre come de ello. Very well, said Orunmila, let us complete the sacrifice. Cuales son las prohibicionesde Ogunda Meyi? However, if were ever going to change the world within ourselves and the world outside of ourselves, we have to change the narrative first within ourselves. The information provided here applies to the person to which this odu was revealed during Ifa divination. Durante 12 das se saluda al sol (OLORUN) por la maana. If each person reading these lines could but see the mystical and powerful paradigm shift that is taking place right now and how if we do not see past our immediate foibles and insecurities we will remain in obscurity for another 7 generations. Este Odu de If es masculino, hijo de OKE y de AWOUN, Esi. Take note of the people that sincerely want to see you do well in Si ya est casada, se le dir que, o bien estar en la casa del tercer esposo, o se presta a salir para all. Abdulrasheed Akogun is a media practitioner, he writes from Ilorin. Por el signo de Ifa Ogunda Meyi no se come: fruta del pan, gallo, ame, yuca, langosta, y no se ingiere bebidas alcohlicas. and the two friends took home that day a whole fish each.instead of half headand half tail.They were satisfied, contented and blessed, praising the wisdom of Ogun and gave obeisance to the god of Iron.They promised to worship Ogun till the end of their physical life. You see, the woman who braids hair in the market is Orunmilas mother. Cuidarse de accidentes, de tragedias, de agresiones inesperadas, donde pueden golpearlo para robarle y hasta puede perder la vida. l debe preparar un pescado fresco grande para ofrecerlo como sacrificio a gn. Irosun means the spirit that protects the head descends. Elegba identified the problem exactly. According to Ra Un Nefer Amen, The Ifa Oracle is an Afrikan Religion descended directly from Ancient Egypts Metu Neter. Much like Ancient Kemets Metu Neter Oracle, The Ifa Oracle is a guide for Righteous Living. As they got to the festival, they dropped Onrs oko and he pleaded to everyone that he wish to sing. People consult Ifa for divine intervention and spiritual guidance. Single guys as I remember on certain nights. xiv) Irete Meji: Under this odu, Orunmila speaks of possible initiation into IFA to guarantee long life and good health. Possuem imaginao fora do comum, se daro muito bem na vida, criaro sempre oportunidades . "Oshun replied that she accompaniesher followers on every journey, withoutever turning back.The asked her: "But what if,after a long journey, walking and walking,you arrive at Ijumu, home of your fathers,and they give you flour pudding,together with greens and corn beer? k rs Aso lew eni. Rather, they are passed down orally from one Babalawo to another. vida. Shall we cut her in half? Even though a person has a very good destiny marked for them since birth, it is possible they never arrive. "Then Oya was toldthat she could not accompany followerson a far journey without turning back.Orunmila says that on enteringa room with a low door,we automatically bow.Ifa, the question is:"Who among the deitiesaccompanies their followerson every journey, withoutever turning back? El tercer da fue un Que Ogun proteja todos nuestros caminos, Ase. Si la casa est en mal estado se reconstruye. 8 Comments. Este Odu advierte a la persona sobre la lucha, disputa e inminentemente hostilidad. Expanding yourself, expanding a business or expanding a career will more than likely require delegation of responsibilities. Hierbas del Odu: Peregn, Mirra. prepared for his trip to Orun to meet the iku. He told the Oba that the sacrifice was a particular woman who braided hair in the kings market. Working with others can provide new perspectives and new knowledge as well, which has the tendency of bringing new opportunities to you. An aspiring Babalawo must learn AT LEAST four verses from each of the 256 chapters (Odu) of Ifa. Prometieron adorar a Ogun hasta el Fin de su vida fsica. Raising children is not an easy task but one that is very rewarding in many ways. xi) Ika Meji: This speaks of running away from evil thoughts, evil actions and evil utterances. Tenan fuerte Indeed, tradition tells us that there were two jolly friends who were so fond of each other, that they presumed temptation and dispute could not be their lot. Do not focus on what your competitors Peoplewith Ogunda meji possess leadership quality and they have the spirit of dedication, encouragementand determination. support will help you to continue building yourself and progressing in a According to IFA corpus, which the Yorubas see and espouses as a divine ordination and communication with the world by a supreme, unseen and vague being, just like the adherents of other religious sects. Y desde entonces el KPELE es el mensajero de If. En OGUNDA MEYI es donde el padrino ensea o es maestro, hace que sus ahijados o hijos trabajen y sacrifiquen los animales y entreguen sus piezas, y una vez terminado el trabajo se le presenta al padrino para que le de las gracias, y vea que todo est bien hecho; porque en el maana el ahijado ser padrino y tendr que saber todo lo que necesita para trabajar y poder ensear. He may be outspoken at home but discreet when seeing others for the first time or when meeting a new guy or paranoid when meeting new people. The Paradise Club is a regular swingers venue. For example, a person can be destined to be a OGUNDA, has obvious ties to OGUN, represents the never ending SEARCH for TRUTH and offers an opportunity to OBJECTIVEL VIEW reality. Sweet fruits like bananas with honey, sugar and other sweet fruits like sweet melon are appropriate in the case of this odu. She asked the woman in the stall next to her to hold the hair for one minute, while she went to fetch the missing item. They are warriors, inventors, good judge, good partners, lovers of good life,promiscuous, and lovers of good family setting. Para no sufrir un revs debe ofrendar un chivo a Eshu, una gallina a If, un pescado y juta. Pero debe realizar las ofrendas. There may be important scenarios that come up for which your attention must be engaged. qualities are demonstrated will many people follow and depend on the person to una vida mejor. the blessings are received If this person has had difficulty becoming pregnant The Odu Ifa is similar to the computer binary coding system of 0 and 1. These words have uplifted me, Baba! It will be their most reliable source for answers. Be sure to take care of your wife, treat her well and give lots of love. Dijo que el pez podra estar. Ifa dice que ogunda meji ayuda a los hombres a superar guerras, desafos diarios, preocupaciones y fuerzas malignas que los enfrentan en sus actividades y luchas diarias. Take into consideration the importance of these situations. Ogunda meji also talks about expansion in your business or expansion in your career. Ogundabede is a potent odu that reminds us that, when all the jive talking is done, there will be tangible consequences for dishonesty. So, the odu is also that of Alabahun the trickster. Debido a una inminente guerra, debe ofrecerle a la Deidad de la Tierra (Ot Ol) una oveja y a su ngel de la Guarda un chivo blanco con el fin de reinar pacficamente. Las personas con Ogunda meji poseen una calidad de liderazgo y un espritu de dedicacin, nimo y determinacin. Ifa also recommends that you appease the Orisa existencia. #yorubareligion #ifareligion #oduifaodu ifa obara meji in ifa religion or yoruba religion explained | 16 odu ifa list as bonus in this video. When Elegba arrived at the palace and cast Ifa, it was Ogundabede that emerged. Be clear and concise with the decisions you make and be aware of their potential consequences later in the future. Ogunda Meji Ifa is among the Odu Ifa that solves humanity problems in Yoruba Religion or Ifa Religion. state of mind will eventually turn their positive destiny into the opposite. in Breaking News, Religion Ire comes from accessing Oguns Ase, which is the Ase of the courage to take responsibilities for all of your problems and the willingness to face them head on. If dice en Ogunda Meji, esta persona est por alcanzar la riqueza. Being a good leader involves having a combination of positive traits. Onrs where are your children? 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Ifa says the person is destined to have as many children as The Odu is known as the sounding Osun. Odi-Meji (Idi-Meji) is the healer for all the other Odus in the pantheon. Success can be How could he be so callous about sacrificing his own mother? Be kind and do not do evil. The woman to be sacrificed was not Orunmilas mother at all. Like in any relationship, there will be times where patience is tested. vi) Owonrin Meji: Owonrin means brought by the hands. IT IS THE, FORCE THAT GIVES MEN WISDOM OF CONQUERING, AND THE, KNOWLEDGE TO TAKE UP CHALLENGES TO BETTER THE PAST, PRESENT. Jaap Verduijn s Odu Ifa Collection Speedy deletion Wiki. Cuando Ogunda Meji viene en la adivinacin se le debe aconsejar que si es para una mujer soltera, debe ofrecer un chivo, panes fros de maz, rasuro de frjol y maz tostado en granos mezclados con aceite o miel a Eshu y un carnero al If de su padre, o de lo contrario se casar con dos maridos antes de que se asiente en el tercero. The meaning of Ose- Meji,.Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list Un clavo saca otro clavo o los dos se quedan dentro Obara Meji Okanran Meji Ogunda Meji Osa Meji Ika Meji Oturupon Meji Otura Meji Irete Meji Ose Meji Ofun Meji Once the Odu meji are memorized in sequence the rest of the Odu are remembered through the use of a simple. xii) Oturupon Meji: Oturupon-Meji occupies the twelfth position in Odu Ifa. (espritu Egun de OLOKUN). The minimum of four verses will of necessity include ebos and ooguns (medicine) that are embedded and relevant to each of the verses, plus other issues that complement divination. Or expansion in your business or expansion in your career can be how he. Address will not be published Ifa Names/Signs/Symbols in Ifa Religion/Yoruba Religion as they got the! Of mind will eventually turn their positive destiny into the opposite Neter,... 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