This is due to their wings. 26, continued on pages 39 & 45. The light has always been on my side. And remember, there is no man who has existed and who has not died! Make a note that Nikola Tesla was a contented guy The fourth criterion is to make changes to the physical assembly with a work. Theyre returning, and I know them amid the multitudes. 1. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Nikola Tesla Part 01 of 03 Nikola Tesla Part 02 of 03 Nikola Tesla Part 03 of 03. I would like to understand it but this is impossible. I wish I had seen your comment earlier. What energy, stellar or terrestrial, can feed the hungry on Earth? Why are you scared, young man? As clouds of Taoists, it is always changing. I use all six of my senses to. Transistor working principle | How does a transistor work? Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), who once worked for Edison, was often a rival of the more-famous inventor. Why? William Blake was taught that the Universe was born of the imagination, which is maintained and will exist as long as there is one last man on Earth. When skepticism was voiced, Tesla proved his claims for it before a crowd in Madison Square Garden. Interviews with Tesla are extremely rare, but the ones we have available offer a great understanding of the mind of a brilliant scientist whose goals were to give people around the world unlimited free power. There is enough electricity to create a second sun. FBI archive holds 354 pages of Tesla's papers, in 3 parts, much of which is blacked out for reasons of "national security." Nikola Tesla's Last Interview - Everything Is the Light - YouTube Interesting interview with Nikola Tesla and John Smith in which he said: "Everything is the Light. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla). Life has an infinite number of forms and the duty of scientists is to find them in all forms of matter. Tesla soon established his own laboratory, where his inventive mind could be given free rein. Nikola Tesla Interview | No One Who Ever Lived Did Not Die. No, I did not. As a ring encircling Saturn, Light would emerge around the equator. My spiritual ear spans the entire breadth of the sky above us. 2, shows Mr. Tesla holding in his hands a 14-inch glass bulb, which is highly exhausted and containing a drop of mercury. In this interview this greatest inventor and seer of modern time unravels a new vision of . We can capture light particles. We must learn these truths to be healed. Being alone does the same to other people. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. Tesla: Yes, they are some of the most significant findings Ive made. Twain not to remain under those vibrations. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. This expansion of vision and hearing I have had since I was a child. Nikola Tesla wasn't a man who lacked feelings | Photo from 1890 by Wikipedia, altered by the author. I composed a composition called Ball Lightning for this concert, which can be heard from the freezing heights of the Himalayas. You just have to internalize it. Or, if you like, I am energy in human form. The demise of a star and the appearance of comets have far-reaching consequences for mankind. When we met here and told him, he was so moved that he cried. It is advised that it become one eye. There are lightning and thunder, and they are brighter and more powerful, they return and I recognize you among thousands. The remedy is in our hearts and equally, in the heart of the animals, we call the Universe. . Who are you, Mr. Tesla? The smaller photo, Fig. Nikola Tesla was a visionary who dealt with nature, the cosmos, and mankind, but he didn't . Keep in mind that the youth wings have everything in life! It finished by darting inside a certain room, like a rocket carrying trousers. Tesla: I communicate with lightning and thunder. Frightened and surprised, my uncle exclaimed: Vade retro, Satan! He was an educated person and spoke in Latin I was in Paris when I saw my mothers death. (Nikola Tesla). Although this condition cannot be treated, raising awareness will make it less difficult and dangerous. For that gift, I shall be elevated to the status of High Lama in Tibet. For business inquiries, collaboration, jointly work or want to say hi, Contact us by Email: I am simply a writer out in search of something new. As a child, I knew Id make most of my discoveries, even if they werent completely evident The second adaptive condition has been identified. The human being once had them real and visible! I have sought it not for my benefit but the benefit of others. It must, albeit only vaguely, exist in the first few days. Religions and ideologies say that man can become Christ, Buddha, or Zoroaster. In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla for the first time an atom has been broken. Midway through the birth, the midwife clutched her hands and deemed the lightning a terrible omen, according to family lore. I was once cured as a youngster by reading his novels. This is the GOAL of LIFE that can be accomplished by the GENUINE HUMAN, who is the TOTALITY WITHIN THE TOTALITY. It was one of those inventions for fun, which I enjoy doing on occasion. Because energy is older than matter. This is, indeed, insane. I have been fed by my teachers; Ive learned to manage my emotions, dreams, and visions. As a result, many additional illnesses, sorrow, wickedness, misery, conflicts, and other factors make human existence ludicrous and dreadful. Tesla was a godsend to reporters who sought sensational copy but a problem to editors who were uncertain how seriously his futuristic prophecies should be regarded. . Your email address will not be published. (Nikola Tesla). One of its particles has light, heat, nuclear, radiation, chemical, mechanical, and unknown energy. For me, the illusion was the minds ability to see beyond the three dimensions of the planet, not an illness. There are primary energy sources. Sometimes they occur as an epidemic in the depths of space. Based on the foundations of biography and personality of Nikola Tesla, Stevan Pesic wrote a philosophical fairy-tale of man and hope, of creation, of the soul and the universe, including for the first time into the literature Tesla, both as a scientist and as a philosopher of his and our time . I have not achieved the greatest of my goals. Best of luck! That was the source of my happiness. Five species would pray to him in the future Temple because they revealed a profound secret: Empedocles materials might be nourished with life energies from the ethers. TESLA: It gives light to life. The Internet has a way of perpetuating lies. I understand that this needs to be included in the structure of the Universe. Can you please try again? At quantum level the Universe is a fluid like field of energy which ripples to create form. It is best to work at night, by the stellar light and the close bond that exists. TESLA: Exactly! The inventor died in 1943 -- and would have been 159 years old on Friday -- but a look back at his musings reveals a startlingly accurate description of our modern life. The Universe, like a thinking animal, is alive in all of its incarnations. According to a Chinese saying, earnestness shortens life. Nikola Tesla predicted the mobile phone in 1926. Caustic criticism greeted his speculations concerning communication with other planets, his assertions that he could split the Earth like an apple, and his claim of having invented a death ray capable of destroying 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 400 km (250 miles). Telsa was not privy to these discoveries during his lifetime. A concert is a thousand lightning bolts. Sometimes I imagine that all of the worlds cooks are conspiring against me. (Nikola Tesla). All thunder and lightning are different and have their names. in diameter. Tesla: When a man becomes concussed; his highest goal must be to run for a shooting star and try to capture it; he shall understand that his life was given to him because of this and will be saved. Westinghouse used Teslas alternating current system to light the Worlds Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla), This music is the eternal cycle of stellar skies. Where can I acquire one? I felt bodily pain if one of my personal friends or family members was wounded. We need your support to make it the best. In one of its rays is the destiny of the nations, each nation has its own ray in that great source of light, which we see, like the Sun. We must learn these realities to be healed. Journalist: Some say youre from Croatia, from the town of Lika, where trees, rocks, and a starry sky bloom with the inhabitants. We have two eyes: the earthly and the spiritual. Or if you prefer, I am the light in the human form. It shined, and stars, planets, man, and everything on Earth and the Universe appeared. Therefore, the spirit can cure almost all diseases. 4 Likes, 1 Comments - Conversations with Heaven on Earth (@conversationswithheavenonearth) on Instagram: "Nikola Tesla Life after death interview September 2019 Conversations with Heaven on Earth is you . Moreover, mans heartbeats are part of the Earths symphony. Tesla envisioned drone technology and spoke of cosmic radio waves, while his greatest goal and life mission was free and unlimited energy for the entire world. Goran, Thank you for this. He also lit 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 40 km (25 miles) and created man-made lightning, producing flashes measuring 41 metres (135 feet). Its A play inspired by Teslas work and life. Journalist: A ninth adjustment, Mr. Tesla? Journalist: Your admirers are upset because you are criticizing relativity. Humanity is unprepared for the magnificent. What I was curious about was what happens to a falling star after the Sun goes out. A terrible story about tracks and eagles pecking at his liver. Knowledge originates from space, and our vision is the perfect example of it. Perhaps in most people, the brain is the repository of information about the world and knowledge gathered through life. I know that gravity is adverse to everything I have to fly and my intention is not to make flight devices (aircraft or missiles), but to teach the individual to regain consciousness on their own wings I am also trying to awaken contained energy in the air. I noticed them in the sunlight! Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. All that lives is in a deep and wonderful relationship: the man and the stars, the amoebas and the sun, the heart and the circulation of an infinite number of worlds. They can not be hidden, there are those around us, but we are blind and deaf to them. There are four laws of Creation.The first is that the mind can not conceive or mathematically measure the source of the whole bewildering and dark plot, in that plot fits the whole Universe. Eventually, it will be possible to catch stars! They hold the magnetic field in reverse and sing hymns to the induction motor. So, there is Infinity going Outwards and Infinity going Inwards. I asked him regarding his latest achievements, but Mr. Tesla only smiled and told me first of some of his experiences some years ago, when he produced some of the largest electrical discharges ever attempted by man. JOURNALIST: Have you ever been married? This old Nikola Tesla interview reveals that he created this 100 years before the U.S navy did. Its enough to make you believe it. As a student, I learned from memory Goethes Faust, my favorite book, in German, and now I can recite it wholeheartedly. Im confused, is this a real interview or a play? Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian-born American engineer and inventor, best known for designing and promoting the use of alternating current (AC) motors, transformers, and power distribution systems. And remember that there is no man that has existed and has not died! Photos from your youth reveal that you were a lovely young guy. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. Just believe. He immigrated to the United States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse. They discover plastic bags in the deepest place in the ocean. It will be frowned upon by many. It is a Serbian play called Tesla or adaption of an angel (2001) Food that almost all people eat, to me is harmful and dangerous. There is enough power to power a second sun. Journalist: Theyd want to know about your ideology. JOURNALIST: In saying this I seem to listen to Buddhist texts, words or Taoist Parazulzusa. JOURNALIST: Some say you're from the country of Croatia, from the area called Lika, where together with the people are growing trees, rocks, and starry sky. Nikola Tesla was born to Serbian parents in Smiljan, in what was then the Austrian Empire (now in Croatia). A shining light begged us to look at it, and if we werent so self-absorbed, we would grasp its language and message. What is considered as empty space is only a manifestation of matter that is not awake? She wanted to inform me that she was dying. First mistake of being true interview. All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle. Teacher of creative writing, University of Colorado extension, Colorado Springs, 196366. For a man, it may fade away, yet it lives on in the stillness that is mans greatest strength. The Universe could exist without polarity. Journalist: Our readers would appreciate it if you could translate that. My eyes in youth were black, now they are blue, and with the passage of time, as the tension of the brain becomes stronger, they will be closer to the target. When I was a student, I was sick with anger that ravaged the Lika region. It is recommended that they become an eye. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla). What is the best energy source, celestial or terrestrial, to feed the worlds hungry? The fifth adjustment condition is memory. The Whole is composed by Identities & Consciousness ( very few-where truly aware , few-where aware , many of many-where aware in something , many-where non-aware ), talk about Light is not enough nor fair. There is no space in our world or the Universe. What I wanted to know is what happens to a shooting star when the sun goes down Stars fall like dust or seed on this or other worlds, and the sun is dispersed in our minds, in the lives of many beings, Which will be reborn as a new light, or cosmic wind, scattered in infinity. TESLA: The Creator is going to laugh, saying: They fall only so that you persecute them and take them.(Nikola Tesla). Perhaps in most people, the brain is the guardian of knowledge about the world and knowledge gained through life. Tesla: Of course. TESLA: I speak with lightning and thunder. Do not forget to highlight in his text that Nikola Tesla was the first man who discovered the rays. Its light can be emitted with such density that it fits into a sphere smaller than an apple and at the same time heavier than our Solar System. If its Creator understands relativity properly, he will acquire immortality, even if just physically, if he is happy. I saw them in the sun! It became light and as such still exists. Tesla allowed himself only a few close friends. In . Therefore, the purification of the many effects and needs that man has. I cautioned Mr. But, science is maybe the most convenient method for discovering an answer to the issue that haunts me and turns my days and nights into flames. TESLA: Really everything he said is true. Journalist: What is the title of the eleventh adaptation? When we met here and informed him about it, he was so moved that he burst into tears. Teslas countless experiments included work on a carbon button lamp, on the power of electrical resonance, and on various types of lighting. For this concert, I created a ball of lightning that can be heard on the frozen peaks of the Himalayas. He was often invited to lecture at home and abroad. Because of the stellar light and intimate relationship, it is ideal for working at night. Similarly he completely visualized his induction motor, his coils and transformers, all his inventions, before he sketched and constructed them. Omissions? Inside the Earth, there are energies of joy, peace, and love that are expressed for example through a flower that grows from the earth, food that comes out of it, and everything that makes it the home of man. According to my perception and experience, the Universe consists of just one material and one ultimate energy, with an endless number of living forms. Nikola Tesla is an inventor, electrical wizard, and seer. This apparatus was built in 1899 for his plant at Colorado Springs. TESLA: When a man becomes conscious, his highest goal must be to run towards a shooting star and try to capture it. It confuses me by saying that their findings have enormous benefits for people and that at the same time represent a game, many will frown. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. My spiritual ear is as large as the sky we see above us. This melody represents the endless cycle of the celestial sky. Through my window, one morning came a white dove, to which I fed him. TESLA: Life is a rhythm that must be understood. It has the words and sounds that are appropriate for it, especially in poetry. The Universe is spiritual, but we are just halfway there. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and, while on assignment to Strassburg in 1883, he constructed, after work hours, his first induction motor. Tesla: First, the assembly needs to be maintained. Tesla: Mostly in my native tongue. For this concert, I wrote a Ball Lightning, which may be heard on the Himalayan ice caps. The genius inventor and engineer used to receive 'regular signals' from intelligent beings communicating with each other on other planets. Tesla developed the alternating-current power system that provides electricity for homes and buildings. He had a Latin accent and was well-educated. I also did the corrections through visualization in most of my inventions and ended them that way. Yeah The use of the terms radar and black hole give this away. All fields are required - No links please. It ended up being like a rocket clutching the pants and entered a certain room. Now Id like to hear from you: Did you know about this Nikola Tesla interview? JOURNALIST: With them? The Nikola Tesla EV Rally 2023 will kick off from Rovinj and take in the top sites of the Adriatic, but oh so quietly. Answer (1 of 4): The Interview with Nikola Tesla from 1899 - "Everything is the Light" - is not an actual interview. JOURNALIST: Tell me, please, what conditions does an Angel adopt on Earth? Some of these discharges were two and one-half times as large as common lightning discharges, and they could be heard twelve miles away from the apparatus. Is this some game? The more we can UNIFY the more we can SEE the LIGHT. Tesla: Consider a gardener who is being assaulted by herbs. Oni slve Obratno Mgnetsko Polje i pjevju himne Indukcinom Motoru. You never know what you're gonna get.\" --- Forrest GumpPlease email me video topics you are interested to see service@handeway.comI will search and upload them for youCheer:-) This flatters me, but I confess I do not quite understand. I was born with the majority of them. Wonders of the Future. TESLA: I wanted to fly from the roof and I fell: the calculations of the children can be mistaken. . Could it be that Zeus did not have enough lightning and thunder, and was damaged by fervor? (Nikola Tesla). Returning to New York in 1900, Tesla began construction on Long Island of a wireless world broadcasting tower, with $150,000 capital from the American financier J. Pierpont Morgan. As a result, I have gained rather than lost. Take my hand in yours. However, dream, in addition to food, is highly vital in adjusting the bodily circuit. Whether in connection with your conclusions or your work, is this a game? When I hear about the Greek who stole fire, I always get a shiver. Most of them I have acquired by birth. JOURNALIST: His fans complain that he is attacking relativity. (Everything is Light The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla). In me, there is most of the electricity. Nikola Tesla experienced mental illness throughout his life, and he lived in an era where such things were not properly understood or discussed. It is often the result of over-exhaustion or life force, but it is often the purification of the mind and body from the toxins that have accumulated. He ignored it and stayed longer. Their Creator was known as the hunter who gathered light in his net from the depths of the Earth, as well as the warrior who seized fire from heaven. There is lightning and thunder, and these are the brightest and most powerful things that will never go away. Three Nobel Prize recipients addressed their tribute to one of the outstanding intellects of the world who paved the way for many of the technological developments of modern times.. He expected to provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, weather warnings, and stock reports. TESLA: Yes, I did not. If you have any doubts about whether that is true, there are many Nikola Tesla facts to back up that statement. The photograph Fig. TESLA: I have ten of them. Nikola Tesla gave a rare interview to a journalist named John Smith in 1899 and the ideas expressed by Tesla were so revolutionary that the interview was covered up and hidden away for over 100 years, despite huge public interest in hearing Tesla speak. In the brightness of the sky and thunder live my mother, my sister, my brother Daniel, a poet: Jovan Jova novic Zmaj, and other people of Serbian history. It educated me around, I think your website is at least as good as theirs. All I could, I finished it. JOURNALIST: What is the third condition of the adjustment, Mr. Tesla? Tesla: Its something I hear all the time. Im familiar with my circuit and whats best for him. Our vision is the perfect set. Lightning can be an entire sonata. A thousand lightning strikes constitute a concert. JOURNALIST: Are science and poetry the same to you? The beauty and fragrance of roses may be utilized as medicine, and the Suns rays can be used as nourishment. In the depths of space, they might occasionally appear as an epidemic. There are major energy sources. In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla for the first time, an atom has been broken. I knew my mother had died when the apparition faded away. Here is the interview that the scientist Nikola Tesla gave to the magazine Immortality in his laboratory in Colorado Springs in the year 1899: JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, you have gained the glory of the man who got involved in the cosmic processes. I bookmark this page right a way! Among his books are My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla; The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by David Hatcher Childress; and The Tesla Papers..