It provides information about Home & Garden, Technology & Science, food & Recipe, Dealnews and much more. The digital publishing platform has picked up steam in recent times and seems set to become . News break grabs all three of the very small towns in my community and spoon feeds it to me. I prefer my news to be non-partisan so I can make my own decision, but also like seeing opinions from the left and right to better understand peoples positions. by May 2020, storm clouds are gathering on the horizon. Last article had 3,000 comments saying exactly what Im saying. I am also impressed by the numerous good-quality sources they have, which seems to be the key metrics for a good news app right now. Support MBFC Donations In the past few months, my mom and Ive switched to get my news through this app. Your agenda is clearly seen!!! NewsBreak is mainly designed to stay up-to-date on everyday breaking news, world, national and local headline, trending videos, weather or anything you are interested in and Newsbreak app is legitimate and safe to use. Feedly is an RSS service, unlike the Apple News app. !News Break app I just want to give a shout out to your company and team. May God keep us all in his arms and protect our families from this burst of CRIME! If you want the media to report something for you and have enough money. Also, the ability to mark story categories that you dont want to see anymore would be useful. It would be nice to mark or tag the ad and say Ive seen this, Im not interested, please dont show it to me anymore thank you. Simply beautiful!!!!! Hands down best news app! Want to know what are its pros and cons? The actor, 85, who recently starred opposite Florence Pugh in "A Good Person," told the publication's senior writer Jonathan Dean that he can't help but have feelings of envy toward Washington, 68.. I love reading local news when I am not at work. The following is an excerpt from SMIRK, a memoir of journalist Christie Smythe's unusual relationship with "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli. The only way we can protect ourselves and others, is by staying informed of the much unnecessary crime that has overcome our cities! So I do the natural thing. Total lib psycho fest. Sight unseen, none of my friends has, so I no longer share because they resent being sent an article they have to download an app for. You can also select news from categories such as Headlines, Entertainment, sports, science, and politics. The full story originates from World News Daily Report, which clearly displays the tagline Where Facts Dont Matter. In general, many stories are low biased and factual; however, using poor sources and satire as real news renders them Questionable. And maybe Im just fed up like everybody across the nation is for so many reasons. Approximately a week ago I saw an ad on here for a lady in Bloomer Wisconsin trying to sell a necklace and got beat over the head my knowledge it was not a true story no one in the area around bloomer knows anything about it. It should be viewed as opinion. NewsBreak is surprisingly fast and responsive. At one time you could believe in what you read on here but because money became more important then the truth! There have been other statements and even more horrible and derogatory ones the further you look into them. 3. They leave awful, aggressive comments and harass anyone who has a differing opinion. News Break hopes to fill that space, re-connecting an atomized America by letting us know what is happening in our communities - if communities still exist in any meaningful way. Its a quick click. News break allows people racist words , like calling black people monkey, talking about black kids are ugly , saying blacks hang from trees , and all thee other disrespectful things, and you complain they don't do anything, and when your talking positive they will send you a message, like its okay that the Republicans say mean thing ti keep people divided, the worst News ever , always showing black people this and that .its not right for this to continue. Nor do I enjoy when I (admittedly) dont check first and am redirected from NewsBreak to the website of a news source most would find unsuitable for a work setting . .. the notifications I do receive are nice and gentle reminders of good stories that are available to read, which also reminds me that I have the application (which is nice! For writers looking for new ways to make money in 2022, NewsBreak could very well be the next big thing. I downloaded a new news source app with higher ratings. The people who come up with these ideas seem to forget how sparse. It was almost like reading a supermarket tabloid that appeared legit and made you think something very serious happened, then once you read you find the headline absolutely was a bait and switch. We're currently working to remove all low-quality publishers to ensure that you are only being delivered news from reliable and trustworthy sources. We can all try our best to stay safe and avoid what and where this much horrific violence of crime is taking place. Marxism is driving a stake into the heart of . We report them and nothing is being done about it. The comment section is hardly New Breaks fault, but the prevalence of the MAGA user is sure to drive younger, more liberal viewers away. Say a story pops up about sex or gender issues, and you just prefer not to see those type of stories anymore. Be safe from hackers and unwanted bills. This app combines rich content from more than a thousand news sources like Fox News, CNN, Reuters, Insider and the Associates Press. I decided to install and use NewsBreak - and thats when I realized that the space given to advertising was almost 3 to 1 over actual news stories in NewsBreak . Itd also be nice to search for stories you are looking for especially when you open NewsBreak & it displays a story just to disappear a second later. This is an edited excerpt of serialized memoir SMIRK, describing journalist Christie Smythes relationship with the notorious former drug CEO, who was recently released from prison. For some reason, at some point, I went ahead and installed News Break. NewsBreak offers users with a wide range of news content, from local briefings to professionally selected world and national headlines. Just felt the need to vent or whatever. I think it's really a game-changer to collect the classifieds of multiple local media organizations all in the same place and allow users to search by general location. They privilege local news, collect and curate the content of multiple small media operations all in the same place, and give smaller communities a space to chat about it. Welp?. US News Break was founded by Chinese media veteran Jeff Zheng, formerly of Yahoo Labs in Beijing. I have been using this app for quite a while and lately (past few months) it has been extremely buggy and unreliable. ABG, owner of Forever 21 and Lucky Brand, said a lot of nasty things about the one-click checkout star in a lawsuit earlier this year. Trust me. It also would have been nice to learn where the other locations can be found. Your email address will not be published. Ive been using this application lately because of Coronavirus news, and to be honest, I dont complain, but as I just noted earlier, if you guys can just add this one feature, it will be helpful for not only me, but maybe for many others out there. You get 1 star for sharing the news and that's it! It is biased and unbalanced and should have been flagged for reporting opinions as facts. Where are the journalistsand more importantly, the editorswho went to English class? Filtered Search In past two months though I have gotten, literally, 3 notifs a day about the Second Stimulus that there has been no new info about especially while Congress is on break. 49 reviews for News Break, 1.5 stars: 'I'm soooooooooooo sick of NewsBreak closing my mouth with their leftist tape. Even allow the push notifications. Because, As rare as it is, I actually, genuinely, still want to hear what people have to say!!! And the appropriate governing body will be informed . In review, News Break is a news aggregator that selects news through AI. They often go as far as describing the caliber of bullet they would use. Overall, we rate News Break Left-Center Biased and Questionable due to the use of poor sources and publishing satire as real news, which is fake news when not disclosed. Its default page colors are red and black - not the two most calming colors for easy reading. I thought the last thing I needed was another news app with content from a lot of different sources. 5.8.3 October 26, 2019 Bug order and performance improvements. Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE We're sorry for the inconvenience and are actively working on this to bring you the latest reliable news. Enjoy NewsBreak! It offers a personalized feed. I dont need to hear about all the bad stuff, Id love some more wholesome content. Funding. What I really hate about NewsBreak is the community, doesnt matter what article you go to youll find terrible terrible bigots in the comment section. It is nice that there is a scale in your settings so the algorithms can try to give you want you want. Get daily news and events sent straight to your phone, because small news makes a big difference to communities! If you actually get linked to a story shown, and then want to follow on to another shown below, it wont follow the link. Not to mention the quality of journalism to be found on the site. Thus, in NBs eyes, we might not be worth catering to. Everyone should have this installed on their phones, laptops and etc. 1. Overall Im beyond pleased and have deleted the other news apps instead. For example, the most recent one had to do with the surgeon general predicting a high death toll in the next week and 9/11-like moments. Last night it was something to do with Trumps statements about the rising death toll as well. The following is an excerpt from SMIRK, a memoir of journalist Christie Smythe's unusual relationship with "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli. Interactive World Political Orientation Map (NEW), Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. Wow. The big ads appearing as if they were stories is an interesting take on generating ad revenue, but they are not obtrusive (at least in 2 column landscape mode on an iPad since real stories appear on the left, while the ads feed appears on the right column with other real stories.) Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for NewsBreak Is 80.7/100.. NewsBreak: Local News & Alerts works most of the time. poorly funded local journalism is after decades of media monopolization. Further support for my this app is for Boomers theory. This is before anything else. I downloaded NewsBreak almost a year ago. To help explain the dip in enthusiasm and take a guess at New Breaks prospects, Thinknum Media broke open News Break to take a look. NewsBreak needs more features as I have mentioned to make it more appealing. If they can fix this issue and the repeating articles it would be a favorite. I would recommend they check out Parler, but that site is also a monotonous mess. I like that it provides local and global news,tracks what I read to curate a feed specific to my interests and updates to provide local content whenever I'm traveling! I don't want to delete NewsBreak because it is good for local news like is previously stated but I will if I keep getting flooded with the same non-news post about the stimulus. And I liked getting notifications of what I thought would be breaking news. Also, big ads which appear as if they are stories are repeating or often shown. For example, how many times did we have to read restaurant in Southern California in the story about the San Pedro Fish Market (I believe thats the name of it!) Now thats all water under the bridge. When I tap on the alert an advertisement usually for a game comes up which I have to watch prior to viewing the story however 80% of the time at the end of the advertisement I am unable to tap the X to opp out of the advertisement its like it freezes so I tap on the icon to get the game which takes me to NewsBreak Store I then tap the arrow to take me back to the News App which takes me back to the game advertisement. I dont even have notifications set on social media so to be bombarded with topics I didnt ask for on this on this outlet is disappointing. Normally I dont care about news reporting agencies. While it is impossible to represent the entire crowded media space, the outlets, which range from network television news to Rush Limbaugh to the New York Times to the Washington Examiner to HuffPost, were selected to represent popular media brands across a range of platforms. The red and black, boxy layout just isnt made for an app on which you are expected to read entire stories. Thanks for reaching out to us. News Break does not produce its own news reporting; therefore, we determined this sources bias by analyzing the media outlets they aggregate from. I would recommend they check out. Also, yes like everyone else I cant stand advertisements or advertising, but I know its necessary for revenue. I like keeping up with world, national, local and events, but dont necessarily want to be inundated with depressing information all day long. ViralTalky's team of content writers regularly helps write high quality content. 5.7.0 October 15, 2019 Should the issue continue, don't hesitate to contact us. I wouldnt download it either. Itd just be nice to see more respectful discord and less trolling happening, but alas. Keep up to date with news that impacts you & your community! Their ads are more sparse, less intrusive, and are comparatively better curated. Follow Us. It functions to give rural and suburban areas with the news around their locality. It perfectly blends local news with national news. And Im glad I didn't make my friends unnecessarily nervous about possible injuries to family or friends! I havent found anything that even comes close to this app and a single news station app or even several local station apps leaves much to be desired especially covering multiple breaking national news stories in a single feed. It's basically an offshoot of clickbait." Here's a breaking news story in your area!! Factual Reporting: MIXED The UI for this feature is pretty good, it's simpler to use and navigate than Craigslist, and local businesses seem to be adopting it pretty well. Revenue is generated through advertising, sponsored content, and local classified ads. This is because a majority of the stories here are anti-white anti-police articles that produce many racist comments by both black and white readers. It seems like it is just making people who have NewsBreak anxious or aggravated that we dont have the stimulus check yet. News Break is my favorite news app! I downloaded NewsBreak to keep up to date with some things in Orlando while Im here. We analyzed the sources used in their headlines and political feeds to assess bias. Of the 100 sources listed, 2 were from sources we list as Mixed for factual reporting. While competitors like the Japanese-owned SmartNews are also jumping into the US news space, Zheng and his team hope to use a hyperlocal ethos and prior experience with news apps to come out on top. I love the local news and national news. Just need to see the story once in a feed there is new info needed to be added to provide an occurrence unfolding and developing. There's also a Discover tab that highlights some new sources that are trending or of . Staying up-to-date with the latest news and events is incredibly important. The people will believe the president will be on the phone calling Pearl Harbor, it doesnt matter its a lie youll believe until someone proves its a lie! Stay informed about local news, national news, world news and events, including events like Hurricane. BEWARE !! Bigger papers do not cover important news in my community and I need to be informed to feel comfortable living in Islip. That being said, most of us younger newsreaders are pretty firmly tied to Twitter and Instagram and not looking for a different aggregator. more. Of course there are some repetitive articles, but NewsBreak doesnt report the news it compiles it in an easy place for us all to see. The one that speaks all sides. Theres far more than I got from any other app, including from some of the original apps that News Break uses as sources. I hope this is not politically motivated because this is not news if there is no actual updated news to report on the same subject. If you share a story, people have to download NewsBreak to read it. I've only had this for a short time, and just a few minutes ago, I got a message about an accident near here that harmed six people. About: Get daily news and events sent straight to your phone, because small news makes but it's also just as easy to close the tab and find the story elsewhere (if I'm truly that intrigued) as it is to complain about this issue. I also like that it attempts to stay non-partisan. I have attempted to have civil conversations in the comment sections (and have seen others attempt to do the same) and we have only been met with aggressive hostility. So . Once this is done, News Break provides news stories from your local newspapers and TV stations. I could understand if it was letting me know about business closures in my area or info on the ever-changing stay-at-home order, but its not. 6.0.6 December 9, 2019 Bug Order and Performance Improvements. Therefore, for those who are concerned, their first intentions when they open your application, they intend to look for news about the countries where they came from for their loved ones if covid-19 has worsened or not. So sadly, Ill have to delete NewsBreak, since all its capable of in my case now is teasing me with headlines from articles I cant read. Dreck about BLM terrorists and ANTIFA thugs seems to be more their speed - focusing on anything else is media bias. Fox's audience leans conservative, while CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have audiences that lean left. The most annoying thing about it is is that in a single newsfeed there are multiple listings of the same story which is quite irritating. I am turning off notifs and will rely on local news app from now on.UPDATE: I have deleted NewsBreak . Ill stick to the email and read the stories from the source. Im even going to hang in there a while hoping for a fix; but I will turn off notifications for now. They can choose from a variety of news topics and create tabs for each (or use the defaults -- Top, Entertain, Lifestyle, U.S., Politics, Sports, World, Biz, Tech, Science, Buzz, Social, and Social. Using your Justuseapp card, signup for unlimited subscriptions and free trials without worry. Secondly, the apps scrolling movements are sticky, and pages are slow to load. The central idea of such apps, as I understand them, is threefold. I wish the comment sections werent so toxic, but free speech *is* good to have. Finally, they have published satire as real news, such as this story FLORIDA: 400-POUND WOMAN SURVIVES SEXUAL ASSAULT BY HERD OF MANATEES. You can find restaurant deals, used cars, jobs postings, furniture, services, and far more - and search these postings by town or county. They do it in a way were advertisements are not, IN YOUR FACE excessive and overwhelming! I mean really thats what were all looking for is the truth something we can trust. Sensor Tower estimated the app has more than 50 million installs globally across iOS and Android devices, among which more than 99% are from the U.S.. Downloading the NewsBreak app. Thank you all for your excellent work which is greatly appreciated! Early in the fourth quarter . Theyre so racist they assume it was a black person who did the crime and make vile comments only to find out it was a white person. Many among us are separated from our families. New Break is ad crazy, and the makers arent discerning about who they sell space to. The reason for my rating, is that I wanted a more selective group of stories by which I mean I have no interest in knowing Pregnant Katy Perry looks stunning in no-makeup selfie amid quarantine or any no cover topics in my mind and have no way of weeding out of my feed. ! so impressed w/news stories from around Michie..the Upper Penninsula & northern part of Lower Penninsula..stories i wouldnt know about otherwise since i live in mid- Mich..for instance i learned that the West side of the state has a school to teach people to fly a plane..i never knew that!..just recently i read a lengthy article about a secret child pornogrophy ring illionairresmmwhich is native to Mich..membership is made up of multi-millionaires in the state..seemingly having law enforcement protection..? Up and Down like a roller-coaster. Fake names crazy profile pictures. 2. Overall, this Catholic School Girl truly appreciates the NewsBreaks. With both political parties accusing each other of being soft on China, I do not see either a Trump White House or a Biden one being friendly to a Chinese-owned company anytime soon.