Officers ported, as in Plate 2d, Fig. Explanation---1. The Manual Exercise, as Ordered by His Majesty in 1764. XXXI. Explanation--- 1. Standard English commands States Attention: Standing with heels together, feet thirty degrees apart and body rigid with fists clenched and thumbs pointing down seams of trousers. Explanation--- 1. Explanation--- Pull the tricker as directed in the Manual, and as foon as the piece is fired, give yourfelf a ftrong fpring upon your left Leg, railing your Body brifkly and ftraight up, keeping your left Foot faft, and bringing the right heel clofe to the left; at the fame time the firelock is to be bro't up to the priming Pofition, and half cocked immediately ; a fhort Paufe is to be made, then handle Cartridges, and go on with the loading motions defcribed in the explanation of Prime and Load. Turn your Hand and put the Cartridge. The fix Centre or leading Files ftand faft , the right Companies of each Grand Divifion turn to the right, and wheel to the left ; the left Companies turn to the left, and wheel to the right, which forms the battalion. Platoon! Explanation--- 1 and 2 motions as in the two firft of the Secure. (Paradeaufstellung, etc.) Drill is the term used to describe a formal parade where you are able to move quickly in formation from one place to another. N. B. The two centre platoons ftand faft, thofe on the right and left face inwards, to the Centre. (unit). The right Company of the battalion turns to the Right, clofes up and forms the Rear Face. The Battalion moving to the Front,' receives the Word of Command. Then take a full 30-inch step with. Explanation--- RECOVER the Firelock and cock as before directed for the centre rank. Every purchase supports the mission. Turn the Piece nimbly round to the loading Pofition, with the Lock to the Front, and the Muzzle the Height of the chin, bringing the right hand behind the muzzle; both feet kept faft in this Motion. The Officers take Poft as at firft, and halt, facing outward from the Centre. Explanation--- 1. A command voice is characterized by DLIPS: D istinctness, L oudness, I nflection, P rojection, and S nap. Russian drill commands are similar to the German military commands of old but are spoken in Russian and are divided into unarmed and armed drill. The three Left of the right wing, and the three Right of the left wing, move three Paces forward ; the others turn to the Centre, and wheeling out, follow thofe which moved forward. Bring the right Hand brifkly up, and place it under the Cock, keeping the firelock fteady in the fame pofition. Napoleonic tactics describe certain battlefield principles used by national armies from the late 18th century until the invention and adoption of the rifled musket in the mid 19th century. If any of the captains are abfent (who according to the annexed plan are appointed to the grand Divifions) the next oldeft Officers are to command, and the Companies to be changed accordingly. Bring down your right Hand as low as you can without Conftraint, with the Fingers and Thumb down the Piese and preffing thereon, the back cf the Hand to the Front. To the (Front, Left, Right) Salute: Salute to the (front, left, right), About Turn: Turn 180 degrees to face the opposite direction (always turning to the right, except in Banner Drill, whereby the right-hand escort abouts to the left, as so to not turn his/her back to the banner), Right Incline: Turn 45 degrees to the right, Left Incline: Turn 45 degrees to the left, Fall Out: Turn 90 degrees to the right and march (off the parade square or until five paces have been completed). The Battalion is then advancing in one Column of fix Men in Front. The fix Centre or leading Files of each Grand-Divifion move three long paces forward, the others turn to the Centre of their refpedtive divifions, and wheeling out fucceffiveIy, follow the leading Files in four Columns each, of fix Men in Front. Some of the state police units however still continue to use British drill commands. 2 Motions. The Battalion formed, and facing to the Rear. As in Plate 2d, Fig, 2d. Suppofe a Battalion drawn up in Line, and it is thought neceffary to form the mixed column : The commanding Of ficer gives the following Words of command : Battalion by Files and Ranks form a Colnmn at the Centre. This is a U.S. march pace. The firft Part of the General is the fignal for all firings to ceafe. When the Wheeling is compleated, the Word is given. The fix Centre Files of each Grand-Divifion face to the Right-about and retreat ; the other Files face inwards, and wheeling to the right and left, follow thofe which lead. The company that formed the rear Tace of the Square,faces to the right, while the others are wheeling, and marches by Files untill it covers the companies on the Right, turns to the Front, clofes up, and forms as the other companies are directed. But, as the Grand-Divifions on the flanks, marching by Files, will extend much beyond the Column of Ranks, it may be beft to order the Front Files to drefs with the Front of the Column of Ranks, and the rear Sub-Divifion of files to double up on the Outfide of the other, which will form a Column of Files on the flanks of two Sub-Divifions. As the firelock is recovered and cocked, ftep brifkly ftraight to the Right with the right Foot a full Pace, bringing the left heel about fix inches before the right foot, the body ftraight and as fquare to the Front as poflible. The Divifions turn their Heads to the Left. Explanation--- 1. British Army Drill Manual 1990 Between branches of the military, as well as between the military forces of various countries, the methods of drill will vary. N. B. N. B. are the Lipizzaner Stallions of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. If the commander gives a command by mistake, the commander should say Ulangi which means: As you were. v. Each Grand-Divifion wheel by files to the left, and follow thofe which moved forward. As in explanation of the centre rank, and as the firelock is coming down to the priming Pofition, the left Foot is to be brought back to the right, and at the laft motion of fhouldering, to fpring to the left again, and cover the file-leader. Seize the firelock with the right hand, turning the Lock outwards. Grand-Divifwns. The German "Guards Battalion" of the Federal Department of Defense ("Wachbataillon" beim Bundesministerium der Verteidigung) also have additional commands for honorary duties (Protokolldienst). The Grenadiers make the 9th and 10th fire. N. B. 2. Come to your proper Front, feizing the firelock at the muzzle, as in Explanation fifteen. Three of the left of one Grand Divifion, and three of the right of the next adjoining to it, move forward three paces ; the others of each Wing turn to their centre, then wheel out fuccefiively, and follow thofe which move forward. If ordered to retreat, it is done as in Fig. Explanation--- 1. And when the 4th Grand-Drvifion fires, the two Platoons of Grenadiers receive the word of command from their own Officers. By Companies from the right of the left Wing, form the ollong Square! Explanation--- 1. Public displays of foot and arms drill by the Defence Forces are not common but are not unusual. 31K views 6 years ago Mike demonstrates some of the core principles of British military drill during World War One including coming to attention, order arms, slope arms, port arms, present. These are the basic commands, the Ausfhrungskommando is in bold: During the British Raj the Indian Armed Forces essentially used the British (English language) drill commands. The left platoon of Grenadiers marches to the right of the Battalion, and the right platoon to its former Ground. The fix centre or leading Files, viz. So on by every Officer untill the two rounds are fired. The Officers and Serjeants order their Arms. There are feveral other Manoeuvres, fometimes practifed by the Britifh regiments in Europe : The nature of the Service in America is fuch, that they are almoft, if not entirely ufelefs to the troops ferving in this country, they are not therefore here inferted. The battalion retreats in four columns, fix men-in front. Quit the Firelock with the right Hand, and finking it at the fame Time with your left, feize it at the muzzle, which muft be of an equal height with your Chin, and hold it clofe againft your right Side. The two Centre Half Companies, or Platoons, march three long paces to the front ; the other files of the battalion face to the Centre, and march until they are near meeting ; then the half companies two and two fucceffively front, and follow thofe which lead, moving up as they advance to clofe Order. Of the proponents of classical dressage from which modern dressage evolved, probably the best known[original research?] In this form they advance to the enemy, keeping up a brifk fire, or charge with bayonets, as the commanding Officer fhall direct; till they gain a compleat Victory. The Officers commanding the ift and 4th Grand-Divifions ftep forward one Pace ; the Officer of the firft gives the Word : On the Fire of the ift, the Officer of the 4th gives the Word. The Column thus formed, may be ordered to advance to the attack--- If it penetrates through the Enemy's Lines, and a Referve is prepared to attack the head of the Column, there is a proper Front to oppofe them : and if attacked on one or both Flanks at the fame Time, the commanding Officer orders ; Upon which, the Divifions on the.Flanks face outwards, and oppofe a proper Front to the enemy. A list of Irish Commands follows. In covering their File leaders, they muft look between their Heads and the Firelocks. In Finnish military drill, commands are twin parted: valmistava (precautionary/readying) and kskev (executive). Place your Hand, clofed, with a quick and ftrong Motion, upon the Rammer. When the 4thGrand-Divifion makes ready, the fecond fire. 3 Motions. The battalion marches and receives the word of command, By Grand-Divifions form Columns from the Right I. The PBB is taught all over Indonesia starting from Primary, Secondary, and Senior Schools mentored by members of the military or other organizations. [1] [2] [3] Drill commands are usually heard in major events involving service personnel, reservists and veterans of a country's armed forces, and by extension, public security services and youth uniformed organizations. 3. Individual Drill . The soldier would then bite off the top of the cartridge (the end without the bullet) and hold it closed with the thumb and index finger. The Serjeants in the Rear of their refpective Companies, at four Paces Diftance. Lift up your right Foot and place it by your left; at the fame Time throw back your left Hand by your left Side, and with your right, bring down the Butt end ftrong upon the ground, placing it even with the toe of your right fopt ; the Thumb of your right Hand lying along the Barrel, and the muzzle kept at a little Diftance from your Body. The First American President: Setting the Precedent, African Americans During the Revolutionary War, Help Save 820 Acres at Five Virginia Battlefields, Save 343 Acres at FIVE Battlefields in FOUR Western Theater States, Save 42 Historic Acres at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Phase Three of Gaines Mill-Cold Harbor Saved Forever Campaign, An Unparalleled Preservation Opportunity at Gettysburg Battlefield. The Wachbataillon commands mentioned below are only an excerpt of the latter's regulations. Using this, the order for a platoon of soldiers to go from the halt to a quick march would be. This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 17:24. The Motion of Recover and coming down to the priming pofition, and opening Pans, to be done in the ufual Time. is also ordered for moving commands like marching, and Mul-AI!, is to give order to Start the command/order given. As the Body is finking, the right Knee is to be thrown fo far back as the left leg may be right up and down, the right Foot to be thrown a little to the Right, the body to be kept ftraight, the head up, looking to the right along the rank, the fame as if fhouldered ; the firelock to be upright, and the Butt about four Inches to the Right of the Infide of the left Foot. The two Centre Grand- Divifions form a Column of Ranks___The Grand-Divifions, on the Right and Left cover the Flanks by Files. Drop the Piece upright with the left Hand to the ground, on the outfide of the little Toe of the left Foot, at the fame time ftriking off and returning the Bayonet with the right Hand, and then prefs the Muzzle to the right Soulder with the Fingers of that Hand. As in explanation fourth in the manual, with this difference, that the left Foot is to be brought up to the right, at the fame Time that the Firelock is brought down to the priming Pofition. The school normally delivers drill training to 350. Sign up for our quarterly email series highlighting the environmental benefits of battlefield preservation. Sign up to receive the latest information on the American Battlefield Trust's efforts to blaze The Liberty Trail in South Carolina. to the Defense Forces like Military and Police and firefighters. 3,, Drill and ceremonial drill vol.3, pamphlet no. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Because foot and arm drill commands are passed down by word of mouth through training, the Irish commands have become distorted from their original pronunciations. Explanation--- 1. When an extension is order e.g. When their own Officers gives the Word, To the Front, Turn I they march up fucceflively totheir proper Ground. =====LINKS: (BA discord server) (Sandhurst Military Academy)https://www.. The commands in English are very similar to British Drill commands while the commands in French are generally translations of the English. Drill instructors are usually of the rank of corporal, and ability to teach drill movements by the screed is one of the skills which must be attained prior to promotion to this rank. 3. In some Regiments and Corps called squadrons or batteries, sub-divided into platoons or troops. The left platoon of Grenadiers marches to the left of the Battalion; the Officers between the Rank of Officers and front Rank; the front Rank between the front and centre Rank of the Battalion ; the centre Rank between the Centre and Rear; and the rear rank between the rear rank and. 2. At jrjesty the soldiers align themselves in the specified number of rows, with the kulmamies (cornerman) at an arms length from the one who gave the order. Explanation--- Shake the Powder into the Pan, placing the three laft fingers behind the hammer, with the elbow up. Quit the right Hand, and bring the Firelock fmartly down to the left fide with the left hand, as far as it will admit without conftraint, feizing the bayonet at the fame time with the right Hind, and fixing it, placing that hand juft below the brafs, with the piece kept clofe to the hollow of the Shoulder. There is a column recommended by a late Author, cqmpofed of Ranks and files, which he calls the mixed Column, that feems to be calcilated for Defence on whatever Side it may be attacked. References[edit] British Army Foot Drill Manual Pdf Pdf 3. Vegetius, in AD 378, wrote, 'troops who march in an irregular and disorderly manner are always in great danger of being defeated'. Explanation--- Ram the Cartridge well down the Barrel, inftantly recovering, and feizing the Rammer back-handed at tfie Centre, turning it, and enter it as far as the lower Pipe, placing at the fame time the edge of the Hand on the Butt End of the Rammer, with Fingers extended. Explanation --- SPRING the firelock brifkly to the recover ; as foon as the left Hand feizes the Firelock above the Lock, the right Elbow is to be nimbly raifed a little, placing the Thumb of that Hand upon the Cock, the Fingers open by the Plate of the Lock, and as quick as poflible force the Piece to the Cock, by dropping the elbow, and forcing down the cock with the thumb flapping at the fame time a moderate pace, or two feet, to the Right, keeping the left Foot faft ; as the firelock is cocked, the Thumb is to fall below the cock, the right hand feizing the Firelock clofe under the Cock firmly ; the Fore-finger not to be before the Tricker : The Piece to be held in this pofition perpendicular, oppofite the left fide of the face, the Butt clofe to the left breaft, but not preffed, the body to be ftraight, and as full to the front as poflible ; the head kept up, looking to the Right of the Rank, that the Body and Firelock may not ftoop forward, nor lean much out of the Rank. 4. Chaplain, Quarter-Mafter, Surgeon and Mate, in one Rank. N. B. The loading Motions as in the Explanations of Priming and loading, and at the laft motion of fhouldering, to fpring to the Left again and cover the File-leaders. "command language"). While marching all commands are given on the left foot and carried out the next time the left foot hits the ground. TO ftand ftraight and firm upon his legs ; Head turned to the Right ; Heels closed, Toes a little turned out; the Belly drawn in a little, but without conftraint; the breaft a little projected ; Shoulders fquare to the front, and kept back ; the right Hand hanging ftraight down the Side, with the Palm clofe to the thigh ; the left Elbow not to be turned out frdm the body; the firelock to be carried on the left Shoulder, as low down as can be admitted without conftraint ; the three laft Fingers under the Butt; the fore Finger and thumb before the Swell; the Flat of the Butt, to be fupported againft the hip-bone, and to be preffed fo that the firelock may be felt againft the left fide, and that it may ftand before the Hollow of the Shoulder, not leaning towards the head nor from it; the barrel almoft perpendicular. 2 Motions. Attention: Standing with heels together, feet thirty degrees apart and body rigid with fists clenched and thumbs pointing down seams of trousers. All branches of the military use drill commands. The Army (Deutsches Heer) and Air Force (Luftwaffe) use the same commands; the German Navy (Deutsche Marine) has a number of additional commands for duty on a ship.The German "Guards Battalion" of the Federal Department of Defense ("Wachbataillon" beim . The Battalion marching receives the Word of command; From the Centre form Columns by Companies. The Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bundeswehr, use a basis of commands for all three service branches. Soon after independence, the drill commands were Indianised. Drill,1979, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Styles of Command in Seventeenth-Century English Armies", "Order arms Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster", "Air Force ROTC Detachment 225, Pass in Review", The Canadian Forces Manual of Drill and Ceremonial,, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles lacking in-text citations from November 2020, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015, All articles containing potentially dated statements, All articles that may contain original research, Articles that may contain original research from January 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Explanation--- 1. Bring up the Firelock with a quick Motion from the fhoulder, and feize it with the left hand juft above the lock, fo that the little Finger may reft upon the Spring, and the thumb lie upon the Stock : The Firelock muft not be held too far from the Body, and the left Hand muft be of an equal Height with the Eyes. When resting on reversed arms the weapon points towards the ground and the eyes are . The fix leading Files of each Wing ftand faft ; the right Grand-Bivifions turn to the right and wheel to the left; the left Grand-Divifions turn to the left and wheel to the right, which forms the Battalion. 2. The battalion moving on, receives the word of command. At this the unit in question stands in attention, facing towards the one who has their attention. Seize the firelock with your right hand, and turn the lock outwards, keeping the firelock perpendicular. "Rachaidh an Buionn cun cionn, de reir dheis, go mar marseaill" etc. The Drummers,equally divided on the Right and Left of the Battalion, drefling with the Front Rank. The 18th-century musket, as typified by the brown Bess, was loaded and fired in the following way: Cavalry drill had the purpose of training cavalrymen and their horses to work together during a battle. Drill commands are best given in an excellent command voice. The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. When this Manoeuvre is done from the Left, the Facings and Wheelings are to be varied accordingly. Strike and feize the Firelock fo low with the right- hand as juft to adanit the left Arm between it and the Lock in the next Motion. Done from the Centre up fucceflively totheir proper Ground platoons or troops in Vienna General is the term used describe... The Firelocks ) and kskev ( executive ) the Word, to be in! 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