He further argues that the thought that claims that the name Africa never originated from the people and was created by the Romans is totally false. Prior to the "Scramble for Africa," or the official partition of Africa by the major European nations, African economies were advancing in every area, particularly in the area of trade. Ebed-Melek, a confidential advisor of the king, is identified as a Cushite four times (Jer 38:7, 10, 12; 39:16). These products were found in antiquity principally in the area now known as the Sudan. Meanings for Alkebulan. Himba tribe is indigenous to Kunene Region (formerly Kaokoland) in northern Namibia and southern Angola. Take a moment to pray to God before you start reading. The name was only initially used only to refer to the Northern parts of Africa. And just as they look different, they have different traditions, too. Login . So, here, the Chinese government in their spirit of fair-play condemned the torture and accepted responsibility. Cushi was also used as a persons name, like in Jeremiah 36:14, when Yehudi, the prince who read Jeremiahs letter to King Jehoiakim, was able to trace his ancestry to Cushi. The Bible directly refers to Egypt as the Land of Ham. It flows from Burundi to Egypt and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. At the period of the Exodus, some might have traveled with the Israelites out of Egypt, while others might have accompanied armed invaders (1 Kg 14:25-28; 2 Chr 12:2-3; 14:9-15; cf. At first, it was restricted to the northernmost region of the continent. God dove deep into Africa, and He called it good! Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today , was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. According to history scholars, the name Africa came into existence in the late 17thcentury. It is quite interesting that, while Cush or Egypt occurs 53 times in the LXX, in the MT they occur 67 times in the book of Jeremiah. What is Satan The Kemetic or Alkebulan history of Afrika suggests that the ancient name of the continent was Alkebulan. Your Partnership seed will make an impact in our efforts to spread the message of the Bible. During this period colonialism was in practice, the Europeans roamed Africa and ruled over her people as slave masters. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. I believe that whenever the word Cush is used in the entire Old Testament, it refers to nothing else but Africa and people with African descent, despite the fact that there is still discussion among experts over whether it refers to Mesopotamia or Africa as a geographical location (Adamo 1986; 2005:14). Elohim - a name of God in the Bible, c. 1600, from Hebrew, plural (of majesty?) Scientists believe our ancestral homeland is south of the Zambezi River in the country . Alkebulan. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only one of indigenous origin. Many other scholars such as Glenn Usry and Craig Keener have argued for the Africanness and blackness of ancient Egypt and the Egyptians. Even as a very young deacon, he was influential at the Council of Nicea. In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr cheikh Anah Diop writes, The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. History of ' He will wipe every tear from their eyes, it says later on in Revelation 21:5-8. Africa and Africans were mentioned more than 1 417 times in the entire Bible. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. Adam an, European crimes in Africa during colonialism include; Genocide, Forced labor, Beheadings, Concentration camps, Starvation, Torture By Africason European crimes caught on camera during colonization of Africa Few days ago, there was a news report about how a Chinese business owner in Rwanda tortured a boy who works for him. We are now told that the oldest human remains may also be traced to Africa. Bishop Vigilius of Thapsus participated in a religious synod between the Arians and the Orthodox in 484. The word Alkebulan in Arabic, Al is a prefix leaving just kebulan as a word, and so far the word is non-existent in Arabic, they claim. Wambui Maathai. Isaiah foretold that God would bring forth a remnant from Cush (11:11), and a redeemed people bearing gifts to Zion (18:1-8). Cyril, who died in 444, was also Bishop of Alexandria. He also asserts that the ancestors of the Yorubas were Coptic Christians from Eygpt. This information also shows us how diverse tribes came together under one king for mutual benefit instead of fighting each other so that everyone could benefit equally from trade agreements etcetera. Novena Prayer To Velankanni Mother In Konkani, Prayer For A Friend Whose Mother Passed Away, Powerful Prayer For Healing Of The Teeth And Gums, Bible Quiz Questions And Answers From The Book Of Luke Pdf, Spiritual Meaning Of Eating Sugar Cane In The Dream, Thank You Letter To A Church For Financial Support, Spiritual Meaning of Someone Dying on Your Birthday, Spiritual Meaning Of Hearing Someone Call Your Name, Sample Introduction of A Pastor As Guest Speaker, Prayer For My Mother In Heaven On Her Birthday, Characteristics Of A Good Husband According To The Bible. Africason Hagar, the Egyptian concubine of Abraham, may well have derived her ancestry from south of Egypt, and she alone of all the Bible characters gives God a name (Gen 16:13). In fact, he created them. He was specifically described as a Cushite. Africa in Biblical times was called Akebulan"Mother of Mankind"or "Garden of Eden". Missionaries supplied information to the colonialists which they utilized to plan how to effectively impose their colonial rule on how to crash the African res, The Lost History: Who stole black history ? Hagar, Abrahams Egyptian concubine, may have had southern Egyptian origin, and she is the only figure in the Bible to give God a name (Gen 16:13). African Dining Hall Vision That's deep yall. The cave had been occupied for nearly two million years up until the early 1900s intriguing researchers about its value Canadian and Israeli researchers have unearthed the earliest evidence of human occupation in a cave, dating back about two million years until May 22, 2021 | AFRICAN HISTORIES, NEWS, WORLD HSTORY. In his essay, he writes Greeks had earlier called Africa Aphrike as they could not pronounce the existing name Af-Rui-ka. According to Motosoko Pheko, an African history scholar he writes that, The name Africa Alkebulan has been interpreted as, meaning mother of Nations or mother of mankind, but Africa is also one of the oldest name of names of this continent.. The story of Acts tells us that Paul and Barnabas were promptly sent to Cyprus, home of some members of the Antiochene community (Acts 13:4-12), but archaeological evidence tells us of the arrival of the Gospel in Cyrene. We will look at each reference to Ethiopia in the Bible and see what it means for us today. Speaker Says Africans Related to Bible Figures. Alkebu-lan "mother of mankind" or "garden of eden". So, whether you need help with a school project or just want to learn more about Alkebulan in the bible verses, we are here for you. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. It is derived from the Arabic root adverb 'qabl' meaning before. In the Pentateuch, references to the wordsEgyptandEgyptiansoccur more than 288 times. Origen was highly successful in debating Jews, pagans, and Gnostics, and is in fact credited with destroying Gnosticism. Man loved by millions, the Ghanaian 2Pac Ahoufe reportedly dead. Celebrating Shettima Umara Bulakarima He is the first professor of Kanuri language and currently a professor at the Department of Languages and It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. He died before 400 AD. Rom 16:13). The arts of civilization flourished at a high level throughout her realm, and twice her forces engaged the Roman army in battle. [2] Some scholars believe that Paul was trying to get away from persecution in Jerusalem by traveling through Damascus which was controlled by Romans at the time instead of going straight back home so that he could avoid being arrested by Jews who wanted him dead because he had converted from Judaism.[3]. It is time for the black race to rise and claim what is ours. 'Al' is the definite article in Arabic meaning 'the', and the suffix 'lan' is used to . This led to loss of political, economic and social powers to the British protectorate government. Evidently, Gerar was the site of an Ethiopian colony that served as a barrier between Egypt and Judah. This is what it says in Revelation 21:1-4: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, it goes on to say. According to another school of thought, the name Africa has always been in existence before the Romans invaded the land. Tucker, a British Missionary interpreted the 1900 Buganda Agreement to the regents of Kabaka Daudi Chwa II. Mwabutsa iv was firstly married to Queen Therese Kanyonga who he Jun 7, 2021 | AFRICAN HISTORIES, NEWS, WORLD HSTORY. Our first two humans, Adam and Eve, were brought to the world from Africa. [1], In the New Testament, Paul talks about his first trip to Jerusalem after his conversion experience. He also asserts that the ancestors of the Yorubas were Coptic Christians from Eygpt. Himba tribe is perhaps best known for coloring their hair and bodies with a red color paste (otjize), which is considered a sign of beauty. CBE International Intellectual slavery PDF And then He said, Let there be light; and there was light. From an archeological & scientific background, the oldest bones were excavated from Alkebulan, known in the Bible as the Land of Eden (Hebrew for Paradise). The Bible says that when Jesus comes back on Judgment Day, he will take his people from earth to Alkebulan in the sky. What are your thoughts? In fact, this school argues that Africa was initially named Alkebulan and was widely referred to as Alkebulan before the name Africa was birthed. Africa is a renowned name that has traveled way beyond the shores of the Nile to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. Alkebulan which is a word of indigenous root refers to belonging to tribes in Africa. Darkness covered the surface of the deep, and the earth was empty and without shape. Three early popes were African. Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Alkebulan In The Bible: What You Need To Know. This is area Adam and Eve lived after they banished from Eden in a cave and it was called THE CAVE OF TREASURES (AFRICA-OPHIR where gold found in abundance) May 20, 2017 Rating He perceived that the persecution was not only religious but also political. According to Motosoko Pheko, an African history scholar he writes that, The name Africa Alkebulan has been interpreted as, meaning mother of Nations or mother of mankind, but Africa is also one of the oldest name of names of this continent.. In the Second Punic War, the great Carthaginian Believing that Jeremiah was bringing Gods authentic voice to Judah, Ebed-Melek risked his life to rescue the prophet from the cistern and secure for him a hearing with the king. During this period colonialism was in practice, the Europeans roamed Africa and ruled over her people as slave masters. (2) The vast amount of water that was frozen resulted in the oceans being much lower than they are today. Their story was widely used in winning others to Christ. However, many theories have tried to dispute the fact that West Africa states were initially named Africa and had no prior relationship being part of the ancient Kemet which was under the name of Alkebulan during the days of the old. He worked to reconcile Christians during the Donatist Schism, and was influential in the East and West as well as in Africa. Jan 29, 2021 | AFRICAN HISTORIES, WORLD HSTORY. In 507 he was elected bishop of Ruspe. Within the teachings of Christianity, there are passages that can be interpreted as having darker undertones, such as the Eucharist . In the The word Africa was initiated by the Europeans and came into Western use through the Romans after the three Punic battles (264 BC to 146 BC) led by Publius Cornelius Scipio and the people of Carthage which is present-day Tunisia. The present generation of Alkebulan has been taught and indoctrinated to believe that our culture and traditions are sacrilegious by the same people who balkanised our land, subjugated our people and stole our resources to develop their own continents. Thebes, a beautiful city on the Nile had the Grand Temples, and as the governing Jun 9, 2021 | AFRICAN HISTORIES, NEWS, WORLD HSTORY. By the end of the first century AD, there were Christian burials inside the Jewish cemetery at Cyrene. "Cookies help us deliver the services. When the Israelites settle the land of Canaan, there were Africans among them. And so it is, They need to put the name of our land back to its original name ALKEBULAN along with all the statues-stones taken down which is nice but not as effective, We need to go back to our roots.. Also bring back our mother land which is Alkebulan, i honestly don't know how to procounce it but they need to go back to the orignal name even if it is hard to pronouce. Cush appears also as a geographical location. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well. The Greeks according to him, already knew Africa with the name Africa. He authored apologetic, theological, and controversial works, and was the first theologian to write in Latin. "Expo consists of national pavilions from all over the world. The lost history Alkebu-lan" mother of mankind "or" garden of Eden "." African people It is estimated that there are over 6,000 languages in the world and over 3,000 of them are from Africa. Are you looking for some information on Alkebulan In The Bible? He says that he went from Arabia into Damascus and then on through Syria into Cilicia (modern day Turkey). Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Black history According to Samuel in his Manuscript The history of the Yorubas from the earliest times to the beginning of the British protectorate, Samuel argues that some Yoruba historians have led the Yoruba people to believe they originated from Mecca instead of Egypt in North-east Africa. Another African, Origen (185-254), became the director of a catechetical school at age 18. The science of archaeology, paleontology, and genetics has all proved beyond any doubt that human life originated in Africa. They include Corphye, Ortegia, Libya, and Ethiopia. And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.-. Athanasius (296-373), was Bishop of Alexandria and a major theologian and writer. (3) The low level of the oceans resulted in land bridges connecting the various continents. when Rome interfered in a dispute on Egypt belonged to the northern part of Africa and to a region of the Ancient Near East. The word Africa came into existence in the late 17th century. These names include Ortigia, Corphye, Libya, and Ethiopia. Yet, historians from several continents have argued against this propagated African nameAccording to another school of thought, the name Africa has always been in existence before the Romans invaded the land. Biblical Data: The name of the grove of trees is evidently considered as derived from this sheikh or chieftain. Africans continued to enjoy royal favor, as Solomon married an Egyptian princess (1 Kg 9:16, 24; 2 Chr 8:11) and received the Queen of Sheba (1 Kg 10:1-13; 2 Chr 9:1-2). Kaba Hiawatha Kamene All rights reserved.Privacy Policy | Terms of ServiceReturns & Refunds, Join CBE in Brazil, July 2022, to Set the Record Straight!, A Biblical Response to Americas Racial and Ethnic Crisis, Radio Series: Women in Scripture and Mission, Paying Attention to Fatherhood: Why I Stepped Down from Pastoral Ministry, We Need to Welcome Adolescent Girls Hard Questions about Scripture. Numerous authorities concur that the name is actually a combination of two Phoenician words. However, Alkebulan was not the only name used for the continent. Alkebu-lan "mother of mankind" or "garden of eden". Yet, the argument that west African states originated from Kemet has also been historically backed by Samuel Johnson a Nigerian scholar, who studied the origin of Yorubas in Nigerian for the past 20 years till present. And let us affirm the amazing diversity of Gods creation! Initially, it was used to only refer to the northern part of the continent. More than 180 times in the Major Prophets, phrases referring to Africa and Africans are utilized. I personally find the content of the Bible to be altered by those who followed in Jesuss footsteps. of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an augmentation of El "God," This makes Noah the third generation descendant of Adam and Eve! Information and translations of Alkebulan in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. This passage shows us how important it is that we listen when God speaks and follow His word faithfully because if we dont then evil will take over our lives, even if we think we are doing good things! Africa was referred to in different ways using geographical descriptions and places that are actually in Africa such as Cush, Egypt, Ethiopia. Let us thank God for the important role played by Africans in the Bible and early Church. Sir Harry John stone who signed on behalf of the British government confessed that; I John stone shall be bound to acknowledge the assistance offered to me by the missionaries especially the CMS. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. mam'-re (mamre'; Septuagint Mambre): (1) In Genesis 14:24 Mamre is mentioned as the name of one of Abraham's allies, who in 14:13 is described as the Amorite, brother of Eschcol and Aner. Before the European settled for the word Africa, the continent was called many other names. They had a hand in the shift from Alkebulan to its current name. European powers pursued this goal by encouraging the development of a commodity based trading system, a cash crop agriculture system, and by building a trade network linking the total economic output of a re, Copyright 2014-2021 Ka. Augustine had remarkable insights into the human heart and soul. He further argues that the thought that claims that the name Africa never originated from the people and was created by the Romans is totally false. Here are a few enjoyable and easy strategies to make the most out of your Bible study. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. Tertullian (160-225) was a pagan lawyer who converted to Christianity. The current locations of the old Midian area are western Saudi Arabia, southern Jordan, southern Israel, and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. They had a hand in the shift from Alkebulan to its current name. This term indisputably refers to Egypt as a country in Africa and also to the people of Egypt in Africa. Africa is where civilisation first emerged. We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. The continent had been colonized at that time, and the Europeans had slave-ruled over its inhabitants. Ancient Egypt and Egyptians were Africans and, in fact, black Africans and not Europe and Europeans as some have alleged. The physical location of Cush is also mentioned. - Alkebulan Movement Origin of Amen. The Bible directly refers to Egypt as the Land of Ham. Implementation of the Africans dream would require the involvement of a multinational and multicultural task force. Adam and Eve were black- according to science How could Adam and Eve be white; when human life began in Africa? The biblical location of Cush is thought to be in southern Egypt. According to some historians the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Translations of this name include mother of mankind and the garden of Eden, respectively. Dr. Amos Wilson Since the term Alkebulan is not mentioned in any biblical verses, the meaning of Alkebulan in the Bible can only be derived from what historians and theologians have declared it to be. alkebulan in the bible. The oldest and only word with indigenous roots is alkebu-Ian. Alkebulan refers to either the mother of humanity or the Garden of Eden. The meaning of Alkebulan in the bible can only be linked to what historians and theologists have described it to be since theres no record of the word Alkebulan in the bible verses. It was Candace who wielded the real political and military power from her capitol city in Meroe while her son served as a religious figurehead. Whether or not that relationship was sexual, there is evidence that other alliances did indeed produce children. ALKEBU-LAN is an ancient name for the Afrikan continent, thus representing the Afrikan Land, people and culture before invasion, conquest and enslavement and therefore our original and natural way of life - the basis of our historical greatness. Fulgentius of Ruspe (467-533) was a Roman civil servant who resigned his post to enter the priesthood. He produced important theological and ecclesiastical works. When Hebrew settled in West Africa [Alkebulan] IsraeliteHebrewAGCY 306 subscribers Subscribe 4.2K views 9 years ago great lesson on filling in the gaps where the europeans deny when and where the. In the latter half of the 17th century, the word Africa was first used. Alkebulan in the Bible Verses Since the term Alkebulan is not mentioned in any biblical verses, the meaning of Alkebulan in the Bible can only be derived from what historians and theologians have declared it to be. The name Africa is a phenomenon. Zephaniah, a descendant of Hezekiah, is called the son of Cushi and brings special prophecies about Cush (Zeph 1:1; 3:10). The Bible as a whole contains references to Africa and Africans more than 1,417 times. Home to 1.216 billion people, the worlds second-largest population and 2nd largest continent after Asia. He adds that the name Africa had various pronunciation due to Africas diversity in language. Hmm. Furthermore, some African historic scholars have suggested that the name Alkebulan is not in relation to the name Africa. The name is one, over time that is connected to historical heritages and tied to historical revolutions. Cushi was also used in terms of names of people such as in the book of Jeremiah 36:14 where the ancestors of Yehudi, the prince who read Jeremiahs script to King Jehoiakim, were traced to Cushi. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Around that time, the continent had been colonized, and the Europeans ruled over its people as slaves. These scholars claim that the said name Alkebulan isnt of an Arabic origin neither is the meaning. Third Punic War, the Romans, led by Publius Cornelius Scipio the Younger, He described the survival of the Church during an invasion of vandals. It is mentioned in the Bible with geographical representations and landmarks such as the Nile River, such as Ethiopia, Egypt. This important biblical scholar, theologian, exegete, and pioneer in biblical criticism produced the Hexapla, comparing six versions of the Bible. The word alkebulan has a long history and indigenous roots. How could Adam and Eve be white; when the first humans lived in Africa? He brilliantly represented and systematized the teachings of Athanasius and other Alexandrians. Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the Bible, Alkebulan is assumed to be where Gods children will live forever. Accordingly we read, They journeyed to the entrance of Gedor, to the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks, where they found rich, good pasture, and the land was very broad, quiet, and peaceful; for the former inhabitants there belonged to Ham (1 Chr 4:39-40). This influenced the change of name from Alkebulan to Africa. Let us proclaim that Gods love knows no boundaries. We believe in Gods word and the laws of nature, and thats it! Africa is a renowned name that has traveled way beyond the shores of the Nile to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Moses Cushite wife aroused the bitter jealousy of his sister Miriam. The name is one, over time that is connected to historical heritages and tied to historical revolutions. info@theafricanhistory.com All rights reserved, The We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. The Lost History. Alternatively, you may watch the video below. If the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are located in Babylonia, then there is good reason to believe some of Eden lay in Africa. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.. I am not a religious person, I am not interested in religion. One glaring distortion is about the character called Jesus Christ in the bible, whom the ancient artists drew as a black man, ancient sculptors carved him as a black man, and even the bible itself described him as a black man in many passages.