The far end of the lane where the most hook can happen. Area 60′ from the foul line. The spin on the ball and the movement of the pins caused by that spin. The material that makes up the outer part of the ball; the hardness, texture, and shine of a bowling ball. A type of competition where nine (9) pins on the first ball is scored as a strike. Gutter: A gutter is a pit on each side of the lane that the
Refers to a ball that crosses over to the other side of the head pin opposite the side it was thrown (example: a Brooklyn strike would hit the 1-2 pocket for a right-hand bowler). However, if you dissect the ball off center, a greater portion of the weight block will be on one side of the ball, possibly making that half of the ball too heavy vis-a-vis the other half; also, modern high tech balls and their asymmetrical cores can be drilled in such a manner as to be in violation of the maximum tolerances allowed by the USBC for side to side weight (which is a one ounce differential); to get the ball back to legal compliance an extra, non-gripping hole may be drilled to remove the excess weight. A change of your game to be more competitive on a particular lane. The oil conditioner on the lane does not soak into the boards, it sits on top. To knock down the remaining pins standing with the second throw. It's counted as zero pins. Usually easy to pick up. However, this does not apply for strikes. Foot Fault: A foot fault occurs when the bowler does not have one foot over the mat on release of the bowl. Each pin you knock down earns you a point, while you can also score extra points by hitting “strikes” or “spares”. the 10th frame. Angle in which the holes of the bowling ball are drilled. A gap between two or more pins Examples: 4-5, 5-6, 4-10, 6-7, 7-10, 4-6-7-10. When scoring a spare, points for the next ball are doubled. Bowling uses certain terms to explain the game. Mark = filling the frame with ether a strike or a spare. A typical game has 14 ends in social games, 18 in tournaments. The distance the ball travels between time of release and the time it hits the lane. 300 is the perfect score in bowling, which means you got a strike in every turn. The foul line separates the approach and the lane. Bowling Alley: The poor man’s country club. The number of times the ball rolls over its circumference from when it is released until it hits the pins. Bowling score - definition of bowling score by The Free Dictionary google_ad_client = "pub-1471799681191680"; Bowling. /* Rules of Bowling Image 336x280 */ And as the name suggests, Googly is the spin in the ‘wrong’ direction for the leg spinner. The Following Terms Apply To
If, for example, a right-handed bowler delivers the ball from too far to the right, it is said to be out of bounds. Instead of “points” in football or “runs” in baseball, we use “pins” in bowling. Knocking down all 10 pins with the first throw . If … Generally the area between the 1-3 pins (right-hand player) or the 1-2 pins (left-hand player). The angle relative to where a ball enters the pocket. Other it might be their average, Twelve consecutive strikes, resulting in a 300 game. The pins left standing after the first ball has been rolled. Releasing the ball before the sliding foot completes its slide; usually results in less hook and a weaker ball as the player does not have the proper balance and leverage to hit up on the ball. A game of bowling has
20 Grattan Crescent, Frenchs Forest. Crossing or allowing your foot to touch the foul line at delivery. The side boards around the pins that divide lanes, where pins frequently rebound or "kick" back onto the lane aiding in pin action. The space extending back from the foul line used to make the steps and delivery. In traditional scoring, one point is scored for each pin that is knocked over, and when less than all ten pins are knocked down in two rolls in a frame (an open frame), the frame is scored with the total number of pins knocked down. If the foul occurs on the first ball of a frame, the bowler gets a second shot at a new rack. In this way, the points scored in the next two frames of the strike are counted twice. The line that separates the approach area from the beginning of the playing surface. The most heard terms when a spinner is bowling, googly is also called the wrong’un. A frame having neither a spare or strike. Space at end of lane where ball and pins end up. A relatively slow ball with a lot of action can be much more effective than a very fast ball with little action. Foul: A foul is determined when you cross the foul line