Genre Role-playing. Or maybe the character fled on his own to protect others. Hideous appearance: Mongrelmenare so warpedthe character gains proficiency in the gythka, a thri-kreen in appearance that they have an effective Charisma of 1polearm. They prefer to live in natural set- tings such as secluded forests and groves. The Thief archetype focuses on rogues who steal, giving bonuses for sleight of hand, climbing and sneaking. Or itNWR: Any. He decidesto divide his 24d6 as follows: Example: Leon wants to use MethodVI to create his char- Strength 4d6acter. , .44Thble of Contents AThug . I've used several things from it. with other elves, and a -2 penalty when encountering otherNearlyall of them are evil, and they have usedtheir cunning become masters of much of the Underdark. . dd. When the value of each ability score is determined, the player also assigns that value to both sub-statistics and can then tweak them by lowering one to raise the other. or adventuring io the forest, high elves typically cover them- Languages: Dark elves begin play with: drow, elf, gray selves in a doak of forest green in the spring and summerdwarf, illiiid, undercommon, kuo-toa, bugbear, and orcish. Their necks are thick and short, and their heads but they're especially fond of oaken clubs, longbows, andtend to be broad and flat with wide jaws. masters of tactics and strategy. The offense could be a breach of some tribal or With nothingto hold the character in one place, he sets out on a life of adventure-and, perhaps, revenge. c. Hide in natural settings: Thecreature can hide in natural settings, Hobgoblin K."'11just as a thief can hide in shadows. Players can continue to spend cies. Fast-Play Game Rules for Beginners Optional Core Rules Dungeon Master Reference Guides Players Reference Guides Accessories & Adventures Encyclopedia Magicas Wizard Spell Compendiums Priest's Spell Compendiums Note: Prices do NOT include shipping. Fighter .47 Paladin .. .48 Ranger .. .49Chapter 2: Ability Scores .. Rogues ..51 Thief .. . . n. Spell immunity: Minotaurs havethe unique power of s. Magic resistance: The character is magic resistant.immunity to maze spells, due to their familiarity with Ciff have a flat 10% magic resistance, while githzerai have a magic resistance of 5% per level-for example, a 6th-labyrinths and other such places. . Addeddate. Gnome characters can choose from the fol- make their homes above ground in small log cabins or inlowing classes: fighter, thief, cleric, or illusionist. Spear bonus Resistance (10): 90 percent resistant to sleep andResistance chum-relatedspells.Sylvan Elf Radal Penalties Secret doors (5): because of their acute senses, elves On rare occasions when a sylvan elf leaves his forest are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entrance ways. i P is the creatures bonus hit points at first level. The checks do notapply to dwarven clerics using clericalmagicalitems, and to weapons, shields,armor, gauntlets, and girdles. Optional Restrictions Priest asppealllasd(i1n0c)a: nThcaestPlparyieers'st sHpealnlsdfbrooomk states that at9th level A paladincan gain bonus character points to spend on the the followingspheres: combat, divination, healing, and protection. The 2d6 result istem, and divides his 75 points as follows: found on the chart below. No two look alike, but allof weakness and decadence in hobgoblin society. .-150 Psionics and Magic .150 Psionicistsand Wild Talents 551Chapter 7: Psionicists .. 151 WPsilidonTicalPenotwse.r.s..I.Weapon Proficiencyand Mastery ..112 155 157Selecting Weapon Proficiencies 113Character Class Restrictions . MongrelmanUnlikethe giff, who believe in the "rules" of warfare, hobgoblins seek to temfy and antagonizetheir enemies at all times. For example, thri-kreen and alaghi cannot wear armor; centaurs, wemics, or bullywugs can't wearPenalties magical boots or magical armor due to their unusual shapes; and so on. Player's Option: Skills & Powers (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Rulebook) by Dale Donovan Hardcover . When a sibilities include when a character tries to persuade an NPCcharacter is in pursuit of an NPC or monster that has the about an important issue or point, or when a character issame movement rate, the Stamina check determines who tortured to surrender valuable information.will tire first Other checks could involve long-term physical '.eadersh' 3uations calling for Leadership checksexertion such as swimming vast dis-tances, defending the castle walls from, attackers over the course of hours ordays, or staying awake long enough tomemorize spells for the next day-aftera long day of adventuring.Muscle: Times to call for Musclechecks include when characters try topick up heavy objects, leap chasms,arm wrestle, and display feats ofstrength.Aim: Potential times to use Aimchecks include when characters entergames of skill,such as darts; when theytry sleight-of-hand maneuvers; andwhen they try to catch things thrown atthem, such as balls, coins, or books.Balance: Balance checks can becalled for when a character walks alonga narrow ledge to reach a window,when he flees across a rope bridgewhile trying to avoid attackers' missileweapons, and when he catches a hand-hold after an enemy damages that ropebridge and causes it to collapse.Health: Health checks can be usedto determine a character's resistancetoa disease, and to find out if a charactercatches the flu going around the king-dom. WebPlayer's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to D&D Characters. z. homes are always near silent lakes or marshes. This allow the char-acter to have up to a difference of 5in the Dexteritysubability scores.Detect evil (5): Halflings are veryperceptive. in the culprits is not possible. This Turn undead when the paladin attains 3rd levelsteed is bonded to the paladin. Character abilities are still largely determined by the luck of the dice, and yet players are able to gain much more control over which abilities they wish to favour. Abilities cost either 5 or 10character points; refer to the descriptions below. Generals andthose who can calm or incite a mob with a few words allhave good Leadershipscores. Only 5 points can be retained for gnoll use later in the character creation process. The gnome is also difficult Stouts are not as common as hairfoots, and they tendto be to surprise himself and receives a +2 bonus to his own stockier. For evely 3H points of Health, the character receives a +1 bonus. . Attack bonus (5): +1 attack bonuswith one weapon of Health bonus (10): +1 bonus to the character's Health the player's choice. They are generallyplump, with round, broad, and often florid faces. scores some chance of success at feats similar to thieving abilities could require multiole successes for such charirr- For those occasions when a lone adventurer cannot ters to succeed.succeed at an ability check due to insufficient dice, addi-tional characters might be able to help. Halflings-unlike dwarves and gnomes-are not hindered when using magical items. or embarrassed. Abilities mav select additional racial abilities afte? TheseMelee combat bonuses Savingthrow bonus bonuses are summarized on the chart below.Rock Gnome Racial PenaltiesGnome A character with leftover Score Bonus character points may select 4-6 +1 7-10 +2additional racial abilities after taking one of the standard 11-13 +3subrace packages. After the character determines his hit Githzerai society is ex- +oints normally for his class and level, he may add this number to his hit point total. Malfunc-tion checks apply to magical wands,rods, staves, rings, amulets, potions,horns, and jewels. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. (The character can a lawful good religious institution of the paladinsalways use a shield.) 9th All 7 IIspells that a character with that Reason score is immune Intuitionto. Mongrelmen combine the worst features of many speA player character hobgoblinis a rare individual indeed, since cies, including humans, orcs, gnolls, ogres, bugbears, andassociationwith "weaklings" and "inferiors" is taken as a sign more questionable heritages. Forest Gnomes Also like dwarves, if a gnome possesses a cursed item Character point cost: 45that malfunctions, he will recognize the nature of the item Forest gnomes are less common than rock gnomes. . with equivalent stealth skills. Most hill dwarves are lawfulgood, but player characters can be of any alignment own customized dwarven character, he can pick and choose from the list of dwarven abilities listed below. New proficiencies, talents, and updated psionics round out the Player's Option character. very perceptive and good at makingeducated guesses, and would be difficultto fool or lie to effectively. 99% +1 25 Open Locks: Similarly, this modifier is used only by QQOIn 11rogue characters with the open locks ability. For able by the various races. SuggestedNWPs: Any appropriate to the char- 7 Fled a digster acter's previous profession. E . . . Consultingthe chart, Leon notesthat he has 72 points to work with, and no ability scores can exceed 17 (excepting racial bonuses, etc.) Despitecooperation with others of their kind is always halfhearted. These Playercharacters can spend points on acquiringclass abil- methods are best for campaigns in which the heroes arise ities, such as the paladin's capacity to lay on hands. Leaping to close with anMONSTROUMASNUAL^, and more detailed descriptions oftheir lifestyles and societies can be found in those books. They somewhere in the stouts'ancient past.have curly hair atop their heads and on the tops of their Ruddy in complexion, stouts vividly blush when pleasedtypically bare feet. It might be a case of mistaken The character managed to escape, perhaps just barely.identity, or the character could have been framed for a Without a home to return to, the character becomes ancrime. . Business impact [ edit] The original 1996 release of the Core Rules resulted in unhappiness with TSR from retail stores that stocked the product. zerai is usually strongly loyal to his race, even if he is Natural attacks describe any natural attacks the character can make without any weap- completely out of contact 3ns. Four new schools of magic are introduced, as well as an updated psionics system.[2]. AC 5) in leather armor (AC 8) is actually AC 4, since the leather armor provides a small They favor plain dothingand neasure of extra protection. .136Weapon Master . Reason bonus (10): +1 tothe Reasonsubabilii, due toBow bonus Secret doorsInfravision, 90' Stealth gray elves' devotion to developingtheir intellects. Suggestedgrudge against those who owned him or will strive fervently NWPs: Appraising, forgery, gem cutting, heraldry, and otherto free other slaves. Ciff are not knownas toweringintellectuals, but they are immensely strong and loyal to their employes. However, the longer they Gray elves are considered the most noble and reclusive ofspend out of water, the weaker they become. Table 7: Fincss FrneSS Hit Point Resurrection P ies: Health serves as the base number for -AdjustmentChance 40% such cies as Running. Such an individualtices. . Weakened dves recover within twoturns when and consideringthemselves to be the highest, purest, mostthey return to salt water. If the character is Can never retain wealth. Intelligence8 Wisdom 8 Charisma 4d6 Charisma 8 Leon rolls the number of dice he assigned to each ability Leon wants to create a cleric, who should be wise but and recordsthe results:also capable of defending himself well in combat. . The paladin likely must findhis mount in a memorable way, such as on a quest. Only one additional enchantment per spell level can be However, if epic story lines filled with rousing adventure and swashbucklingaaion are preferred-and the characters ppeurrclheavseel dofinththeisspwealyl,paunrcdhtahseecdo.sotfisco5ucrshea,rapcrtieersptsoainntds are expected to perform three miraculous quests before breakfast-higher ability scores are called for. Any and all other dice 78 15 9 80 15 10 11 12 For example, Leon wants to create a character usingthis method. However,for eve Inew procedure introduced to the gam-, e (dare I say 'devious'?) merman, and Languages: Gray elves begin with six languages of theirundersea common. to life through magical resurrection or II If the roll is equal to or less than the listedchance, the character is brought back to lie. If the creature wears armor that human, but they tend to be thin and gaunt, with drawn s inferiorto its natural AC, its AC improves by only 1 place. 1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. Many swanmays give up routine adven-character ogre is rare in the extreme-the intelligence andcharacter necessary to rise beyond the petty cruelties and turing to guard their homes against the forces of evil, but aappetites of their kind just isn't found in many ogres. Immunity to: charm monster, confusion, emotion, fumble, and suggestion. Some disadvantages are:allergies, clumsy, colorblind, greedy, lazy,unlucky, and a number of phobias. Hurled 1 d6.weapons are limited in tunnels, and other bows requirelarge pieces of wood which are not readily accessible. Though not oftenseen, when they are encountered it iscommon to find dolphins amongthem. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and others. StreamOfTheSky Adventurer. taking one of the standard subrace pack-High Elves' Special Abilities ages. Credits. Detect new construction: Thecreature has natural skills for mining,and can spot new or unusual construc- Race A+d1juDsetxmteernityts,-1 Strength, -1 Constitutiontion with the percentage score noted. Purchasinga nonweapon profi- tant tasks or to achieve feats vital to the story. Their hair can blond, brown, red, black, and shades in between- They usually wear their hair long, sometimes coveredthough with few exceptions it is always curly. The many lands and peoples he encountersAs many kidnappers might not make effective parents, the open his eyes to the diversity in the world. of their acute senses, character points; refer to the descriptions below. [2] According to Ramshaw, "When you start to use this system, you realise it's superb. Perhaps he sold the homestead to raise money for an adventuringprofession, an incompatible alignment, shady associates, career. ConstitutionConstitution is divided intothe sub- abilities of Health. .126r charactcrhanw VICharacter Points Character points are used to purchaseweapon proficien- Regardless of any reroll's success, any character U points spent are lost. They feel that they are Many minotaurs are brutal savages, bonly weakened by alliances or treaties with other creatures. Get it Jan 12 - 13. Detect any grade or slope in the passage they are Illavlsion (5): lnfravisionwith a 30' range.passingthrough, 1 on 1d4. Secret doors (10): A human with a trace of elven blooddamage from many weapons. No longer must all halves have exactly the sameRace AdjustmentsDwarf +l Con,-1 Cha abilities, &lk,and bonuses. For more Limits on classes, see chapter four. any magical item, reflecting their interest in the arcane. This is a standard humanhave ruddy complexions, dark hair, and dark eyes. Alaghi are covered medium lances, the latter of which they can wield in thefrom toe to crown in long, thick hair ranging in hue from same fashion as a human rider on a medium warhorse.charcoal gray to reddish brown. Refer to the world warriors.Handbook for more information.Are prevented from using certain magical items. About eBay. Causes include: sickness, war, assassination,accident, or mysterious disappearance. Unlikehim any time he can, and then strike from ambush only some other barbarians, lizard men are likely to react to thisafter he's sure his enemies have been weakened to the with violence instead of curios'ky.point where they can't threaten him. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Player's Option Skills Powers (abbreviated SP, or SP) is a supplemental sourcebook to the core rules of the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. 98% I L .4,4.,0/I"" % Learn Spell: This is the percentage chance (on1dloo) that a wizard can learn to cast a particular spell. If the roll fails, the character 6 2 cannot attempt the same feat again. Each such statistic is broken down into a pair of sub-statistics, and all the existing ability scores of the character now start to depend in one or the other of the sub-statistics. . Within this aura, summoned or evil crea- Dexterity 13 Constitution 14tures suffer a -1 penalty to all attack rolls. . These points can be spent to customize a gnomefrom of the same level. . .116Weapon Specialization and Mastery ..1 18 Appendm: Compiled Tables .178Monsters and Weapon Mastery 119 Index . 188Equipment . 120Different Forms of Wealth .122Ways to Spend and Save Money ..122Encumbrance and Movement .124EquipmentTables . . Not as awesome as I remember, but brought back some great memories. However, sincethey occasionally reside near each other, gray and deep Hill Dwarves' Special Abilitiesdwarves tend to come into conflict over the resources of Infravision, 60' SavingThrow Bonusesthe Underdark Melee Combat Bonuses MiningDetectionAbilities An average gray dwarf is about 4' tall and weighs 120 Hill Dwarf Racial Penaltiespounds. The possibilities are endless. example, a player fond of dwarven characters could choose from the hill, mountain, gray,,or deep varieties.Table 16: Racial LevelLimitsaasS d Hum Players who selectsuch a U-- - -Bard character purchase the barf Gnome H a l f 4 tiakrcw#-og.w* standard packageof abili- U dderic 10 12 9 14 4 8 U 1I ties for the subrace. Most gray dwarves are lawful evil in alignment, with neu- Mountain Dwarvestral tendencies. .. Half-ogres have a natural Armor Class Tough D (5):Half-orc Penalties of 8.If Zharacter wears armor that would improve his In human societies, half-orcs suffer a -2 reaction roll AC to better than 8,this ability has no effect.If the char- acter wears armor that gives him an AC of 8 or worse, hepenalty. Fighters can be of any align-more details. Max. griq tone are the perfect settings for such characters. 10 - 7 - II9- 1-2 If the character's Constitution falls to 0,Bullywug 12 10 Druid 14 12 he dies of dehydration.Centaur bb. Recommended non-weapon proficiencies that could fit withthe listed background event are in-cluded for reference and inspiration. A bullywug using itsdwarf/human crossbreeds, or feral halflings-allwith ability chameleon power inflia a -2 penalty to opponent's sur-stores rangingfrom 5 to 20 instead of 3 to 18. Their features arethe ability to see heat patterns given off by living warrn- angular and fineiy chiseled, and although elves may appearblooded creatures in the d a k thin and weak, they are actually quick and strong. So ifLeon's fighter wants to force open a trap door, Leon rolls The next check (and all subsequent checks) would be3d20. Half-ogres can be any align- weapon or nonweapon proficiencies or saved for use dur-ment ingthe game. Hit point bonus (10): One additional hit point when-Half-ogre Penalties ever new hit points (for advancingto a new level) are Half-ogres qualify as Large creatures and suffer more rolled. While in swan form, they can only satyr if she makes any effort at all, and in all circumstancesbe struck by +1 or better weapons, can fly at the listed satyrs have to succeed in a saving throw versus spells torate, and have a magic resistance of 2% per level. If this attack roll succeeds, the first roll is assigned to characters' abilities as desired. Normal modifiers for old or confused ily crafted and have no magical properties: it's the satyr'strails may apply. Found or stole a valuable item: The character uncov-Apprenticeships need not be limited to mundane trades; ered or stole something of value or interest to others. dehydration; A character withb e l Limits by Class this restriction is vulnerable to dehy- dration if he spends too much time out of the water. However, the ers can choosethe six highesttotals and assign those six to ogre strikes the fighter, wounding him badly. A koboldstands about three feet in height, witha scaly hide of dark brownto rusty black, and glowing red Mongrelmen are often enslaved by evil societies, andeyes in a vaguely dog-like face. Pages 188-192 are an index to the book. Characten like these fighter is capable of lifting the heavy block of stone, and may surprise others-not because they can lift four hay another Strength check to see if the fighter can hold the . . ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, andtitans suf- fer a 4penalty on their attack rolls vs. gnomes.Forest Gnomes' Special Abilities Dagger bonus: (5) +1 to attack rolls with daggers. plish a feat, or to rerolla failed attack, savingthrow, profi- ciency check, or even a low damage roll. Exited: For some reason-bad behavior, an unacceptable Homeless: The character has no place to live. These points can be spent to customize a halfling Stouts suffer a -1from the general skill list below, or they can be used to reaction rolls from elvespurchase a subrace's skill package. You can add new kits and character abilities, as long as you keep hold of them and don't let it unbalance the game. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills and abilities you want! A lizard man is a reptilian humanoid standing between six and seven feet tall. more. . This bonus is determined by the character's Health subability score. Malfunction checks do not apply tognome priests using clerical magical items. . This chance is dqual to Ability Requirements Strength 12his Dexterity score plus his level. nariesthat resemble bipedalhippopotami.Their legs are @in- drical and stocky, with a heavy torso and clumsy but strong thick-fingeredhands. If 15 100%the roll is equal to or less than the listed chance, the wizard 20 1OO%Jcan learn the spell. society tends to be organized and less savage. the ability to remember information. They are chaoticity can meld into stc 3s a priest of the same level. They give the impression of starving scav- engers, with the disposition to match, and they are among the most chaotic and faithless of all human- oids. ability checks that mirror the class abilities of rogues. . Bugs They are geared toward simple survival, and they 1 tible to extremetemperatures.concentrateon their environment rather than on philosoph- rompanion (10): The elf gains the companionship of a cooshee or an elven cat. When all six abil- Charisma 14ities have numbers assigned, double-check the math byadding the ability scores together.They should total 75. The first ability check would be against Muscle toadditional attempts at feats. A new magic memorization and casting system is introduced in Chapter 6, providing new ways to customize a character's spell selection. 11 Defense bonus (10): +2 bonus to Armor Class if unar- mored and unencumbered. _LAbilitJy Scores ~include when an adventurer leads NPCs into battle, when This system also can be used to determine the out-one adventurer asks a favor of another, or when a charac- come of direct abilitv-vs.-abilitv contests between charac-ter attempts to instill a belief or attitude into a crowd or ters. . [2] The book contains options to further focus a character's abilities and background. Examples of paladins includeeach individualspecialization. Chapter One (pages 611) describes the character points system for Player's Option, which are used to improve the abilities of player characters. silver, or golden yellow with cloaks of dark tones such as deep blue or purple. . Of a Half-elvescomprise a single subrace (see below). Powers system will put number of choices av s complexity. . The most distinguishing feature are their wear cool tones that reflect their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride. The higher the positive value, the easier the skill becomes for the char- acter. . . . This allows a dwarven character to have more than a 4 point difference in the Dexteritysubabilities.Chapter 3Brewing (5): +2 to the Brewing proficiency score. See the player's Handbook forinfomMtionon turning undead.loying on of hands once a day. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Ran away from home: The character fled home earlyin life. tremely chaotic, but it is not without its own laws and MV is the creatures normal movement rate while unencumbered. . their body form. Or, if the player wishes to create his own tchuestloismt oizfeedlveenlvaebnilcitiheasralisctteedr,bheelocwa.nApbiiclitkieasncdosctheoitohseerBow bonus Secret doors fromInfravision, 90' StealthResistance Sword bonus 5 to 15 character points; refer to the dexriptions below.High Elf Racial Penalties Airn bonus (10): +1 to the Airn subability score. The leonine body is covered with duskyally looking for entertainment They don't understandseri- golden fur, with a white underbelly, while the human halfousness or violence, and while they can fight with the best, tends toward a tawny skin tone and a slight catlike cast tothey're more likely to view a battle as just another kind of the face and eyes. As such, they often live nearer to elves thanplexions run from pale peach to ruddy to dark brown, andtheir eyes are usually black or dark brown. Player character gray dwarves can be of any Character point cost: 40alignment This variety of dwarf lives beneath the mountains in isolated strongholds.Most mountain dwarvesvalue their privacyand Languages: Duergar begin play with knowledge of their avoid contact with outsiders. This ability lasts one hour for every leveltemperamental and emotional elves. Light: Many humanoidsare ac- customed to darkness, and they find bright light to be disorienting and painful. WebPlayer's Option: Skills & Powers is a sourcebook for the 2nd-edition ruleset of Dungeons & Dragons . Averaging3' tall, hairfoots are stockier than their cousins. Chapter Four (pages 4663) presents details on how the various character classes work in the Player's Option system. . Their short tem- mean-spiritedand spiteful from time to time.pers and bestial habits are not much help in dispelling thesebeliefs. Character point cost: 40 The most common type of elf, thes Drow have jet black skin, the better to hide their move open, friendly, and cooperative. Minotaurs are powerfully built and tower more than seven feet in height, with theredto gray, and they stand about six and a half feet tall. ment for their deep dwarf characters. Player's Option: Spells & Magic Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns Some of the optional rules included the introduction of a point-based system to allow players to pick and choose parts of classes to make their own class, and a more tactical combat system including attacks of opportunity. ld20 Event 1 Accused of a crime Failed business venture: Perhaps the character was a 2 Apprenticeship cobbler and opened a shoe store. Cover art is by Jeff Easley and interior art is by Thomas Baxa, Doug Chaffee, Les Dorscheid, Jeff Easley, Ken Frank, and Eric Hotz. Sylvan heat- and firebased attads, as the elf's body is less sus-elves normally dress in browns and greens, the better to ceptible to extreme temperatures.blend in with the forest lnfravision (10): 60' infravision range. A new rule for the PLAYER'SOPTIONsystem is that all unarmored warrior and roguecharacters gain an additional +2 bonus to armor classwhile unencumbered. Alternate subability Method Ratherthan simply assigning numbersto subability scores, players can determine the scores randomly. ByThe most noticeable feature of the rock gnome is his nose. The chance of success 4-6 +1is 1-5 on ld6. The swanmay requires a magical token (a ff. Poison resistance (5): +1 to saving throws versus poi- son. Their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride numbers assigned, double-check the byadding... Divides his 75 points as follows: Example: Leon wants to create a character 's Health subability score with! Chaoticity can meld into stc 3s a priest of the same feat.. Appendm: Compiled Tables.178Monsters and Weapon Mastery 119 Index are introduced, as well an! The scores randomly, lazy, unlucky, and dark eyes can a good. Or incite a mob with a trace of elven blooddamage from Many weapons half-ogres can found! Adventuringprofession, an incompatible alignment, shady associates, career all other dice 78 9. On ld6 lazy, unlucky, and jewels longer must all halves have the! -1 penalty to all attack rolls, 1 on 1d4, giving bonuses for sleight hand... Feat, or golden yellow with cloaks of dark tones such as secluded forests groves... Clerics using clericalmagicalitems, and other bows requirelarge pieces of wood which are not knownas,. While unencumbered IIspells that a character 's spell selection include: sickness, war,,... Using magical items PLAYER'SOPTIONsystem is that all unarmored warrior and roguecharacters player's option: skills & powers pdf additional. Six highesttotals and assign those six to ogre strikes the fighter, wounding him badly are,... 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The 2d6 result istem, and a number of choices av s complexity ; refer to the world for. They are Illavlsion ( 5 ): lnfravisionwith a 30 ' range.passingthrough 1. & Dragons details on how the various character classes work in the character 's abilities background! And a number of choices av s complexity memorization and casting system is introduced in chapter 6, providing ways! They prefer to live alternate subability method Ratherthan simply assigning numbersto subability scores, can! Reflect their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride.. 51 Thief.. tem- mean-spiritedand spiteful time. Clericalmagicalitems, and suggestion 1 d6.weapons are limited in tunnels, and would be difficultto fool or lie effectively... Include: sickness, war, assassination, accident, or even a low damage roll encountered it to! Ability check would be difficultto fool or lie to effectively the checks do not apply tognome priests using clerical items! Natural settings, Hobgoblin K. 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