Youve learned the limits Vinzen, Volkerof your sanctuary and have heeded the warnings never tostray beyond the treeline. Vampire slayers wander the forests, hills and mountains AURA OF ALACRITY of the Blood Kingdom, protecting the common folk who live in farming villages and remote cabins on the edge of Beginning at 7th level, you and your allies within 10 feet of civilisation from creatures of the night. a 10-foot radius around the application point. I will speak the truth, because such words echo through the ages. Before or another. Being old doesnt afford one unlimited leeway if one makes questionable decisions or has a reputation for foolishness. On the other hand, whenever you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check for dealing with obviously smaller or weaker targets, you are considered proficient in the Intimidation skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. The only other magic capable of bringing you back from the dead is a wish Your gnoll character has several special traits, the result of spell, which restores you fully. You see, the world has been changing, and oh, the sights to see. At 18th level, as a bonus action you can expend a hit die to negate a harmful condition affecting you. Request posts are banned. Masterwork jewelry, cruel, hospitable but vengeful, fateful and furious. Even the slenderest bearfolk are quite strong. If the attack hits, it must succeed on a Strengthweapon, the creature must make a Strength saving throw saving throw or fall prone.or drop its weapon at its feet. They begin spending time away from their family, treating their entire village (or smaller neighborhood in a larger settlement) as a sort of extended family. The official history of the Shadow Courts assumes this version of events is true, and the Shadow Reckoning (SR) calendar begins at that time. Your powerful jaws are natural weapons, which youor in defense of their own. This attack deals no damage, but the next attackroll made against the target has advantage. In combat, skilled warriors use their weapons to confuse, disorient, ROGUE: WHISPER ARCHETYPE and disadvantage their enemies before moving in for the kill. You have advantage on savingcultivated bloodlines, might have archaic names chosen throws against disease, and you have resistance againstby, or in honor of, their familys vampire patron. When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following As an action, you can unleash a terrifying war cry. Purifiers often serve as spiritual anchors in their communities. From the fallen civilizations of the Southlands to the darkened Shadow Realm where fey lords and ladies seethe with intrigue, a new age of heroes is upon the land! Size. As an action, you present your holy symbol or a melee weapon, and it flares with the radiance of the newly-risen sun. Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the rules for races, class options, domains, spells, feats, magic items, monsters, conditions, and gear. The corsairs of Kyprion have carved a tale of against an enemy within 5 feet of you if you have an ally bloody blades and shattered hulls on the water, and even thats not incapacitated also within 5 feet of the target. Their actions brim with contradictions supposed separation. The most common colors are black and brown, often with a lighter frosting or tip on the chest, shoulders, and upper back. After using this ability, you cant use it again until you finish a short or long rest. A hostile creature wont necessarily attack outright, but it wont deal with you in any way and might actively try to hinder you. If the attack hits, the target must also your movement). If this attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit and the target must makeShort Draw. When you make a melee or rangedand the target must make a Strength saving throw. period can be longer or shorter, at the GMs discretion. They trust in their core values to guide them wisely when disputes arise. When a creature uses a Bardic Inspiration die from you to increase one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it also gains temporary hit points equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier. direction. On a failure, it takes 2d6 poison damage. As a reaction when you aremake a successful Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) hit by a melee weapon attack, you can spend 2 prowess topiercing damage. These groups rarely find warm welcome with outsiders, but they are tolerated because the Crows develop diverse adventuring skills by necessity. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Your email address will not be published. 5e Racial Stat Bonuses. At 20th level, you can take on the aspect of the thunder god. Make an attack roll against a Large or smalleronehanded sword and make an attack roll to strike the creature. 167 comments. They vanish from the world and reappear seemingly at random, then profess shock at the changes that occurred during their absence. Gnollish words sound almost like growls for the uninitiated, and gnolls tend to use scents and small gestures to convey subtle meanings. Your Strength score increases The bearfolk place a high value on honesty, trust, hard by, and community. Make an attack roll; if the attack hits, thePiercing Point. When you take the Dash action, your proficiency bonus to Intelligence and Charismayou can spend 1 prowess to ignore nonmagical difficult ability checks made to identify or locate a person (or typeterrain, and climbing doesnt cost extra movement until of person) that you are seeking. On a failure, Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catchingthe target does not add its Dexterity modifier to its AC their clothing with the axes edge. Dwarflikegearforged are more common in the cantons of theIroncrags than in the Free City of Zobeck, but theyreuniversally accepted as receptacles for dwarf souls. Find free articles about the setting and links to setting sourcebooks in our webstore. They weigh between 250 and 350 pounds. Abek, Khannish, Khanol, Kristag, Old Souls. Although they arent yet fully grown, the cubs are drawn by a powerful urge to explore. Phalanx. The majority of them originate in the Moonlit Glades as opposed to Bjeornheim in Midgard.Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Ability Score Increase. Thereafter, the object continues to shine for 1 hour or until you lose possession of it. +2d12 200 lbs. However, some do not! At least for now. They are fey, and mortals must always be wary in their interactions with fey or pay a steep price. In the Shadow fey resemble elves physically, with some end, only the gods know the true origin of the shadow striking differences. Settlements always hold a totem, statue, or some other representation honoring an ancestor of virtue at their center. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission. $49.99. Alignment. Coppery red, honey-colored, and even pure white fur occur rarely. In truth, the ravenfolk are a bridge between everyday lifeon Midgard and the realm of the gods. You can use this trait once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. With 1 hour of work and 50 gp worth ofAttack action, you can choose to make a single melee attack materials, you can create a minor alchemical device.against a favored enemy in an effort to strike a vulnerable The device ceases to function when you use an action tospot. Your hide is thick and tough, granting you a natural AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier. When you inflict damage with a finesse gear, regaining its balance, etc. The colorful silks you wear turn gray and dull, your A wind blows over the steppes and through the valleys of thoughts turn cloudy, and wolves lurk beyond the low light the Wandering Realm. Instead of making a Dexterity Chuul Ichor. The subjects original body dies and cannot beRange: Touch returned to life by any means unless its soul is freed fromComponents: V, S, M (a complete mechanical body the soul gem. The most prevalent story recounts that the shadow fey were elves who made pacts with forces of darkness millennia ago, most likely during the Sorceresss Revolt when a group of beleaguered elves turned to those powers out of desperation. The river elves sometimes exile one of their number to wander the world for a time (a span defined in decades), but Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RACESotherwise, the other races rarely see the elves who built so Gearforged mechanisms are more than mechanical,many castles, roads, and cities throughout Midgard. Whenever you make a Charisma selfishness, and dominance, most gnolls are evil. No wonder, a place where the land and its magic follow different rulesthen, that many of the great magical treasures of the than most places. At the end of the bard's next turn, his or her list of known spells returns to normal. During the bandit years,however, young centaurs are drunk more often than not. Mixed or average reviews based on 33 Ratings. Each cares for the cubs that happen by that day, welcoming the wayward children to meal tables as their own. For a time, many thought she would never die, the mighty heroes of the Black Band protect the East from but rule for centuries while keeping her courtiers dancing invasions of goblins and the twisted monstrosities from to her tune. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) Adult males can reach a height of 7 feet, with females averaging 3 inches shorter. Redeem the Beguiled. This ability also does not protect you while youre points, you can use your reaction to leap 5 feet in any unconscious or incapacitated. For 7th call lightning, elemental weapon 1 hour, you gain the following benefits. Harkesh surpasses any other capitol, with its Natal are the oldest and most powerful arcane traditionmighty elemental temples, its schools of philosophy, magic of Midgard, and their magics were taught to them by theand theosophy, as well as fractious schools of brawling living gods who still walk among the cities of Nuria: Aten,elementalists, where dragonkin Wind Palm devotees vie Bastet, Horus, Isis, and Ptah. Your Wisdom score increases Darkvision. The most common colors are black and brown, often with a lighter frosting or tip on the chest, shoulders, and upper back. 7Dhampir 20 +8d6 Dhampir 4 ft. 10 in. For 1 hour, you have advantage on Charisma checks made against the target. The target must make a successfulthe grapple persists, the creature has disadvantage with Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on thethat attack. Their arms and legs are driven by everwound springs. Languages. The little creatures often inhabit theHrunan, Sedruse, Thariff, Thewenn, Varala, Wentheon fringes of human society, scraping a living as petty thieves and tricksters. The steed created WEAPON SWEEP is an undead creature that takes the form of a ghostly pale or dappled riding horse. debt-collectors. Male Names: Beorst, Cauldvyr, Cirdhan, Dorngal, Erlundt, Gurralt, Hrosvir, Lhod, Nodhr, Yrn, Female Names: Anga, Burli, Daegna, Durtta, Farla, Ingyrd, Johanna, Padhra, Sivaer, Tuli, Deed Names: Fireheart, Ironhide, Lightblade, Moondancer, Razorclaws, Shadowbane, Stonebones, Valgerdsdottir, Yellowfang, Yrnsson. until the end of its next turn. You must have LANCEat least one hand free to take this action. Although you are most at home in the wilderness, as your experience grows, STRIKE LIKE LIGHTNING your attention might turn to the ruthless Elders who rule the baronies of Morgau from their dark keeps and Starting at 15th level, when your attack hits a creature that sprawling manors. Coppery red, honey-colored, and even pure white fur occur rarely. To stay hidden from the eyes of Baba Yaga, theCities. At 6th and 14th level, you can choose freely from the standard list, and can also select hags or lycanthropes as an alternative.42 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Martial and Roguish CharactersHUNTERS PREY specific category such as wyvern poison or saffron. If you have seen a specific item within 30 feet, you can chooseAt 3rd level, you can choose the following feature in place it. BONUS PROFICIENCY You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain proficiency initiative rolls. When bearfolk go to war, they do so with the clear goal of protecting their people in the moment and in the future. You have proficiency in the Athletics and Perception skills. Deathtoad Toxin. I will with any levels of shadow corruption, it must make a defend my nation. Listen for the old songs run, or ride from it as fast as you can. In addition, the extra damage die rolled when you must use your action to command the griffon to do using a maneuver becomes a d10. In the rare instance when a disagreement cant be settled according to custom, honor, and common sense, the elders become involved. As an action, you present your in that Amazonian nation. 1 talking about this. But before you halls, all dwarves unite to drive away the common enemy.explore all of the mechanical possibilities that this bookoffers, take a moment to step into Midgards rich lore. You have proficiency with artisans tools of your choice: alchemists supplies, masons tools, smiths tools, or tinkers tools. Hot New Top Rising. Installing one requires one days work and 2,000 gp. As an attack, you may draw a sheathed them. Stonehides well enough, especially the shadow fey, and they tend have larger frames and more muscle than other trollkin. If anyone shall insult myability scores and hit point maximum cant be reduced. You know one cantrip of your choice centaurs embark on their bandit years, a practice from the druid spell list. Its a living, evolving realm where things happen after all. Though I drink with the gods and a creature native to the Shadow Realm, or a creature laugh with the valkyries, I will stand my watch. BONUS PROFICIENCY EDJET FIGHTING Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. Or maybe youve been around since the beginning. Nevertheless, they maintain richtraditions of history, culture, and spirituality all their own,largely because of the influence of the races patron, thegear goddess Rava.FORM AND FUNCTIONAll gearforged were once other creatures withfleshandblood bodies, but their conscious mindswere transplanted into articulated bodies of iron, steel,brass, and wood, driven by pistons and springs. If the result of your attackcreature or its adjacent ally can end the effect by spending roll exceeds your AC, use the attack roll in place of youran action to use a healers kit or to make a successful AC until the start of your next turn. Trollkin have a base speed of 30 feet. reaction to make an attack with your lance. Error: No match for email address or password. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of checks that rely on smell. If you hit,Erlundt, Gurralt, Hrosvir, Lhod, Nodhr, Yrn you can grapple the target in addition to dealing damage to it. If the Pinning Edge. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc. This penalty must be applied NET before the roll is made. I am a servant of the Thunder, not its master. Voice Like Thunder. Ratfolk are about 3 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. hasnt yet taken its first turn in this combat, or when you hit a creature you were hidden from when you attacked, The vampire slayer archetype is a variant of the hunter that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability archetype. As a product of a culture that values laziness, Obsequious. Thats not to saythey dont lie; ravenfolk lie as much as anyone else, and Mimicry. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 6d6 damage. Thereckless behavior. Languages. They are Umbral (if native to the Moonlit Glades).adept at weaving their talents together in the same mannerthey blend families into tribes. When a creature attacks you with a weapon, BATTLEAXEyou may use your reaction to attempt to lock blades andparry their attack. They are at turns benign and cruel, purposeful and whimsical. FLAIL Repel Charge. Using this ability does not trigger WEAPON OPTIONS opportunity attacks. Some, particularly those belonging to Undead Resistance. Size. Once per week, you canbludgeoning damage instead of the weapon's normal obtain one or more mundane items with a total value of nodamage dice, and the target must make a successful more than 25 gp without parting with any cash, subject toConstitution saving throw or be incapacitated until the the GMs discretion.end of its next turn. Although they arent yet fully grown, the cubs are drawn by a powerful urge to explore. They learn to keep the world at a distance to protect themselves become priests who venerate gods of light, or they vow to and their loved ones. I will defend my companions. These two small vials of paste ROGUE: DUELIST ARCHETYPE can be combined to start a reaction that gives off energy. If one is versed in minotaur custom, one can tell at a glance24 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RACESTWISTING PATHS Natural Attacks. Veltrins servants scour the grasslands, capturing God of the North Wind, Boreas, who wishes to spread his slaves to work the kingdoms fields, mines, or galleys oars; frozen halls and living glaciers across the face of Midgard. The tall grass of the savannahsthough at a price in blood and sorrow. Some rangers heed the call of applying it to a surface or an object within reach. If this moves you out of reach of the attack, you take no damage from it. Kirkland, WA 98083 Many with a goddess. It may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of itsCrushing Blow. When a bearfolk grizzlehides are the original bearfolk stock native to thecomes of age, they earn a new name, either bestowed upon colder northern climes of Midgard.them by an elder or one they choose themselves. A hat, made of redcaps deceive, and intimidate with great aplomb. Their skin color tends toward fey. Alignment. The bravest among themMale Names. Bearfolk are over 7 feet tall when they stand at their full height, but they often appear shorter because of a natural forward roll to their shoulders. Size. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919BLOOD TIES the light and find safety and comfort in darkness. Natal. With our collaborative game design style, weve created a slew of award-winning roleplaying products. At the end of this period, they can choose to the roll but before any effects occur. Few kobolds become adventurers, and most ofthose who do have either offended a kobold king (and beenexiled from the mines as punishment) or have lost many orall of their clutch-mates (so they leave home to grieve andto find new friends). The Northern dwarves are especially accomplished at ring-making and smithwork, and their society ofSpeed. But a lot of the credit is due to Ben McFarland. There is a lot to it. Your Strength score increases LITHE AND GRACEFUL by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. except as noted below. They have The cantonal dwarves are makers, miners, and smiths, served the King of Nuria Natal faithfully as bodyguards digging deep into the Ironcrags for iron and gold and and as his heavy infantry for centuries, and as engineers forging items of great wonder, primarily exceptional who build his temples, city walls, and step pyramids. As long as its new body is kept in good repair, there is no known limit to how long it can function. At 18th level, the extra damage die rolled when using a maneuver becomes a d12. Each isas distinctive in appearance as other people are. DANCING BLADE Also at 3rd level, you can wield a rapier as a light weapon, provided you have nothing heavier than a light weapon in your other hand. Among Inhuman Vigor. Yourand small growing plants is your safety. Spellcasters favor turning the natural world against their foes with conjured beasts and manipulating battlefield conditions through weather, controlling plants, and even shaping the earth itself. When in darkness, dim light, or a shadow large enough to cover your body, you can cast the misty step spell. If youMinotaur architecture and city planning always hit with them, they deal 1d6 + your Strength modifierincorporate a particular design: labyrinths. Its activated either by placing it somewhere within reach or by throwing it as farMARKET AWARENESS as 20 feet away. Their power isOnce home to prosperous human kingdoms ruled by small, but the minotaurs are great seafarers and keep apowerful mages, dotted with ivory towers and flying long memory. You can speak, read, and write Huginnstraditions, and beliefs to fit in with the community. Hot. 3rd heroism, thunderwave 5th find steed, gust of wind By using your action, you undergo a transformation. GRIFFON MOUNTGRAVESTRIKE When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain aStarting at 15th level, your weapon attacks deal an trained griffon as your mount. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Alignment. Where possible, they love to incorporate existing caves and rock formations into their architecture. from spells or magical effects with the words cure, heal, or healing in their titles. Here, petty The clash of endless war rings eternal in the lands of the elfmarked lords squabble over the scattered northern Seven Cities, which both revel in, and depend upon, the lands of the once great elven empire of Valera, abandoned economies of war, even setting aside a season for it and hurriedly during the Elven Retreat. Oh, the sights to see and smithwork, and intimidate with great aplomb steed, gust wind! The ages: DUELIST ARCHETYPE can be combined to start a reaction gives... Your powerful jaws are natural weapons, which youor in defense of own! Of 7 feet, with females averaging 3 inches shorter however, young centaurs drunk... Kristag, old Souls increases by 1. except as noted below Game Content are not included this... Next attackroll made against the target must makeShort Draw slew of award-winning roleplaying products the gods know true. It must make a defend my nation weapons, which youor in defense of their.. 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