I just completed the mission where you destroy the plague wall in the plane and was supposed to speak with Captain Logan but I never did. Given this, you cannot import characters from other game modes or start with any other characters outside of these two sets (so, sadly, no importing fully levelled, fully stocked characters here). Talking to Brock, you'll trigger a zombie attack on the bar. Single survivors only give you one thing, but enclaves can help you in the long-run. You'll notice 8 is the maximum survivors you can recruit, so you'll need to make sure you recruit absolutely everybody or else you'll have to do another full playthrough. The other quests listed before that one can be done in any order. Climb up onto the roof (the ladder to access the roof is outside the main building along the back) and the radio dialog will automatically trigger. Meanwhile Isaac will be upset and leave the map. i killed all the plague hearts, discovered all the map. These survivors are called your "community." Each survivor in your community has a unique blend of skills, traits, and personality. With the distiller installed, we can now start crafting some plague busters to help us with taking down all the end game plague walls (the game will prompt us to do this as the optional quest for the next mission). Travel all the way across the map to the Industrial Steel Supply Company on the far west border, and clear out the building/immediate area. Stock up on explosives and health and stamina consumables and drive on over to the new Wilkerson home. Final wall, final cheap spot. If we were nice to her the previous two quests and did what she asked, she'll ask to join our community. Abbreviated Walkthrough: State of Decay 2 has a steep learning curve for players new to the. Now, remember when I said to save up on parts and scraps of circuitry? If you want a challenge play Lethal. 16. State of Decay Walkthrough - Courthouse Missions. what am i missing. As well, if you've followed this guide and recruited everyone along the way, you also unlock: Full HouseYou recruited 8 different survivors in a single game of Heartland.5 guides. Select the top option here ("Sorry, but if you owe my family, you have to pay up", which will prompt a fight with Xander. Get your Lounge up early too for the beds and the morale boost. You recruited Reba into your Heartland community. Though it may be familiar territory to those who homesteaded here years ago, Trumbull Valley is packed with new dangers and unspeakable horrors. Blood Plague disease has a major epicentre in Trumbull Valley, with most districts infested by Plague Hearts, with mutations of these structures, known as Plague Walls forming as the next step of blood plague evolution. See Playthrough One for tips on taking out this plague heart, but at this point you should know the game and have no trouble taking it out. As zombies and plagues are wont to do, they've mutated. If you miss or don't have spare plague busters, don't fret - toward the end of the game, you'll get the ability to make as many as you want, and thus you can try repeatedly until you unlock this achievement. Considering these two things, I would heavily suggest saving Heartland until you've run through the base campaign a few times on Dread or Nightmare levels. Once they join, you (and they) will receive: You played Heartland in multiplayer as the host or client. In this Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown, Logan Plant highlights Link's four new powers, along with bringing some speculation surrounding some hidden bits tucked away in the gameplay. This will now allow you to craft plague consumables at the Annex for a cost of 15 plague samples and 2-6 chemicals. Once you find the distiller, drive it back to Jurassic Junction and place it in your base inventory. Once again, use the same strategies as outlined above, though prepare for an onslaught of specials interrupting your attack. state of decay 2 abandon outpost refund. You killed 10 or more enemies with a single plague buster. Wanting nothing to do with Vic anymore, he'll ask you to tell Vic that he is dead. While some of the vehicles are present across multiple maps, the vast majority are . Enclave Benefits: Vehicle Delivery (Radio Command). Drive to the Farm. Our final recruitment mission will now crop up! Start on Drucker County because it is the best map in the game.The reasons that Drucker County is the best map in State of Decay 2 are as follows: Buildings are not tightly placed, so zombies are rarely hoarded together. Hopefully, you've armed your survivors with guns and repaired the watchtower by now, as this will help you survive the onslaught. As well, it may be worth looking at the Playthrough One Achievement Clean up section below to get an idea of the miscellaneous tasks you'll have to perform at the end of the game. This is one of the reasons why you'll have to do a second playthrough (see below). Detonate the explosives from a safe distance. Upon opening the tenth CLEO drop, you'll unlock: You completed 10 CLEO sieges using the CLEO relay in Heartland. Here, you'll encounter a northern branch of the road, that itself sections off into three branches (see the map at the top of this page for the exact location). Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. Unlike most games, State of Decay 2 follows a general walkthrough for a few missions and then branches out as soon as you can pick a leader for your community. If you don't feel like farming blood plague samples, there is a way to do this achievement without having to make 100 cures, but it involves deleting save files, and thus can be dangerous. Next, drive over to the water tower indicated by the quest marker and repeat this exercise (climb both ladders here to get to the round part at the top). This choice changes the story of the first 1/3 of the game, as well as each pair having their own sets of story related achievements related to them, so you'll have to run Heartland at least a time and a half to unlock all achievements. Accept for: You recruited IzzBee into your Heartland community. Nearly three years since its initial launch, State of Decay 2's loyal community continues the fight against the undead. You'll get a radio call from an unknown person, and will be tasked to find the source of the "desperate radio call". achievement. Helena will join you before leaving, and it's off to the church! You'll get a lot of duplicate Echo Lab guns on your searches, which will not count for the achievement. An expert in Paramedicine. Dr. Hoffman will indicate, and I'll reiterate: from here on in your missions will basically be to take out the remaining plague walls, so take your time to arm yourself and get things in order, and/or work on some of the clean up achievements from below. Walk to the end of the enclosed area, and you'll see a container with a brown box on top. Have you survivor step next to the plague wall, and they will pick up some blood plague (make sure to not attack the wall, we don't want to attract enemies). During this playthrough, we are going to attempt to get two difficult achievements: Full House, for recruiting 8 survivors during one Heartland run, and Plot Armor, which requires you to have. Each drop will cost you 256 influence, but considering everything you kill during the zombie invasion, you'll probably earn a big chunk of this influence back during the fight. Since its still fairly early in the game it may cause you trouble - my recommendation is to set up another outpost in the immediate area so you can drop back to a safe spot and heal/resupply if needed (and dump supplies from the heart when done). In Heartland, players choose from two sets of starting characters who have traveled to Trumbull Valley for different reasons. If you try to jump onto this as you did with the previous cheap spot, it won't work - instead, hit the jump button by itself, then at the height of the jump, press forward on the left stick. Downing the last plague wall will unlock: You completed Heartland while playing alone. Start by upgrading the Repair Depot to a Weapons Depot (just like in the previous run, you cannot upgrade to a Vehicle Depot by accident, so you cannot make a mistake here). Unfortunately, the new "plague zone" system from a recent patch will force you to set this up a distance away, but its still worth doing even if your outpost isn't in the immediate area. If you stand outside your base by the front doors however, you may be able to shoot them before your armed survivors). Heartland is a special stand-alone story for State of Decay 2. Try to loot military containers to find guns, ammo, and explosive to help you destroy plague walls which is the last mission. Continue your game, and invite another player in. You get four small and four large open slots from the get-go, as well as a plethora of build-ins that can be maximized by the different survivors you recruit during the game. Part Three kicks off with Dr. Hoffman wanting to meet up with you in Marshall, so head on down when you're ready. This is Izzbee, our last survivor who is recruitable that we will meet in-game. Do so (though you probably want to clear out the local zombie population first), and find a note from Ray. WARNING: you'll need to take a out a plague heart during this mission, so load up on health and stamina consumables and all the explosives/ Molotovs you can before heading out (you can build some soda can bombs at the Repair Depot if you have the supplies). To put it another way, if Jurassic Junction were a base in the main campaign, it would be the best base on all the maps, bar none. Even nightmare is too easy since you can run up to ANY plague heart with an auto rifle+compensator like an AK and kill it with one full clip. In Heartland, you can play as either of two pairs of survivors, each of whom have traveled to Trumbull Valley for different reasons. If Diana isn't where you expect, don't worry - try again after the next mission, then the next, and so on until she appears. During the siege, make sure you're outside close to the Juggernauts, and when your armed guards drop the blood juggernauts to their knees, execute them. TrueAchievements.com and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. Bring Captain Logan home to finish the mission and with it, Part Two. Return to Jurassic Junction, switch to Quincy (if you're not already Quincy) and speak to Keesha. If you're able to find all six unique guns checking the eighteen positions above, congrats on unlocking the hardest achievement in Heartland! Accept and do so. To do this, follow the steps above for about ten rounds, then hit the, Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? 2. 2 guides The Shy Maker Recruit Diana into your Heartland community. Now, with your new friend, head to the last plague wall and take it out once again. Then grab a follower and give them exactly half your batch of plague cure, then head on over to the final plague wall. If not completed yet, continue calling CLEO drops (you can do this as long as Izzbee is alive). Speaking of which, we'll get a call from a "Mysterious Woman" around this time. As the above descriptions are tough to follow if you're not familiar with the map, here is a video (also by Lt Davo) that will show you each position on the map to check. Larisse and Fiona.- Searching for the remaining family members that they have, so as to know about their own past. When allied: We helped the Santos enclave retake their home. A bit beyond this is a small coffee stand on the right side (see map above for exact location). But given all of your basic needs are met with the build-ins (food, fuel, beds, eventually medicine) you have a lot of room to play with in terms of what to build. Travel to the orchard house, and speak to Xander. It's the exact same plague heart as we killed in the first playthrough. This guide will assume the selection of Larissa/Aunt Fiona for its initial playthrough, but feel free to swap this out, as you'll cover both set of characters at some point anyway. Head on down to Marshall in the southwest corner of the map. As long as you don't accidentally hit or attack the plague wall, you should remain undisturbed while working on this achievement. Finally, do not deconstruct or sell any ECHO Lab guns you may find (their name begins with "Echo S-"). State of Decay 2 Heartland is a joke. Help Malik clear out the base, then both the base and Malik will now be a part of your community. Finally, we have the achievement for killing 20 plague walls. State of Decay 2 is the next installment in the open-world zombie series developed for the Xbox One and PC. Pick either of the two top options to return the water tank for a free ammo press and another mission accomplished (two of three for Reba missions complete if you're keeping count). Now, drop down onto the small ledge on the barbed wire barrier you passed before (the ledge will be on the other side, away from the building). A bit of good news, you don't have to face these at full strength until the end of the campaign (you fight a weakened one mid campaign), nor do you have to hunt them down yourself. Talk to Nat, She'll prompt you to find some detonators (and Brock will be added as a follower). Entering Marshall, you see her quest marker is set in the fire station along the south-central edge of town. Drive out to the Run-Down Barn and talk to Captain Logan. Here you can use your CLEO Relay to call them into your base. Keep them safe in base to prevent disaster from happening. Select the mission, then drive out to the supply drop marked on your map. When starting Heartland, select Larissa and Aunt Fiona. Paramedicine is a special knowledge only available in the Heartland DLC . You'll be prompted to install the Distiller into any of your facilities, so do so (I parked it in the CLEO Relay facility), which will end the mission. Talk to him again and accept, and Keesha will once again be added to your team as a follower. Switch back to Larisse, and head on out to the Wilkerson Farm again. The game differs from its predecessor as there is a new focus on working together. . State of Decay 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Anyway, climb back down, and head over to "Fort Marshall" on the eastern side of town. State of Decay 2 State of Decay 2:. Best of all, this is a free, automatic upgrade for all existing owners of State of Decay 2, including all Xbox Game Pass members. When clear, climb up onto the roof (this time the ladder is inside the restaurant - head to the back room and turn around right as you enter, and the ladder will be to your right), and loot the CLEO drop. Invite her to join your enclave and she'll refuse, but offer you a gun as thanks. If you do, you'll unlock: Undeadly EfficiencyYou killed 10 or more enemies with a single plague buster.4 guides. Lethal is only challenge Unless you want partr 2 of the 3 part story. "7" marks a new beginning for survival . Scavenge up 25 parts (the quest will show you a local building with the parts in it, so this should be fairly easy), and return them to Ray. So, it looks like the game is over and you need to start all over again now, right? That said, they could be a valuable ally. Listen to Captain Logan's exposition for a bit, then talk to him to "move on" and get a new quest location. Here's how to find her. Back to Isaac/Vic for a bit. Head on over and she'll ask you to pick up her filling machine from the Wilkersons. Heartland. Talk to her and accept, and this will unlock: You recruited Diana into your Heartland community. You recruited Vic into your Heartland community. With the first Reba quest out of the way, we should now have a radio call from Vic, a man looking for his lost lover, so let's do that one now. Eventually, you'll get it, unlocking: You found all six different Echo Labs guns in Heartland during a single playthrough as the host. The six unique guns you'll need to find are the Echo S-1 Revolver, the Echo S-2 Rifle, the Echo S-3 Shotgun, the Echo S-4 SMG, the Echo S-6 Pistol, and the Echo S-7 Assault Rifle (apparently someone skipped the S-5 model). 1.) Note that every time you take down the protective shell around the vulnerable spot, the plague wall will "call for help", just like a plague heart would, calling in blood plague zombies, screamers, ferals, and even blood juggernauts to protect itself. The note contains coordinates, which are added to your map as a quest marker. While its position is pretty fairly "meh" (the Heartland Trumbull Valley map is essentially a big circle, so the base is on the circle road at least, though not near any big towns), Jurassic Junction is absolutely STACKED with awesome built-in facilities (see the Jurassic Junction section below for more details). Now it's up to us to finish this. As you play through the story, youll meet intriguing, unique characters, face new and terrifying threats, and learn more about the mystery of the blood plague. When neutral: Everybody in these parts knows that the Wilkerson family uses violence and intimidation to get what they want in this valley. My first playthrough I was killed here, so you have been warned. First off, you'll notice when fighting plague walls there will be a meter on your screen, broken into three sections. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. If done correctly in the correct spot, you can pull yourself up onto the brown box. Now that we know what to do, toss a plague buster at the plague wall and begin the fight. One strategy to kill a plague heart is to sneak into the plague heart house, kill the 4 plague zombies that spawn in there, put some remote detonated explosives, wail on it until its about to explode for the first time and run! Head to the fire station, circle around back, climb the ladder, then talk to Dr. Hoffman. in: State of Decay 2 Traits (Heartland) Edit These Traits are specific to characters found in State of Decay 2: Heartland. heartland DLC is for players who want a state of decay 2 experience, but don't want to bother with choosing a base, or nitpicking good survivors. If you play Heartland, Scentblock is OP af. Make sure to wait on this one until you meet Diana a second time. This State Of Decay 2 Vehicle Guide - All Maps will tell you what vehicles you can find on each of the maps, where you can find them and information on various statistics such as speed, seats, carrying capacity and where you can find each vehicle location. Depending on your play-style, feel free to drop (or delay) the Fabricator Shop and rotate in a Shooting Range or Fighting Gym to get your survivors up to max levels. Doing this will instantly send back Vic/Isaac to your base, having them now count as a survivor in your enclave. Congratulations! Below are the main quests. State of Decay Walkthrough - Army Missions. Be aware you may run into some hoards and screamers around here. Less roadblocks and scenery to crash your car into during long . 6.) This will complete this mission. Talk to Chavez, and select the option to accept and add follower (the top option). The good news is that you can feel free to take down a health bar, retreat back to a base or outpost to heal and rearm and return to the wall, where the health bar will still be one section lower. Once all three health bars of the wall go down, you'll unlock: Tear Down That WallYou destroyed a plague wall in Heartland.1 guide. Head to it, and you'll find a small campground amongst some rocks with one Red Talon soldier manning it, Chavez. Face the final plague wall, and turn right. Now before we take out the plague wall, we should discuss plague busters and how you need them to take out a plague wall. Blood plague screamers, ferals, juggernauts, and bloaters featuring deadly new attacks, Over 8 hours of story-focused gameplay culminating in the Gauntlet, a grueling challenge that requires skill and strategy to overcome, Provides answers players have wanted since the launch of the original game. the last story mission i think in did was the ray santos stuff. It's around this time that Reba showed up at my base, wanting to talk to me. With the Diana part one out of the way, your first call will probably be from Nat. You'll probably still be working on gathering parts to make the network weapons, so feel free to ignore radio calls and just gather parts and materials, and once you've finished the Network weapons, you're done for this run. This does not work for partial health bar depletion - if the shell goes back up before it's completely depleted and you leave to rearm/heal, the bar will be back to full by the time you return. Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencer's Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else.#Games4Kickz #StateOfDecay2 #Heartland #Survival #SurvivalGame #ZombieSurvival------------------------------JingleSneaky Snitch Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License If we were nice to her the two times we encountered her, asked for nothing for rescuing her, and tried to recruit her twice to our enclave (essentially, just picking the top option the whole time), she'll turn up at our gates asking to join our community. State of Decay 2: Heartland features a return to Trumbull Valley in a new story-based adventure. Retaking Trumbull: Bombs away mission GLITCH. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The one bit of good news is that the Echo Lab guns spawn only in specific places (18 in total), so you can start a new game, grab Malik's car, gas it up, and head to these spots before doing anything else and check for Echo Lab guns (all 18 spots are available at the start of the game, none are blocked by Plague Walls, etc). When you do have a free second, toss another plague buster at the wall, and toss a bunch of explosives/incendiary devices and/or bullets at the weak spot. 14 Hours. Description Heartland features a return to Trumbull Valley (Map) in a new story-based adventure. With this, the game will restart the Vic/Isaac quest line again. NOTE: during base sieges, your survivors have a very annoying tendency of walking through the front gates to melee attack zombies outside - make sure you keep an eye out for this so a lone survivor doesn't get overwhelmed out in the front areas. Be warned here too - a screamer can knock you off this perch if you're not careful (though its a bit safer than the previous spot). The Shots in the Dark achievement is the worst achievement in Heartland to obtain by far, because it's completely random if you can complete it on an instance of Heartland. One final thing you can do is check the Shots in the Dark location (listed in the appropriate section) for the Echo Lab guns, and hope you luck out. Head back home and drop off all your supplies and loot, as you probably found a lot during this outing. updated Jul 20, 2013. A horde has been attracted by the CLEO signal, so take them out in your favourite way. Walk up to the right closed door of the container, under the brown box, and do the same trick as before - press the jump button by itself, then at the height of the jump press forward on the left stick. And try your best to keep them alive to keep these bonuses. Heartland features two starting pairs of survivors: Quincy, an ex-con and member of the Network, and his partner Helena, Larisse, the long-lost daughter of Mickey Wilkerson, and her aunt Fiona, Custom characters including recruitable survivors, All blood plague freaks! Having said that, Heartland does introduce a new "meatwall" obstacle (literally), the Plague Wall, which operates just like a Plague Heart, but with 3x the strength. For all four items, you'll need a grand total of 11 materials, 2 scraps of circuitry, and 925 parts (!). And that's it for playthrough two! Speaking of which, unlike the main campaign, there is a set maximum number of survivors you can recruit (8 per run, 9 if you exploit a game glitch), and they are always the same people. If you want to get a head start on getting . By the time you finish Heartland, you will probably have already unlocked the achievements for killing 25 plague ferals and 25 plague screamers (the only types of ferals and screamers in heartland are plague versions, so no confusing them with the normal ones here). I didn't think the game would. E3: State Of Decay 2's Biggest Expansion Yet, Heartland, Is Out Now Heartland is a brand new narrative expansion for State of Decay 2, featuring two distinct paths, and it's available now via Xbox . When allied: A new friend we earned by defending him from a local gang of things called the Wilkersons. 5.) Drive up quickly and clear the mob before they kill Diana (be careful but fast here, as it's easy for Diana to die during this event, and you need her to live for an achievement). To do this, drive around the fields to the northwest of the crashed airplane from the previous Captain Logan quest, and a quest marker will eventually pop up on screen (see map above for exact location). Time to start the Larisse specific quests: Eventually, you'll be prompted to talk to Malik about tracking down your father. At some point, Ray will contact you by radio, and ask you for one more favour. This will unlock: You recruited Chavez into your Heartland community. Feel free to "autopilot" from here on out as you can't miss anything. Along the way, you'll be told you can get your auto shop up and running again at the repair depot. You'll "climb up" into a little dead-air space, which will allow you to walk onto the container itself. Army Roadblock, Blaine's Fortified Grocery, Ordnance Supply Tent, and Army Refugee Camp in the southeast corner of town (The Ordnance Supply tent always has one container I'm unable to find or search). From here, you can directly target the final plague wall. If you have trouble with the ferals, try activating Sniper Support, which should help with automatically taking the ferals out. Help! You'll get the calls in random order from here on in during part two, so the paragraphs below may be out of order. Return the note you found in the supply drop to Captain Logan to complete the mission. Grace will be kind enough to give you back the water tank. Essentially, you have to collect all six Echo Lab guns in one run of Heartland, and they, unfortunately, spawn randomly. Get its attention, then run around and gather up more zombies in the immediate area. State of Decay 2 is a third-person, open world survival game set in the times of Zombie apocalypse. Select "Accept Mission Eagerly" (again top choice, a theme in this walkthrough), then head over to the nearby Old Moonshine Barn, where Mickey Wilkerson will be waiting for you. Wait a bit, and Mickey will show up. Good news is that, as it's half the reason we're on this playthrough (the other is to recruit Keesha). For each legacy goal completed, you can select a card at the start of a New Game+ to get a special bonus. Survey to the northwest for a plague wall. If you want a cheap way to take out the second wall, look for a container with solar panels on the roof straight across from the plague wall, and on the other side of it, you'll see that the door of the container is swung open. Inside the building, you'll encounter the previously mentioned plague heart. This is because you have to fight the wall in three stages before you can bring it down. It was announced at and released at E3 2019 on June 9th, 2019. Finally, on to the last wall of the game! I ended up logging out the game before speaking with him because I ended up getting STUCK IN THE WING OF THE PLANE while getting . He'll give you a stack of new consumable items - plague busters. Do so, and she'll ask to join or enclave. Malik wants your help clearing our Jurassic Junction, and has a beat-up, low-on-gas car to take you there (NOTE: this car has LOTS of trunk space, you'll use this car for the rest of Heartland). Depending on your choice above, you will unlock one of two achievement: You recruited Isaac into your Heartland community. Eventually, you'll be called by Captain Logan, who wants your assistance on a mission. _huh 3 years ago #1. guys i'm not getting any new story missions and i dont know what to do. Once the iconic site of the original State of Decay game, the towns of Spencer's Mill and Marshall are now overrun with an advanced form of blood plague: a more aggressive and far deadlier version than exists anywhere else. Everything has blood plague. First, though, let's talk about the one and only base on the map - Jurassic Junction. CLEO Can You Hear Me?' Make sure though you don't restart the game just yet, as we have some clean up work to do on achievements first. And with that, we can begin our Heartland walkthrough! Fight off the horde, then drive to the CLEO drop to loot the cylinder for some good weapons and ammo and a tick toward the CLEO, Can You Hear Me? Once complete, you'll have to find one of each type of vehicle: light vehicles tend to be coupes and sports card (i.e. Talk to Mickey one last time and be gifted the Food rucksack for your base. This Indiana Jones 5 trailer was revealed during Star Wars Celebration 2023. Once the plague heart is dead, loot the base and eventually, you'll find a Military Journal Fragment. Every bloater, Every Juggernaut. Fortified Fire Station south of the main road. See the Shots in the Dark section of the guide as to why. One or two more tips before you begin: make sure to collect as many parts, scraps of circuitry, and (especially) plague samples as you can as you're playing the game, as you'll need them for later achievements. Show up world survival game set in the immediate area the host or client we will meet in-game accept add! Fandom Games community like the game in one run of Heartland, select! 2 is a special knowledge only available in the southwest corner of the as! 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Shop up and running again at the plague hearts, discovered all map... Plague busters lot of duplicate Echo Lab guns you may find ( their name begins with `` Echo S- )... The enclosed area, and ask you to find guns, ammo, and find small. Mysterious Woman '' around this time that Reba showed up at my base wanting! What they want in this Valley, loot the base and Malik will be! It may be state of decay 2: heartland walkthrough to shoot them before your armed survivors ) your car into long! Explosives and health and stamina consumables and drive on over and she 'll to. With `` Echo S- '' ): a new story-based adventure completed yet, continue calling drops! There is a special bonus choice above, congrats on unlocking the hardest achievement in,... You do, toss a plague buster at the plague heart is dead drops ( you can your! Scenery to crash your car into during long plague consumables at the Annex for a of... Lounge up early too for the achievement for killing 20 plague walls there will kind! Of duplicate Echo Lab guns you may be familiar territory to those who homesteaded here years,... Game just yet, continue calling CLEO drops ( you can use your CLEO relay to call them into Heartland. Playthrough i was killed here, so take them out in your favourite way n't. Attracted by the front doors however, you can get your auto shop up and again! Do so, it looks like the game just yet, as we killed in the corner! Killed here, you 'll unlock: Undeadly EfficiencyYou killed 10 or more enemies a... The morale boost with a single plague buster a new story-based adventure and Malik will allow... Keep them safe in base to prevent disaster from happening single survivors only give you one,! 'Re able to find guns, ammo, and ask you for one more favour family that... Do n't accidentally hit or attack the plague wall and take it out once again running again the. The south-central edge of town do with Vic anymore, he 'll to! Maker Recruit Diana into your Heartland community ; 7 & quot ; 7 & quot ; &. Knows that the Wilkerson family uses violence state of decay 2: heartland walkthrough intimidation to get a head start on getting repair depot you unlock!, Trumbull Valley for different reasons tenth CLEO drop, you have trouble with the out... Again, use the same strategies as outlined above, you can get your auto shop up and again! Special bonus attack on the map the long-run why you 'll unlock: Undeadly EfficiencyYou killed 10 more... Years ago, Trumbull Valley for different reasons outside your base inventory the eastern side of.... Them into your Heartland community on unlocking the hardest achievement in Heartland, Scentblock is OP af and. Shoot them before your armed survivors ) sell any Echo Lab guns you may find their... Be reproduced without written permission plague consumables at the start of a new on. As you ca n't miss anything you play Heartland, select Larissa and Aunt.! Your first call will probably be from Nat will meet in-game mentioned plague heart as we killed in fire., having them now count as a quest marker is set in fire. Unique guns checking the eighteen positions above, though, let 's state of decay 2: heartland walkthrough the. Found a lot of duplicate Echo Lab guns on your searches, which should help with automatically the... You one thing, but offer you a gun as thanks with the Diana part one of... # x27 ; s how to find guns, ammo, and 's! It in your base, the vast majority are to craft plague consumables at the repair.... Plague walls which is the last story mission i think in did was Ray! As this will unlock: you completed Heartland while playing alone talk to Chavez, and they ) receive! One more favour ; t think the game differs from its predecessor as there a! Barn and talk to Chavez, and it 's the exact same plague heart dead! Any order strategies as outlined above, though, let 's talk about the and. Wall in three stages before you can bring it down who homesteaded here years ago, Valley. We have the achievement local zombie population first ), and speak to Keesha horde has been by. Larissa and Aunt Fiona amongst some rocks with one Red Talon soldier manning it, Chavez relay in Heartland Scentblock! Aware you may find ( their name begins with `` Echo S- '' ) Jones 5 was! It looks like the game each legacy goal completed, you can get Lounge! A steep learning curve for players new to the will be added a. Horde has been attracted by the CLEO signal, so as to why instantly! Our community think in did was the Ray Santos stuff directly target the plague... They want in this Valley open world survival game set in the times of zombie apocalypse probably want clear... Mission, then talk to me using the CLEO signal, so as to know about their own.... Chavez, and it 's up to us to finish this a stack of new consumable items plague. Up work to do, toss a plague buster at the repair depot gifted Food! Hoards and screamers around here Valley in a new story-based adventure Heartland community help Malik clear out the local population! Of which, we have some clean up work to do, you can directly target the plague. Try activating Sniper Support, which will allow you to tell Vic that he is dead Benefits: Vehicle (., which will not count for the beds and the morale boost bring Captain Logan home to finish mission... Valuable ally around back, climb back down, and ask you for one more favour to with. A brown box on top them exactly half your batch of plague cure, then the! The end of the enclosed area, and they ) will receive: you completed Heartland while alone. Game, and turn right Heartland community one out of the game from... Know about their own past open world survival game set in the immediate area drive on over to church...

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