WebSark definition, any long, shirtlike garment worn next to the skin, as a chemise, nightshirt, or the like. 1395nn, "Limitation on certain physician referrals"). c3032ldPaj08YC e"W09+$ a\! Se4%&V5`Y (_
The new regulations provide a new definition of remuneration that essentially provides that certain acts including the following are not considered remuneration . Are you looking for more than one billing quotes? In this article, well cover the basic elements of the Stark Law, notable cases, and tips to avoid violations. "[1] A "financial relationship" includes ownership, investment interest, and compensation arrangements.[1]. Contact our Account Receivables Specialist today! Updating the definition of overall profits, in various respects such as where the group has at least five physicians and the requirements for paying productivity bonuses. Stark Law essentially prohibits a physician from making referrals to a patient for a particular designed healthcare service that is payable by Medicare or Medicaid to an entity. June 11, 2021. But don't be discouraged. Medical Groups, Medical Centers Here, an entity can be a person or an organization to which a payment is made directly or upon assignment on the patients behalf. The Stark Law guides physicians to practice their profession with integrity. In case any assistance is needed for Medicare billing or submitting claims to private insurance carriers, contact us at, Importance of A/R Follow up in Medical Billing, Avoiding False Claim Billing for your Practice, Ambulance Transportation Billing Services, Skilled Nursing Facilities Billing Services. Federal and state governments now offer substantial monetary awards to individuals who come forward with information about fraud on government programs, tax fraud, securities fraud, and fraud involving the banking industry. So here is a detailed explanation of how it works, A Physicians Financial Relationship to an Entity. What government agencies are enforcing Stark Law? The Physician Self-Referral Law, commonly referred to as the Stark law, prohibits physicians from referring patients to receive Designated Health Services (DHS) payable by Medicare or Medicaid from entities with which the physician or an immediate family member has a financial relationship unless an exception applies. Our health law attorneys regularly counsel medical and diagnostic lab owners and marketers on Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute compliance. GoodRx is not offering advice, recommending or endorsing any specific prescription drug, pharmacy or other information on the site. For example, if you invest in an imaging center, the Stark law requires the resulting financial relationship to fit within an exception or you may not refer patients to the facility and the entity may not bill for the referred imaging services. If you are a patient, family member, or other concerned party, you may also be able to share your suspicions with a healthcare fraud attorney and launch an investigation. [1], The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 contained what is known as "Stark II" amendments to the original law. Here, an entity can be a person or an organization to which a payment is made directly or upon assignment on the patients behalf. In addition, the law narrows the category of Medicare patients to only those patients who receive a referral for designated health services. Telemedicine Ventures. Medical Management (MSOs) [2] Some of the ideas in the bill became law as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. Stark Law does have a number of exceptions which, If used properly, can help show a physician or medical practice is in compliance. As such, they are particularly sought-after targets for kickback schemes. In case any assistance is needed for Medicare billing or submitting claims to private insurance carriers, contact us at info@medicalbillersandcoders.com/ 888-357-3226. In your initiatives, how will you eliminate or prevent healthcare fraud activities? Unless otherwise noted, attorneys are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, nor can NLR attest to the accuracy of any notation of Legal Specialization or other Professional Credentials. As the cost of healthcare and Medicare fraud activities continues to increase, the quality of healthcare that we receive and mostly rely on plummets alongside it. 0000003343 00000 n
oOZ$fmS{b4E}s^q) l"f)_H=q2SgW~?u|*r1@uMecKaiH"M-,Oy0Q#D}KrYOP}#wlov[/. A whistleblower reports fraudulent activities, graft and corruption, and organization abuses that affect the publics welfare. Knowingly violating the Stark Law can also hold a violator to a penalty of not more than $1000,000 for each scheme or arrangement they made. While the Stark Law originally only applied to physician referrals for clinical laboratory services, it has since been expanded to include a variety of health services and provider types. Services not listed here are not covered under the Stark Law and are therefore not subject to its requirements or penalties. Some of the changes were effective in 2021. Keep reading to learn the Stark Law definition, how it developed over the years, and what Designated Health Services (DHS) are. Violators can also face civil assessment of up to three times the amount that they claimed, Violators may be excluded from participating in any Federal healthcare programs. Removing as much financial influence from these areas as possible is a valuable and crucial goal. [1] It is named for United States Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) who sponsored the initial bill. Doctors have an enormous amount of influence over what kinds of care their patients receive, from the prescriptions they take to the services they seek out for continuing care. WebPennsylvania law requires a party seeking to enforce a restrictive covenant to show that its enforcement is reasonably related to the protection of a legitimate business interest. If you are ready to make a move and report a healthcare fraud incident, Khouri Law is one step away to help you. These penalties are enforced on violators in order to deter or prevent them from committing the crimes again. More than the passion for the legal profession, the counsels of Khouri ensure that you are always in good hands. 0000007442 00000 n
Concierge Medical Practices (42 USC 1395nn) Prohibition Prohibits offering, paying, soliciting or receiving anything of value to induce or reward referrals or generate financial relationship, Stark II is Phase II of the law that prohibits physician self-referrals. The Anti-Kickbacks Statute and Stark Law may seem particularly stringent, but the areas that they govern are at especially high risk for fraud and abuse of power. Those Some of these changes may directly impact how the MSO operates and the relationship between the physician/practice and the MSO. Reducing administrative burdens that increase costs so the money can be spent on patient care. Weve written about the advantages of an MSO previously: Managed Service Organizations (MSOs) are designed to help physicians and other health providers with the non-clinical, administrative part of their medical practiceand to grow the business side of healthcare., Often, MSOs supply the business side of the medical or healthcare practice with human resources, payroll and benefits, compliance, and other non-medical matters. On June 9, 2015, the Office of Inspector General issued a fraud alert targeting physician compensation arrangements with hospitals and health systems. Physicians or any health care provider found guilty of violating this law would face civil, administrative, and even criminal penalties. Catering to more than 40 specialties, Medical Billers and Coders (MBC) is proficient in handling services that range from revenue cycle management to ICD-10 testing solutions. The federal government regularly recovers billions of dollars lost to kickback schemes in healthcare. The ethics in patient referrals act, enacted in 1989, is also known as the Stark Law. Stark Law and AKS Concerns for Medical Laboratories This means that the statute can be violated without a physician having the specific goal of doing so. "Novartis coordinated with three co-pay foundations to funnel money through the foundations to patients taking Novartis own drugs," said U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling for the District of Massachusetts. The Stark Law safe harbor provision has seven components. For example, as discussed above, the definitions of a group practice and fair market value have changed. They argue that physicians who own, invest in, or operate medical facilities are responding to a need for medical services which would otherwise not be met, particularly in medically under-served areas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Stark Law was first enacted in 1992, according to StatPearls. How Dutch Companies Are Responding to the Gender Diversity China to Grade Patent Agencies Nationwide Starting May 1, 2023, SECs Proposed Conflicts of Interest Rule May Impede Hedging. The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services defines a designated health service as any one, or combination, of the following: Inpatient and outpatient hospital services, Outpatient speech-language pathology services, Parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and supplies, Prosthetics, orthotics, and prosthetic devices and supplies, Radiology and certain other imaging services. trailer
Radiology and certain other imaging services. The term Stark Law refers to former U.S. Representative Pete Stark of California, who originally introduced the physician ethics bill in the late 1980s that would later evolve into this law.At that time, healthcare services were provided mostly on a fee-for-service basis, meaning that healthcare providers (HCPs) were paid a predetermined amount for each type of service performed, rather than the current value-based system that focuses more on patient outcomes. The National Law Review is not a law firm nor is www.NatLawReview.com intended to be a referral service for attorneys and/or other professionals. China: The New Draft Trademark Law Increases Requirements for TCPA REVOCATION NOTICE MUST GO TO EL PASO? Under the Stark Law, if a doctor has a patient who is covered by Medicare or Medicaid, they cannot refer that patient to other services in which they have a financial interest. In addition, they believe that it would create a captive referral system, which limits competition by other providers. Noncompete Provisions in Employment Agreements: Pending CA Legislation Further OSHA Gets Ball Rolling on Proposed Rule on Workplace Violence in Healthcare Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. Originally, Stark I intended to abolish any physicians financial scheme in sending patients for unnecessary testings. The main goal of our organization is to assist physicians looking for billers and coders, at the same time help billing specialists looking for jobs, reach the right place. Whether you work in a doctor's office, in a billing department of a healthcare group or insurance provider, you may be able to report on your employer and be protected against possible retaliation. These exceptions include: The common threads to these safe harbors are: Managed Services Organizations help physicians focus on practicing medicine by freeing doctors from many administrative tasks. Nevertheless, a non-doctor may be involved in the day-to-day operations of a med spa via a management services organization (MSO). Criminal Defense Lawyer California & Texas, Employment Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Lawyer, Violators have an obligation to refund or settle any amount billed in violation, On top of the refund, violators would also be subjected to a civil money penalty of not more than $15,000 for each service. How the new Stark changes (CMS) and AKS changes (OIG) affect MSOs. 0000001516 00000 n
The Stark Law is defined as a set of regulations that prohibit the self-referral of physicians under federal law. As the In-Office Ancillary service allows physicians and other medical practitioners for certain DHS referrals within practice, this exception refers to referrals between physicians in the same group practice.. It initially applied to physician referral for clinical laboratory services and later expanded in 1995 to cover designated health services. Finally, the law establishes several exceptions to the two provisions above, and grants the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services the authority to create specific exceptions for referrals to entities or medical provider businesses that will not result in a conflict of interest. The Stark Law, also known as the physician self-referral law, prohibits healthcare providers from making referrals to other organizations or medical businesses in which the provider has a financial interest. 7. 0000001396 00000 n
For more information, speak to a qualified qui tam lawyer to understand what kinds of proof are necessary and allowable by law. Strict liability is a form of legal liability in which the individual who violated the law is held responsible, even if they had no intention of doing so and the court can find no fault or specific action that the practitioner did that resulted in the violation. The world has seen how the American economy leads its progress in technological innovations and far-reaching inventions, particularly in the healthcare system. 0000090819 00000 n
This exception takes effect when there is an arrangement into writing that specifies the time frame and remuneration, and meets Anti-Kickback Statutes provision on safe harbor requirements. The fee-for-service healthcare delivery system encouraged physicians to focus on the number of procedures, patients, and claims filed versus how well the patients health goals were being met by these services. Even non-intentional connections involving financial ties may be in violation of the Stark Law. 101-239), Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (P.L. Reporting kickbacks may be able to qualify you for a possible monetary rewards and whistleblower protections. Enter your email to sign up. 0000103353 00000 n
Finally, discover how legal assistance lets you understand and follow the Stark Law. ?F"@-\~_?G/4I\ 0000001219 00000 n
The DOJ, through the guidance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, investigates suspected Stark Law violations and evaluates if such cases are in conjunction with violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute or the False Claim Acts. Dietary Supplement Companies DO YOU KNOW THE KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE 4 AMBULATORY SAFE-HARBORS TO THE FEDERAL ANTI-KICKBACK STATUTE (AKS)? You can even refer to the CMS document on, Physician Self-Referral Law: Frequently Asked Questions, is a leading medical billing company providing complete revenue cycle services. Functional Medicine Wellness Practices Gain Legal Traction, https://cohenhealthcarelaw.com/michaelhcohen/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cohen-healthcare-horizontal-2020_v2.webp, Cohen Healthcare Law Group | Healthcare Lawyers | FDA & FTC Law, https://cohenhealthcarelaw.com/michaelhcohen/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/doctor-putting-bribe-into-her-pocket-2021-08-26-20-16-07-utc-1920.jpg, Compliance Issues for Durable Medical Equipment Companies, The Good Faith Estimate Requirement of the No Surprises Act Part One, Fraud & Abuse (Anti-Kickback, Fee-Splitting, Stark), M&A (Acquisitions & Sales of Healthcare Businesses), Management Services Organizations (MSO) Issues, Medical Device & Mobile Medical App Issues, ANTI-AGING & FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE PRACTICES, BEHAVIORAL & MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS AND LIFE COACHES, COMPLEMENTARY & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE PROVIDERS, CONCIERGE & DIRECT PRIMARY CARE MEDICAL PRACTICES, DIETARY SUPPLEMENT & NUTRACEUTICAL COMPANIES, HEALTHCARE FACILITIES (HOSPITALS, LABS, DME, IMAGING), ANTI-KICKBACK STATUTE AND STARK LAW SETTLEMENTS WORTH MILLIONS. The Stark Violation Case of Baldwin Bone & Joint, P.C. When the Stark Law was enacted in 1989, healthcare was paid for primarily on a fee-for-service basis. The Anti-Kickback Statute is a particularly stringent law put in place to prevent the offering of payments, goods, services, or other kinds of remuneration in exchange for certain referrals, prescriptions, or other kinds of medical care. WebThe Texas House approved Wednesday a bill that would expand eligibility to people who suffer from chronic pain to the states medical marijuana program. The center ended up paying over $85 million to resolve these issues, and the contracts between the health center and the neurosurgeons were found to be outside of safe harbor contracting provisions. No. These anti-fraud and abuse laws are important measures to help ensure integrity in the healthcare community. Now donations can generally be made in full. Honed by profound experiences and proven results, the medical fraud lawyers in Khouri Law have a solid background in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement regulations including Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute. Those services are legally defined as Designated Health Services (DHS) which include laboratory, physical therapy, radiology, and hospital services. The rule was proposed to revise the regulations to encompass more DHS services, and the Medicaid expansion was finalized in three phases in 2001, 2004, and 2007. The Physician Self-Referral Law the Stark Law refers to Section 1877 of the Social Security Act (the Act) (42 U.S.C. WebThe Stark Law is a strict liability statute and violations, even technical ones, can lead to severe penalties and sanctions, including denial of Medicare payment, refund of overpayments, 6 civil monetary penalties for knowing violations, and potential WebPhysician self-referral law, 42 USC 1395nn Medicare A law that prohibits a physician from making a referral to an entity with which she or her immediate family has a financial relationship if the referral is for the furnishing of designated health services, unless the financial relationship fits into an exception set forth in the statute or The Ghost of Robinson-Patman Rises at the FTC, Indiana To Be Next in Passing Consumer Privacy Statute, U.S. Executive Branch Update April 17, 2023. For instance, Operation Rubber Stamp in October 2020 uncovered more than $1.5 billion in fraudulent billings in healthcare, charging approximately 30 medical providers engaging in a network of kickbacks, bribes, and other collusion. [1] DHS includes "clinical laboratory services"; "physical therapy services"; "occupational therapy services"; "radiology services, including magnetic resonance imaging, computerized axial tomography scans, and ultrasound services"; "radiation therapy services and supplies"; "durable medical equipment and supplies"; "parenteral and enteral nutrients, equipment, and supplies"; "prosthetics, orthotics, and prosthetic devices and supplies"; "home health services"; "outpatient prescription drugs"; "inpatient and outpatient hospital services"; and "outpatient speech-language pathology services. (m) Medical staff incidental benefits. This means that an inpatient hospital service is not considered a DHS if the service doesnt increase the amount of Medicare payments to the hospital. WebTHE STARK LAW. In addition, there are several exceptions to the referral rule, including referrals to academic medical centers; for in-office ancillary services (such a providing wheelchairs and blood glucose monitors); for physician services where the physician is a member of the same group practice; and for some clinical laboratory services (preventative screening and vaccinations). Comments? WebMaking Sense of the Stark Law: Compliance for the Medical Practice. WebThis exception to the Stark law is for academic medical centers that allows financial relationships involving services provided by an academic medical center as a result of a physicians referral, as long as certain conditions are met. xbbbd`b``3D? You can unsubscribe at any time. Call (713) 909-7323 or contact us online to discuss your lab's compensation structures and referral arrangements. The National Law Review is a free to use, no-log in database of legal and business articles. Why Medical Billers and Coders (MBC) is Preferred ASC Billing Company? When the Stark Law was enacted in If the violator is found to have done so intentionally, they could face civil penalties of up to $100,000 per violation. The laws generally govern the legality and illegality of referrals between physicians and non-physicians. By signing up, I agree to GoodRx's Terms and Privacy Policy, and to receive marketing messages from GoodRx. While this question leaves an open-ended possibility, Medicare and Medicaid fraud remains to be a social and economic virus more than a pandemic could. WebThis exception to the Stark law is for academic medical centers that allows financial relationships involving services provided by an academic medical center as a result of a physicians referral, as long as certain conditions are met. While the provisions might seem burdensome, keep in mind that these limitations on healthcare referrals only apply to Medicare patients. Also, a physician should comply with the employees identifiable services and employees fair compensation based on market value. 2) Baldwin Bone and Joint: In this case, it was alleged that the healthcare company improperly and intentionally filed inappropriate claims to both Tricare (the healthcare program for veterans and their families) and Medicare. Penalties for violations of Stark Law include: denial of payment for the DHS provided; refund of monies received by physicians and facilities for amounts collected; payment of civil penalties of up to $15,000 for each service that a person "knows or should know" was provided in violation of the law, and three times the amount of improper payment the entity received from the Medicare program; exclusion from the Medicare program and/or state healthcare programs including Medicaid; and payment of civil penalties for attempting to circumvent the law of up to $100,000 for each circumvention scheme. The three new safe harbors vary in terms of the type of remuneration that can be provided, the level of financial risk the parties assume (full, substantial downside and no risk), and the types of safeguards required to satisfy the safe harbor. HVKO@Wq+!#C DQzx'cC 7bqo-!,\a:/t=^"#/m[H$Y$>EAEQY,%t7i3H. 2014 saw some of the largest Stark Law violation settlements to date. Statement in compliance with Texas Rules of Professional Conduct. 0000090588 00000 n
The Stark Law, also known as the physician self-referral law, prohibits healthcare providers from making referrals to other organizations or medical businesses In reality, these programs were nothing more than bribes for the continued prescription of Novartis drugs to patients. The National Law Review - National Law Forum LLC 3 Grant Square #141 Hinsdale, IL 60521 Telephone (708) 357-3317 ortollfree(877)357-3317. 0000089682 00000 n
Covered healthcare providers who violate the Stark Law are strictly liable. The original Stark Law was enacted when most medical practices used a fee-for-service model. Please seek medical advice before starting, changing or terminating any medical treatment. As millions of lives were affected by its detrimental costs, the US government has long prioritized eliminating healthcare fraud through strengthened policies that regulate the activities of physicians and other medical professionals involved in the healthcare system. The idea was to prevent physicians from personal financial gain by making more referrals than necessary. 0000008239 00000 n
GoodRx works to make its website accessible to all, including those with disabilities. CMS Updates Guidance and Survey Process for Home Dialysis Services in Revised Texas PUC Registration Requirements and Texas Legislative FDA Cautions Industry on the Food Safety Risks of Transferring Genes Florida Enacts Sweeping Tort Reform Legislation, Raising Barriers to Legal Food Talk Episode 20: Whats Popping? Such reactions are understandable given how easy it is to violate the law and how severe the penalties are. 0000089922 00000 n
Why to Outsource Neurology Medical Billing? Financial relationships include both ownership/investment interests and compensation arrangements. The Stark law's group practice rules require profit allocation methodologies used by group practices to be set in advance of receipt of payment for services underlying the profits. Can the non-licensed healer practice legally, including giving nutritional and weight loss advice? In healthcare, many kickbacks take the form of: Paying physicians excessively high speaker fees, Sending physicians and their families on vacations, Paying for accommodations or offering free rent. It imposes limitations on any financial and business transactions physicians may become involved in. In addition, the center overpaid certain neurosurgeons for admitting patients who did not truly need to be admitted, just to increase Medicare billings. On November 20, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule to modernize and clarify the regulations that interpret the Medicare physician self-referral law (often called the Stark Law), which has not been significantly updated since it was enacted in 1989. If you need the guidance of legal experts, connect with us, so we can help you and your healthcare team follow the Stark Law consistently. Tuomey, a South Carolina-based healthcare system, was found guilty of Stark Law violations. WebIn Anti-Kickback Statute and Stark Law cases that are the basis of a False Claims Act case, the False Claims Act penalties are just the first half of the penalty phase. Healthcare experts agree that information technology is necessary to streamline hospital processes, including those relating to compliance and Stark Law. The short answer is "no". The prior Stark Law allowed for exemptions provided physicians paid part of the expenses. Contracts between physicians and hospitals must fit within the seven safe harbors for Stark Law in order to fully alleviate violation risk: the contract's duration must be at least a year; in writing and signed by both parties; specify aggregate payment which is set in advance; payment is reasonable and fair market value; payment must not relate to volume or value of business; the exact services to be performed must be outlined; and be commercially reasonable. I would also like to sign up for a free GoodRx account, Written by Abigail Eisley, RN, BSN, IBCLC. The court found BB&J made direct compensation arrangements with its shareholder physicians for designed healthcare services such as physical therapy, X-rays and MRIs. %PDF-1.6
Determining to what extent the volume or value of referrals can be considered. The Anti-Kickback Statute is meant to prevent the following from taking place in government-funded medical practices: The Physician Self Referral Law, more commonly known as the Stark Law, protects Medicare and Medicaid patients from receiving referrals based on financial interests. Certain electronic health record companies help healthcare systems collect, organize, and store data. The Stark Law is considered a federal civil law not a criminal statute. For instance, your doctor would be in violation of the Stark Law if he refers you to an imaging center in which he had invested money in. 0000004204 00000 n
Our health law attorneys regularly counsel medical and diagnostic lab owners and marketers on Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute compliance. The settlement to resolve these speaker fee kickback allegations came to approximately $591.4 million under the False Claims Act, with an additional forfeiture of $38.4 million and $48.2 million allocated to resolve state Medicaid fraud claims. @ g
WebStark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) both govern the ways medical practices can do business. It establishes certain exceptions by giving the Secretary authority to make regulatory exceptions for financial relationships that do not involve risk of program or patient abuse. This article isnt meant to be legal advice, so if you have legal questions, you should contact an attorney in your state. The new rules provide for a yearly $5,00 compensation exemption between the physician/practice and the DHS for professional services, rental of equipment, office space, and staffing. The law also prohibits the billing of Medicare or other insurance providers for health services when an improper physician referral was made. 0000090098 00000 n
Healthcare Facilities DHS includes 10 categories of services, including inpatient and outpatient hospital services, clinical laboratory services, and radiology and other imaging services. Although CMS has faced a dilemma on enforcement, whistleblowers have been vigorous in enforcing Stark Law. Ultimately, this is your challenge as a concerned citizen and as a potential victim of Medicare fraud. Stark Law prohibits physicians from referring Medicare and Medicaid patients for specific designated health services (DHS) 1 to entities with which the physician and/or immediate family member have a financial relationship unless certain exceptions are met. DEADLINE APPROACHING!! Stark Law essentially prohibits a physician from making referrals to a patient for a particular designed healthcare service that is payable by Medicare or Medicaid to an Any legal analysis, legislative updates or other content and links should not be construed as legal or professional advice or a substitute for such advice. By providing your email address, you agree to receive emails containing coupons, refill reminders and promotional messages from GoodRx. 103-66), Social Security Act Amendments of 1994 (P.L. Find out how important the Stark Law is and how it is classified by the U.S. government. Companies DO you KNOW the KEY DIFFERENCES between the physician/practice and the relationship between the 4 AMBULATORY SAFE-HARBORS to federal... Detailed explanation of how it works, a physician should comply with the employees services. For exemptions provided physicians paid part of the Stark Law is defined as a concerned and! 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Social Security Act ( the Act ) ( 42 U.S.C legal questions, you agree to GoodRx Terms..., well cover the basic elements of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1994 ( P.L your challenge a. Primarily on a fee-for-service basis financial relationships include both ownership/investment interests and arrangements... And even criminal penalties you are ready to make a move and report a healthcare fraud incident, Khouri is... Or value of referrals can be considered patient referrals Act, enacted in 1989, healthcare was paid for on!
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