Until God reveals otherwise, the sign you just got from alligators is enough proof that you should stay away from them. When you dream of these creatures, it is meant to motivate you to stay consistent on your path. The dream was revealed to inspire you to pray and/or remove yourself from a situation that seeks to harm you. Its like I see it I know it but no confirmation until its happening. Seek to find emotions or situations that are draining your strength. They may discourage you and take every opportunity to fill your mind with doubt. Alligators in dreams, as suggested by the biblical context, may also refer to laziness, greed or materialism that one should strive away from. In this blog post, well explore what Scripture has to say about encountering alligators in your dreams and uncover 11 biblical meanings of Alligators in dreams. Symbolic dreams usually have a hidden meaning that relates to your life. What does it mean to kill an alligator in the Bible? Coined as Living Fossils, alligators have long existed since the extinction of dinosaurs which are believed to be their ancestors. To dream of an alligator in a house indicates someone in your close circle or surrounding community. Dreams about alligators and snakes indicate that there are two different types of problems plaguing your life. A dream involving an alligator may signify that you feel threatened by a person or situation, indicating a requirement to confront your anxieties and doubts while being truthful with yourself and others. Alligator Symbols and Meanings in Cultural Mythology and Folklore Alligator in the bayou, Louisiana. It is said that hawks contain powerful messages within them and, Read More 9 Biblical Meanings Of Seeing A Hawk: Its A Sign?Continue, Are you curious to know what Biblical meaning there might be behind birthmarks? Alligator To see an alligator in your dream represents the dishonesty, the deception or the false facade of a human attitude. Adhering to the warning sign will save you from heartbreak and betrayal. Reptiles are generally known to be natural predators and alligators are classified as one of the most vicious. Another shade to this concept of dreaming about alligators is the promise from God. Instead, the term leviathan is used to refer to a large sea monster, which is believed by some scholars to be a crocodile or alligator. Biblical Meaning Of Dreaming Of An Alligator. To dream of seeing an alligator in the water could mean of repressed emotions. I know some people think I may be crazy or loopy, but I know the truth! So when you see an alligator in your . Alligators appearing in dreams often symbolize protection and danger, according to biblical interpretations. It corrects and inspires us to become a better version of ourselves. in Public Policy. Dreams like this symbolize a new beginning in your waking life. Others suggest that alligators can be protectors or reveal deeper truths. You are reminded to think about the situation and come up with a viable solution. Biblical Meaning of ALLIGATOR in Dream - Dreaming About Alligators (Crocodile) Evangelist Joshua TV 303K subscribers Join Subscribe 249 Share Save 10K views 1 year ago LAGOS. These are people who have pretended as your friend but then betrayed you in the long run. Alligators typically represent stress, conflict, negativity, and inner demons in a person's life. While we cant answer conclusively, there are some interesting interpretations that have been put forward over the centuries. The alligator has also been used to represent God's divine power and judgment. For centuries, people have been interpreting the symbolism of animals in dreams as part of divination and prophecy. In Exodus 7:9-10, God commands Moses to go to Pharaoh and demand that he release the Israelites from slavery. You are struggling in a certain situation in your life relationship, finances, health, or career. Rather than make progress, you will spend time trying to fix the mistakes over and over again. When you dream of an alligator breaking through a thick wood, take it as a sign from God. To dream of an alligator and a snake fighting, or an alligator eating a snake, represents a deep internal struggle you are having with your primal fears and spiritual awakening. Will they divide him up among the merchants? When you dream of an alligator in a cage or zoo, it means that you will have an argument with someone of the opposite sex. However, the translation of the Hebrew word used in this verse is uncertain, and it is possible that it may refer to some other type of serpent or reptile. Is Dreaming of an Alligator Attacking me a Bad Spiritual Sign? According to the Bible, alligators are symbols of freedom. The interpretation of these dreams reveals important insights into the future of the kingdom and the destiny of the world. Your email address will not be published. Snow white in a dream symbolizes to assume a White Moth A Dream About Two Women involved in the NXIVM Scandal named India Oxenberg And Camilla Fernandez (Whom Ive never met Nor Have Anything To Do With), 5. In addition to this, you need to consciously avoid the people in your life. Whenever you dream of alligators, is the bible saying anything concerning it? All the biblical meanings of alligators in a dream have been given in this article. July 13, 2022. Depending on the context of the dream, alligators can have different spiritual meanings. For inner strength and motivation, this spirit animal is one of the best omens you can meditate on. Example 4: A woman dreamed of holding a baby alligator. That they can see underwater is a big totemic lesson. It could be a sign that the dreamer needs to be more cautious and alert in their waking life to avoid potential harm. Satan In Revelation 12:9, Satan is described as the great dragonthat ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan. Some scholars interpret this passage to mean that the dragon is a symbol of evil, and that the alligator or crocodile is a similar symbol. Thus dreams of crocodiles do not generally have positive interpretations. A House That Ive Never Seen Before That Me And My Friends Were In The Back Of The House On. 12 Powerful Prayers to Destroy Your Enemies Plan, https://www.adornedheart.com/first-20-minutes-free-11-empowerment-coaching-relationship-advice/, 15 Signs God is Speaking to You in a Dream, The Biblical Meaning of a Witch in a Dream. When interpreting a dream about an alligator, it is important to consider its personal significance to the dreamer and to reflect on the emotions and symbols that it evokes. Generally speaking, alligator dreams tend to relate to one of two themes: biting criticism, and having a thick skin. In dreams, crocodiles often convey a symbolic message. Another spiritual meaning of this creature is developing a thick skin towards criticism. Remember, believers shouldnt wage war as the world does. Example 5: A woman dreamed of walking over a tightrope with alligators below her. For example, the lion is a symbol of power and courage, while the lamb is a symbol of innocence and purity. It then becomes an ancestral curse. Sometimes, this becomes a stronghold and creates an avenue for demonic spirits to operate. We will send you news on a weekly basis. Biblically, an alligator represents the spirit of deception. One of the images you will get is an alligator. Feeling that a problem has rocked your sense of balance or safety. Your lack of maturity prevents you from manifesting your desires in everyday life. An alligator shows up in your dream when you begin to wane in your consistency. You are feeling victory, success, and triumph. The dreamer may be feeling oppressed or under attack by dark forces. It is sent by God to protect His children from wicked men. After exploring various sources on the biblical meaning of alligators in dreams, it is clear that there is no one definitive interpretation. Some people believe that dreams are a manifestation of their unconscious thoughts, while others believe they are a message from a higher power. A new life full of adventures awaits you. Running from an alligator in a dream means you are actively trying to escape a problem in your life. Animals Alligator - ancient; evil out of the past; danger, destruction; evil spirit; or slander & gossip (big mouth); aggression Bat- witchcraft; unstable; flighty; fear Bear - judgment; strength; opposition; an evil spirit that wants something you have; economic loss (as in a "bear market"); Russia Polar Bear - religious spirit Beaver - industrious; busy; diligent; clever, ingenious Bird . Sometimes his biggest plan is to stop people from realizing theyre saved, being purified, and posses power and authority through Christ. The dangerous part of recurrent mistakes is that it keeps you stuck on a spot. You can also lose your job. Can you fill his skin with harpoons or his head with fishing spears? In the Bible, the terms crocodile and alligator are often used interchangeably. When you see them in your dream, it is an omen that inspires patience. Have you noticed the way it perches or swoops down from the sky with grace and agility? A black alligator is a sign of fear, lies, betrayal, and treachery. If your dream alligator is attacking a child or pet, the message is slightly different. Will you play with him as with a bird, or will you put him on a leash for your girls? Also, escaping or killing a crocodile means victory in your life challenges. Anytime you dream of a running alligator, it is a spiritual omen of passion and desire. Feeling shaken by something or struggling to contain a problem. The long life of alligators does not only speak of longevity. It is meant to keep you on your toes. There is no need to search for happiness from anyone or anything because true happiness lies from within. Furthermore, in dreams, where an alligator pursues a person, it can indicate that ones foes are approaching from behind with the intention of making one stumble spiritually. Alligators appearing in dreams have long been thought to carry significant religious messages. The dreamer may be overcoming a difficult situation or feeling empowered to face their fears. If you have dreamt of this, you would soon be finding out who that traitor is. Alligator in dream bible meaning also signifies corruption and thievery. In Leviticus 11:29-30 it states, These also shall be unclean unto you among the creeping things that creep upon the earth; And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you.. Will he speak to you soft words? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All content found on Khepera Wellness is for informational purposes only. And the Lordsaid to Job: "Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Spiritually, alligators are known to be persistent creatures. Alligators are also cunning creatures. Their escape makes them forget where they are coming from. 1. Here is the catch; when you are ready to heal up emotionally, God will supply you with the inner strength and fortitude to go through the process and come out stronger. However, there are some general interpretations that can be made about alligator dreams. Here are some tips for interpreting alligator dreams biblically: Dreams about alligators can have different meanings depending on the context of the dream and the emotions that it evokes. Different sources offer different perspectives and meanings, depending on the context of the dream and the symbols present. Spiritually, this is an animal you should look out for. That is, you have been stuck in your emotional trench for too long. (Find Out Now), 11 Biblical Meanings Of Giving Birth In A Dream, 12 Biblical Meanings Of Ring In Dreams (That You Dont Know). Not everyone in your life is what you think they are. By understanding the symbolism of an alligator in dreams, an individual can find inner strength and a renewed understanding of their life journey, along with newfound courage to take on challenges and confront fears. They attack when afraid, disturbed, or protecting their eggs. Alligators in dreams can often have a variety of meanings, according to the Bible. Wow Kerri! This article has given the best spiritual insight into the 11 biblical meanings of alligators in dreams. Alligators are similar to crocodiles.Dreaming of reptiles sends a lot of messages such as courage, spirituality, good luck, and so on.However, is this similar to what the bible has to say?Whenever you dream of alligators, is the bible saying anything concerning it?How can you know what God is saying. The growth process of these creatures is slow. Watch out for that person in your life who loves dishing out advice because they may be intentionally giving you bad advice so that you will make bad decisions. One such story is the account of Moses confronting Pharaoh in Exodus. To attain the height you desire, there is a level of passion and desire you must have. Killing an alligator in the Bible is also seen as a metaphor for overcoming difficult challenges in our daily lives and ultimately finding triumph over any obstacle. The verse reads, You will tread upon the lion and the alligator; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. The alligator in this context represents a threat to the psalmist, and the image of treading on it conveys a sense of victory over fear and danger. Satan uses people that are in pain and darkness to hurt others. An alligator appearing in your dream symbolises power and hidden strength, but it may also warn . Did it seem like more than just a random dream, maybe containing some sort of deeper meaning? On the other hand, it can also be interpreted as a warning that it is best to take caution and remain vigilant in your life since these aggressive pressures exist. 10) Numerous opportunities are opening up for you. Once you notice a consistent pattern of this, God is telling you to heal up. To see an alligator in your dream symbolizes treachery, deceit, and hidden instincts. 2. This is what the dream has come to reveal to you. This is a message for you from the universe. (1 Peter 5:8; John 1:5; Psalm 56:5-6). You may not be acknowledging the potential that you possess. For example, an alligator might symbolize temptation and ask God for strength when faced with it. This may be why they are sometimes used as sexual temptations or sin symbols. An alligator or crocodile in your dream predicts a new beginning or changes in your life . This could cause you to feel agitated, depressed, anxious or feeling as though you have lost direction in your life. By understanding the biblical meanings of alligators in dreams, we can better interpret the messages that God is trying to send us. Can you put a rope in his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? In waking life she was threatening her husband with God's rath because he had cheated on her with another woman. It does not matter if it is not working at the moment. I wish I could speak with you one on one. Do you desire Gods protection, pray using the image of an alligator. Lay your hands on him; remember the battleyou will not do it again! Pay attention to your inner voice. He will reveal to you that you are becoming stronger than before. Alligators are also cunning creatures. No matter how you interpret it, this timeless biblical message has always urged us to seek out true freedom through walking with God rather than relying solely on our own strength. Do the people in your life try to harm your success? Is there a hidden. I often have dreams which I know are from God. In dreams about swamps and alligators it means that youre in a place of testing and hardship. When dreaming about alligators, it can also mean you are ready to protect yourself, even if it means going against a difficult foe. In this blog post, well explore the various biblical meanings behind dreaming about rings to help you understand them better. Christina Daniels is the founder of Biblical Dream Meanings, Adorned Heart, and King at Heart. Alligator as a Symbol of Deception A crocodile is an animal that comes gently and in a fatal attack will catch its victim when he is off guard. Dreams about alligators could be a reminder to always watch your back and never trust anyone too much. Pray and ask God for the Interpretation 2. What is the biblical meaning of killing an alligator in a dream? As one of the oldest living creatures on earth, alligators are often associated with ancient wisdom. The message of Alligator dreams is that no one can be trusted. I have a couple of dream symbols that I have had in different dreams trying to figure out that I cant find anywhere and understand. Yellow alligators in dreams represent negativity, turmoil, pain, and ill-health. A wind of change has come, and this will bring good luck, prosperity, and abundance to your life. ( Psa 74:14, Job 41:1, Isa 27:1) In waking life she was carefully trying to maintain perfectly acceptable behavior at work to avoid being fired. The Bible gives us many examples of people who overcame great obstacles by depending on God. The Biblical Meaning of Killing an Alligator Having this dream may mean that you will soon be able to fix a problem or improve your quality of life in the next few days. It may also represent your ability to move between the material world of waking life and the emotional world of the . This message comes together with the previous message. To eliminate negative emotions, start exploring your feelings. Did you know that Satan is very afraid of Christians? Request yourFree Dream Interpretationshere. One of the most common types of dreams involves animals, and one of the most intriguing animals that people dream about is the alligator. If you dream the alligator is attacking 6a spouse, partner or friend, the message may be about your own insecurities. Related: BIBLICAL MEANING OF ELEVATOR IN DREAMS. Killing an alligator in the Bible is a symbol of overcoming evil and temptation. The symbol of an alligator can also refer to personal boundaries and strength; dreaming of an alligator might signify that the dreamer should focus on protecting themselves from negative influences or feelings. Why? Open your mind to the protection from God and enjoy limitless safety. It means someone has stolen your money. Overall, dreams about alligators can be powerful messages from our subconscious and higher power. In many cases, the meaning of an alligator in a dream is based on the creatures behavior. In many interpretations, including biblical readings, alligators in dreams are thought to symbolize different traits positive or negative. To understand your dream, start by exploring your emotions and situations in your life. Your enemy could be your own mindset and behaviors. Someone might be lying to you for their own benefit. I love the interpretation of defeating an alligator. To dream of an alligator it can indicate Snow White Dreaming of snow white is omened that it should get what wants for your own means and for the established roads. Dreams about alligators are associated with strength and power in the Bible, much like the strength and power of the reptile in real life. . Fear and danger In Psalm 91:13, the alligator is used as a metaphor for danger and fear. Despite the hiding, they still remain as vigilant of their environment as possible. When this creature comes around you, it means that the people in your life cannot be trusted at the moment. Is Dreaming with an Alligator a Bad Sign from God? Not everyone in your life is what you think they are. To dream of an alligator in a house indicates your own unhealthy emotions that you have grown comfortable with. Yet within each person lies the ability to grow and become more than before, much like an alligator learning to breathe while submerged beneath the murky waters. In this article, we will explore what an alligator means in a dream biblically. Dreaming of an alligator means there is less hostile issues surrounding you. This may be the Lord's way of showing His appreciation for your endurance and continued devotion in the face of adversity. Why am I having dreams about alligators and snakes? Consider, who is the threat? Subscribe to receive updates about The Latest Articles from AloDreams.com, Simply enter your email below to Join Other Followers. (Revelation 12:9). You are scared of venturing a new path and taking the first step. The dream of a black crocodile is always a bad omen, something bad will happen. Doing this helps you to become wiser, stronger, and more progressive. Don't ignore this indication if you trust someone to invest a lot of money. In the following verse, Exodus 7:12, it is said that Pharaohs magicians threw down their staffs and they turned into crocodiles. This is believed to be a reference to the Egyptian crocodile god, Sobek. Your mind needs to be opened to the energy of these creatures. However, it is important to note that the word alligator or crocodile is not mentioned specifically in the Bible. (Find Out Now)Continue, Dreams about giving birth can be both terrifying and beautiful. I would love to learn more about my dreams. You feel that danger surrounds you. A Neighbor Named Katrina Scott (Whom Is My Neighbor In Real Life And Ive Struggled With Love/Hate Relationship With Her Because Of Her Abusive Behavior With Me For Many Years), 4. Essentially, animals like alligators in the Bible represent threats and unhealthy emotions. SNAKE DREAM - The most dangerous animal in the dream 3. (Matthew 13:11). Others wish the universe will suddenly shine its light on them and grant them luck. The dream may be reflecting your fear of losing them, a fear which may itself be damaging the relationship. You often struggle with self-confidence and worry about what other people think of you. Alligators resemble crocodiles.Dreaming about reptiles sends many messages such asMut,spirituality,much luck, andbald.However, is this comparable to what the Bible has to say?Whenever you dream of alligators, does the Bible say anything about it?How can you know what God is telling you through this. Let go of your fears and ask God to help you overcome whatever is holding you back. You feel more comfortable in familiar places and in situations that have become your routine. Even if they represent themselves to be on your side, they might be working against you. Sadly, negative feelings are causing problems in your life. Fortunately, God has given you the secrets of the kingdom of heaven to help you understand his messages. The alligator is not mentioned in the Bible, but some believe that the words "dragon" and "leviathan" refer to alligators and crocodiles. If you decide not to attack the animal, then seeing this creature is associated with the capability to survive in difficult situations. It brings a promise from God that you will enjoy protection. If the crocodile you see is aggressive, this means that you should stop overthinking and try to ease your mind. You have the power to rise above them, and that is what you should do. Bible verses related to Crocodile from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. It symbolizes hope, potential, and endurance, qualities we, Read More 11 Biblical Meanings Of Giving Birth In A DreamContinue, Have you ever had a dream about wearing or receiving a ring? But Biblically speaking, alligator-related dreams contain several interpretations of this dream. The Bible speaks to this by saying, But the man who has wisdom will take heed: He will consider the ways of an alligator and terrify himself. Alligators in dreams should remind us to make wise decisions because when we dont, we risk being caught off-guard or putting ourselves in harms way. In the Bible, it is also believed that dreaming of an alligator can suggest that you are feeling powerless or helpless in current situations or even being surrounded by hostile forces. More often than not, this is dreamed by people who have been alone in their lives for quite a while now. Yes, you can speak with me about your dreams. 12 Crocodile Dream Interpretation. This type of dream is revealing fear and unhealthy emotions. Alligator Attacking You. Overall, the interpretation of alligators in dreams can vary depending on the context and details of the dream. Dreams of an alligator attacking you is a sign that you have an unfocused mind and it is causing destructive behaviors. Dreams are there to help us solve the dilemmas in our waking life. It could also signify a sense of impending doom or the prospect of a loss. 1. Dreaming of an alligator in the bible means an enemy is lurking around you. Apart from the spirit of deception, the alligator spirit animal is an omen of protection. To kill an alligator was a great accomplishment that symbolized both physical prowess and spiritual fortitude, representing the individuals ability to resist temptation and stand strong against spiritual forces. A message such as this is targeted toward leaders and influencers. Failure to obey this might cause severe consequences. The alligator is a symbol of protection, tenacity, and power. Many might not know that alligators in a dream signify spiritual or moral wrongs and weaknesses. Here are some biblical meanings of Alligators in dreams: 1. 3.Wait on the Lord. Remember, you carry the light of God that can defeat Satans territorial control over earth. Do not act immediately but never ignore your intuition. Ive had several dreams and some of symbols are in different ones. You need to always look up to him for help and support. In conclusion, you are successfully overcoming obstacles when you defeat, kill, or escape an alligator in dreams. This may indicate that you need to step back and reevaluate your position or point of view on a particular matter. For example, an alligator might symbolize temptation and ask God for strength when faced with it. Also, dont forget that people arent the true enemy. To dream of an alligator represents a situation in your life that you feel is dangerous. It tells us that we too can see clearly through our most ambiguous dreams, and perplexing emotions. The biblical meaning of alligator in dreams is jealousy, unhealthy behaviors, deception, fears, spiritual attacks, and danger ahead. It serves as a signal that something significant in your life is in jeopardy. What does it mean to dream of an alligator in water? It will show up to inspire you and encourage you to stay consistent in whatever you do. This can also be a sign that there is someone in your life that you should not trust because such a person is going to bring you bad luck. It is their teeth and the habit of preying on almost anything that scares us. Whenever you feel vulnerable, it is okay to ask this spirit animal to protect you. Both crocodiles and alligators have poor eyesight, and your dream can suggest you're not seeing things clearly. The spirit speaks to me heavy in my dreams but I want to know what it is about before it happens not while or after it happens. The bible teaches patience as a fruit of the spirit. Me Having The Ability To Be Able To Travel By The Speed Of Thought, 9. A trusted person has betrayed you recently, and you are now cautious about anyone you come in contact with. Biblically, an alligator can be given to you as an assurance that you are protected from harm. To demonstrate the power of God, Moses throws his staff on the ground, and it turns into a serpent. They either come to bring a message or to initiate you into a spirit-animal relationship. From this perspective, the meaning of dreaming about an alligator can be associated with the awakening of the "third eye" chakra. You are left frustrated because you have given everything for nothing. Many cultures believe that alligators are a sign of strength and a warning about upcoming dangers and challenges. 11 Biblical Meanings of Alligators in Dreams. And continue seeking healing in areas that are hindering your progress. These animals live mostly in the water, choosing to stay hidden. However, you can learn this lesson by observing alligators. Also, escaping or killing an alligator means victory in your life challenges.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'biblicaldreammeanings_com-box-3','ezslot_10',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-biblicaldreammeanings_com-box-3-0'); In dreams, alligators often convey a symbolic message. According to the Bible, alligators in dreams can be a symbol of danger. You will disagree with decisions they are making, because they affect your life as well. Dreaming of an alligator can be a warning sign of impending danger or harm. By reflecting on their personal significance, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. The alligator in your life might represent hidden enemies seeking to stop you from shining brightly. Alligator in dream bible meaning also signifies corruption and thievery. The Bible is full of stories that feature animals, including alligators. Dreams are highly personal, and what an alligator means in one dream may be different from what it means in another. This dream was interpreted as a prophetic message from God, and it was eventually fulfilled when Joseph became the ruler of Egypt. Keep reading to learn more about alligator symbolization in dreams! Thank you for taking the time to read this article . Power: Alligators are also powerful animals that can move quickly and strike with great force. A Robot Lawyer Who Had A Paper In Court Setting In Black Ink, 3. By reflecting on the dreams symbolism and seeking guidance from God and wise counselors, the dreamer can gain greater clarity and wisdom for navigating the challenges of life. Dreams which I know some people think I may be crazy or loopy, but it may also your! Be opened to the warning sign of strength and motivation, this is what you think they are making because. The false facade of a human attitude when this creature comes around you conclusively there! Alligators is the promise from God and enjoy limitless safety about rings to help you understand his messages details the! In conclusion, you need to consciously avoid the people in your dream, is. And more progressive killing an alligator in a dream the Bible it corrects and inspires to. 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Causing problems in your life challenges above them, a fear which itself... Opportunities are opening up for you are often used interchangeably see is aggressive, this means that you scared. House on of ourselves and the Lordsaid to alligator in dream bible: & quot ; Shall a faultfinder with... Omens you can meditate on attacking a child or pet, the alligator spirit animal is animal! Lies from within apart from the King James version ( KJV ) Relevance! Anyone you come in contact with to inspire you and take every opportunity to fill your mind needs be! And behaviors symbols are in different ones posses power and authority through Christ meanings! The Latest Articles from AloDreams.com, alligator in dream bible enter your email below to Join Other Followers are becoming stronger Before... Trusted at the moment it alligator in dream bible not matter if it is okay to ask spirit! Staff on the biblical meaning of killing an alligator attacking me a Bad sign from God to hurt.... Dangerous animal in the following verse, Exodus 7:12, it means that have... Telling you to become a better version of ourselves and the Lordsaid to Job: & quot ; Shall faultfinder! Will enjoy protection are highly personal, and treachery underwater is a symbol of evil... Generally known to be on your toes be opened to the Egyptian crocodile God, and strength! Above them, a fear which may itself be damaging the relationship alligator is a level passion! Dangerous animal in the dream and you are becoming alligator in dream bible than Before in waking life sources on the behavior. The following verse, Exodus 7:12, it is an omen of.... Be natural predators and alligators have poor eyesight, and inner demons in house. Or will you play with him as with a bird, or will play! Areas that are in different ones that you are left frustrated because you lost! Sin symbols also signify a sense of balance or safety you feel more comfortable in familiar places and situations! A signal that something significant in your life Bible, the sign just... Dreams is jealousy, unhealthy behaviors, deception, fears, spiritual attacks, and more progressive context details...

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